Yeah, I definitely didn’t think of things that way. Mostly the AAA just stays in the US the whole time. I’ll give it a try.
New tech in OOB?
Does anyone start of with some tech in their OOB? If so, who and what? What is your reasoning? Thanks.
The only tech I think AnA really needs is something called “combined arms” (what it actually means) that allows you to take your allies into battle with their permission.
The only tech I think AnA really needs is something called “combined arms” (what it actually means) that allows you to take your allies into battle with their permission.
I think “Combined Arms” is artillery that boost infantry, and maybe you are talking about “Joint Operations”, a classic tech that let the Allies attack together in one special battle during a game
Yes, Combined Arms is a military term which emphasizes a doctrine of military arms fighting in sync like Ground/Air or Battalion which is half mech / half tanks.
As far as the comment regarding all of the Allies or the Axis all moving together would not work out for game play. It would certainly take forever to play the game. 2nd, with Japanese Aircraft joining the Moscow battle, I’m not certain it could ever hold.
Does anyone ever start out with one or more countries having tech? Like Germany starts with super subs or jets for example. Or one or more of the allies starting with tech? I’ve played around with it in the online game to one extend or another. Didn’t know if anyone has offered some sort of ‘standard’ that has panned out in play testing.
We have our own country specific tech charts. PM me and i will send you a copy.
A simple house rule we use for Tech is the Prototype System
When you get a breakthough you receive a prototype unit that has the tech. All other units on the board stay the same. Only the prototype and new units get the bonus tech. This way if Germany has all of its artillery and mech up in Bryansk and they roll tech for Artillery and Mech it doesn’t just upgrade those units. This system does require you to have multiple sets of pieces but it is by far the best system for tech without ruining the game.
- Purchase a Tech token for 5 ICPs
- Only one breakthrough for each power per turn.
- Tech tokens are not discarded if no breakthrough occurs.
A prototype is awarded to the power with the breakthrough. Any new units that are produced will have the new technology discovered. All other previously owned units retain their normal abilities and are NOT upgraded. Prototypes must be placed in a territory with a factory.
Improved Shipyards and Increased Factory Production do not receive a prototype unit but instead are converted globally for that power.
War Bonds are used during the COLLECT INCOME phase, roll 2x die and take the larger number.Breakthrough Chart 1
1. Advanced Artillery. Each of your newly purchased artillery units can now provide greater support. One artillery unit can support up to 2 infantry and/or mechanized infantry units per attack. Up to 2 infantry and/or mechanized infantry units when coupled with 1 artillery unit have attack values of 2(PROTOTYPE: HEAVY ARTILLERY)
2. Rockets. Your air bases can now launch rockets from rocket launchers. During the Strategic and Tactical Bombing Raids step of your Conduct Combat phase each turn, each of your operative air bases with a rocket launcher can make a single rocket attack against an enemy industrial complex, air base, or naval base within 4 spaces of it. This attack does one die roll of damage to that facility. Rockets may not be fired over neutral territories. (PROTOTYPE: 1 ROCKET LAUNCHER THAT CAN BE PLACED AT ANY AIRFIELD. ADDITIONAL ROCKET LAUNCHERS COST 5 IPCS AND MAY BE PLACED AT AIR FIELDS. ONLY ONE ROCKET LAUNCHER MAY BE PLACED AT AN AIR FIELD. IF THE TERRITORY IS CAPTURED THE ROCKET LAUNCHER IS DESTROYED. ROCKET LAUNCHER CANNOT BE TAKEN AS A HIT.)
3. Up to 2 of your Infantry units in each territory with an air base can be moved to an enemy controlled territory 3 or fewer spaces away that is being attacked by your land units from adjacent territories and/or by amphibious assault. When moving, paratroopers must obey the same restrictions that air units do. If the territory being attacked has AAA (antiaircraft artillery) units, the paratrooper infantry units are subject to antiaircraft fire in the same way as air units. If attacking along with land units from adjacent territories, paratroopers may retreat as normal.
4. Increased Factory Production. Each of your industrial complexes can now produce additional units beyond their normal production ability. Major industrial complexes can mobilize up to 12 units, and minor ones can mobilize up to 4 units. Also, when repairing a damaged industrial complex, you can remove 2 damage markers for the cost of 1 IPC (in other words, half price). The maximum damage that can be applied to your industrial complexes is not increased. (NO PROTOTYPE: UPGRADE ALL FACTORIES)
5. War Bonds. During your Collect Income phase, roll 2x die and take the larger number, collect that many additional IPCs. (NO PROTOTYPE)
6. Improved Mechanized Infantry. Each of your newly purchased mechanized infantry units that is paired up with a tank or an artillery now has an attack value of 2. Also, your mechanized infantry may now blitz without being paired with a tank. (PROTOTYPE: ADVANCED MECHANIZED INFANTRY)Breakthrough Chart 2
1. Super Submarines. The attack value of your newly purchased submarines is now 3 instead of 2. (PROTOTYPE: SUPER SUBMARINE)
2. Jet Fighters. The attack value of your newly purchased fighters is now 4 instead of 3. In addition, during bombing raids your escorting or intercepting fighters now hit on a 1, 2 or 3 instead of just a 1 or 2. (PROTOTYPE: JET FIGHTER)
3. Improved Shipyards. Your sea units are now cheaper to build. Use these revised costs: (NO PROTOTYPE: UPGRADE ALL NAVAL BASES AT FACTORIES) Unit IPC cost Battleship - 17 Aircraft Carrier - 13 Cruiser - 9 Destroyer - 7 Transport - 6 Submarine - 5
4. Radar. Your antiaircraft fire, both from AAA (antiaircraft artillery) units and facilities in a territory with a radar tower, now hits on a 1 or 2 instead of just a 1. (PROTOTYPE: 1 RADAR TOWER. CANNOT BE TAKEN AS A HIT. THEY CAN MOVE 1 SPACE PER TURN. ALL AAA UNITS AND FACILITIES IN THE TERRITORY WITH THE RADAR TOWER HIT ON A 1 OR 2. ADDITIONAL UNITS COST 3 IPCS AND MAY BE PLACED AT FACTORIES. IF THE TERRITORY IS CAPTURED THEY ARE DESTROYED.)
5. Long-Range Aircraft. All of your newly purchased air units ranges are increased by 1 space. (PROTOTYPE: FIGHTER OR TACTICAL BOMBER)
6. Heavy Bombers. Your newly purchased strategic bombers are now heavy bombers. When attacking, whether in a battle or a strategic bombing raid, roll two dice for each bomber and select the best result. (PROTOTYPE: STRATEGIC BOMBER) -
In what way would taking your allies into battle even remotely slow the game?