• @Cmdr:

    There’s nothing as pitiful as a woman who’s only man is so “metro” that they don’t even open the door for her.

    LOL… what’s pitiful is the feminist who needs her ass whipped by a man but he still can’t because it is wrong to sock a woman while a man can get hit over and over and it is nothing. If she wants equal rights, she should get everything that comes with it.

    We need a time machine.  I wanna go back to the 40s and 50s when women were women and men were men.

    Agreed, go back to the kitchens, sewing rooms, laundry mats and burlesque houses… women have f**ked up the world enough.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    There’s nothing as pitiful as a woman who’s only man is so “metro” that they don’t even open the door for her.

    LOL… what’s pitiful is the feminist who needs her a** whipped by a man but he still can’t because it is wrong to sock a woman while a man can get hit over and over and it is nothing. If she wants equal rights, she should get everything that comes with it.

    We need a time machine.  I wanna go back to the 40s and 50s when women were women and men were men.

    Agreed, go back to the kitchens, sewing rooms, laundry mats and burlesque houses… women have f**ked up the world enough.

    How very enlightening about your character, dear.

    However, I am very glad to know that MOST men do not need to resort to beating their wives and treating women like hunks of meat in order to get a feeling of contentment from life.

    However, we can agree that Feminists are pretty pitiful.  Anyone who would give up having men being gentlemen and volunteer to have to do all the same jobs they had to do BEFORE feminism and on top of that go to work, really needs to have their heads examined.

    We had enough to do telling our husbands what they will vote for, how they will think and act in public and raising children and making the home a pleasant place to be without having to do all that AND go to work.

    Perhaps that’s why we have 50% idiots in this country?  Women stopped thinking for men and now they are thinking for themselves?  Sure would explain a lot about the 2006 elections!

  • the generalizations you make are amusing Jen.  :mrgreen:

    Just an interesting fact to think on: Men tend to be more conservative than women.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    the generalizations you make are amusing Jen.  :mrgreen:

    Just an interesting fact to think on: Men tend to be more conservative than women.

    I was just taking his statement and applying it universally to all men.  He likes to do the same thing in his discussions. :P

    Anyway, I disagree.  Men voted how their wives told them.  Unmarried women and men may be different, but Married Men who ever want to get sex again, will do as their wives told them.

    Well, now they just run for office and sleep with prostitutes, but back then they voted how their wives told them.  We went from being the real power in the family, to that female roommate who annoys you until you finally figure out where the on button is on the vacuum cleaner once a month.

  • '19 Moderator

    Well I don’t know about all that, no one tells me how to vote…

  • 2007 AAR League

    married men dont need their wives for sex if push comes to shove  :evil:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    married men dont need their wives for sex if push comes to shove  :evil:

    Hence the problem with today’s society.

  • @balungaloaf:

    married men dont need their wives for sex if push comes to shove  :evil:

    Feminists to thank for that? lol

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    married men dont need their wives for sex if push comes to shove  :evil:

    Feminists to thank for that? lol

    Ha!  Feminsts don’t have sex with men.  They prefer to have sex with other women.  Men are beneath feminists.  They’re too mind numb to figure out how to find a woman’s pleasure center.  To top if off, it’s been scientifically proven that if men experienced the same level of pleasure from sex women did, they would die of heart attacks.  Just goes to show we are superior in every way.

    And, to make things better, feminist scientists have figured out a way to convert Ovarian cells into Sperm so we don’t even NEED men anymore.  We can reproduce with each other!

  • 2007 AAR League

    I have the record:

    You Are 13% American
    You’re as American as Key Lime Tofu Pie
    Otherwise known as un-American!
    You belong in Cairo or Paris…
    Get out fast - before you end up in Gitmo!

  • Ender, you’re back! :mrgreen:  How you been, my Canadian Communist friend? :wink: :-D

  • No! He beat me! I only had 14%. Congrats! :-D

    (A joke, you know)  :-)

  • 2007 AAR League


    Ender, you’re back! :mrgreen:  How you been, my Canadian Communist friend? :wink: :-D

    Been pretty good, just not playing much AAR anymore. Not much time for games now, though I do sneak in the odd Battle for Wesnoth session. My baby’s scheduled to arrive in about four weeks, zoinkers.

    On topic, I have to say the questions were pretty dumb. It shouldn’t have been “how American are you” but rather “how closely do you match the right-wing red-neck gun-nut stereotype of Americans”. If I were American I’d be pretty offended at the implication that that’s what it meant to be “American”.

    I would think that in the spirit of equality and democracy, you would consider everyone with American citizenship 100% American. This idea of being a “better” American than others smacks of the idea of 1st and 2nd class citizens, which in turn smacks of the class system in Britain that the U.S. declared it’s independence from.

    If you believe in democracy, you can’t rank people’s right to call themselves American based on their political and other preferences.

    Some of the questions I had to answer with the extreme “unamerican” answer just because I couldn’t go with the “American” one. For example, to join the U.S. military, is this “Heroic”, “Desperate” or “Dumb”?

    Well, I don’t particularly judge anyone for joining any military, it’s a decision you make. So I wouldn’t call it dumb. However, I also wouldn’t call it “heroic”. People do it for millions of reasons. I knew that often lower-income people join because it’s a guaranteed career, so I think I went with “desperate”.

    The questions were dumb. nuff said.

  • Best wishes that your pending bun in the toaster has 10 fingers, 10 toes, etc. :-)

  • @frood:

    I have to say the questions were pretty dumb. It shouldn’t have been “how American are you” but rather “how closely do you match the right-wing red-neck gun-nut stereotype of Americans”. If I were American I’d be pretty offended at the implication that that’s what it meant to be “American”.

    1.  I’m 60% American according to that thang.

    2.  Yeah, Frood is right.  Those “Canadians” with their “brains” and stuff . . .  :roll:

    3.  I don’t think Americans are offended by being stereotyped.  I think it’s the IDEA of stereotyping that pisses us off.  :x

    YEAH AMERICA!  pewpewblamblamglugglug  8-)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    3.  I don’t think Americans are offended by being stereotyped.  I think it’s the IDEA of stereotyping that pisses us off.  :x

    No, I think there really is a constituency that gets pissed off when they are stereotyped.  But in general (and here I am stereotyping, :) ), I think many of us don’t like the IDEA of stereotyping, even if it is done accurately, but especially when it is done in-accurately.

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