Now hear this! Now hear this! I’m looking for experienced G40 players in the Dallas area for a live playtest of The Pripet Martian’s Global Enhanced Rules System.
GERS (because who doesn’t love a good acronym?) is designed to address the two chief complaints of G40 fans: Game (im)balance and a desire for more IPCs. These issues are handled with only minor changes to the G40.2 OOB rules, plus several exciting, intriguing and strategy-altering rule additions. Highlights include:
Injecting more IPCs into the game through an action-driven War Bonds system.
R&D is now targeted and top secret. Decide which tech you want and put your best people to work on it. Use espionage to steal enemy research and beat them to the punch!
New units: Coastal Fortifications, Paratroops (rule change from OOB), Engineers, Marines, Gurkhas and Commerce Raiders.
I’ll be out of town 5-9 FEB, so I’d like to shoot for a mid- to late-February playtest. Weekends are preferable, but I can also do it during the week, if that works best for everyone. I’d like to finalize a group as soon as possible, so everyone has time to familiarize themselves with GERS before playing. Reply to this message if interested.