There is one real reason we are in Iraq. A show of force (to aquire the bases needed for future shows of force).
Because THIS show of force has been sooo efective. What’s going on is pathetic- we can’t even subdue a country the size of California. You think Iran is afraid of us? LOL, we can’t even bail out our own cities, let alone invade another country. We might as well have given Iran the green light to get as many nukes as they want. By the time we get our shit together in Iraq (if that is even possible anymore), Iran will have enough nukes to be in the same position N. Korea is.
Any more planes fly into buildings or what not, 100,000 pissed off Americans are going to invade the country who let it happen.
Uh, no we won’t. Our capacity to invade anyone is gone. You can only stretch the volunteer army so far and it’s already near the breaking point. The worst we can do are airstrikes or lob a couple nukes.
That is a DETERANT! That is worth fighting for. That makes us safer. The fanatics in the middle east respect and respond to 1 thing, and one thing only. Strength, either we show we have the ability and will, or they win. Know what OBL favorite movie is? Black hawk down. Kill a few americans and they run.
I’m sure OBL is quaking in fear over our inability to catch him for the last five years. Or maybe its the rapid speed with which we crushed the insurgency in Iraq. Oh, wait.
Since we can’t invade anyone, ironically our deterrant now is the same as it was pre-invasion: the threat of airstrikes.
It is impossible to argue logicaly on this with anyone who can not grasp the very simple reality that the only language people (and the governments) of the middle east will understand is force.
And violence never begets more violence :roll: