Dallas Tx: Looking for players

  • I live in Arlington and would love to spend a day playing with you and your people. I have the following games, Orginal world map, the battle of the Pacific, battle for Europe, and Guadalcanal. I am free most weekends so feel free to contact me anytime at robertbarker1982@yahoo.com

  • I’m in Tyler. I may find some weekends open. My email is  Abworsham4@yahoo.com.

  • Hey I live in Arlington as well. I�ll be in the Dallas area for the next six weeks until I go back to school. I�d love to get a few games in. My schedule is wide open.

    Games: 1914, global, D-Day, 1941

    Email: lewis.joshua333@gmail.com

  • I would be free to play on the weekends. Send me an email: t.houghton15@gmail.com

  • I have set up a group email with several users from this thread to get a game going. If you want to be added please email me: t.houghton15@gmail.com and I will add you to it! We are planning on setting some games up!

  • @trent15:

    I have set up a group email with several users from this thread to get a game going. If you want to be added please email me: t.houghton15@gmail.com and I will add you to it! We are planning on setting some games up!

    There are a few of us interested in playing, but due to conflicting schedules we are planning on trying to get a game in sometime later this fall, probably around November.  If anyone would like to join we would love to have you, so please email me at t.houghton15@gmail.com.  If I don’t reply fairly quickly just send me a follow up since that means I must have missed the first email.  We have five players that have expressed interest in playing so far, but we are always looking for more since that makes it easier to set up games.  We can always set up multiple games if we have too many for a single game, which would be a great problem to have.  We are also trying to play a few online games of Triple A to get to know each other and stay in touch while our schedules work out to play in person.

  • '21 '18 '16

    I am in Houston and would like to know more. I’ve got a bud in Denton who could be interested as well. I’m on TripleA as well. Same screen name.

  • @seancb I do not go to Houston often but if I do I’ll let you know! Thank you.

  • Hey guys sorry for the late response to some of these, I totally forgot to check this thread for replies, but I am slowly getting back to some of you.

    We usually can’t play weekends because a lot of people in our group work weekends (I know it is unusual haha) But since the holidays are coming we have weeks off near new years and thanksgiving so we are planning some days. If anyone is interested feel free to reply!

    Also, I moved to Keller area (Back in with my parents because life is expensive) but I am still in the DFW metroplex.

  • @Firestreak Hey I know this is late but I’m always up to play A&A. I used to play on GameTable. I have played like 200 games or something. I live in Arlington and also work weekends, but have weekdays off.

  • '20 '19 '18

    Now hear this! Now hear this! I’m looking for experienced G40 players in the Dallas area for a live playtest of The Pripet Martian’s Global Enhanced Rules System.

    GERS (because who doesn’t love a good acronym?) is designed to address the two chief complaints of G40 fans: Game (im)balance and a desire for more IPCs. These issues are handled with only minor changes to the G40.2 OOB rules, plus several exciting, intriguing and strategy-altering rule additions. Highlights include:

    • Injecting more IPCs into the game through an action-driven War Bonds system.

    • R&D is now targeted and top secret. Decide which tech you want and put your best people to work on it. Use espionage to steal enemy research and beat them to the punch!

    • New units: Coastal Fortifications, Paratroops (rule change from OOB), Engineers, Marines, Gurkhas and Commerce Raiders.

    I’ll be out of town 5-9 FEB, so I’d like to shoot for a mid- to late-February playtest. Weekends are preferable, but I can also do it during the week, if that works best for everyone. I’d like to finalize a group as soon as possible, so everyone has time to familiarize themselves with GERS before playing. Reply to this message if interested.


  • Howdy, I live in Tarrant County and just recently got into A&A I am extremely new, however, I have watched some videos online, so I do understand how to play the game. Let me know when if at all y’all want to play and help me out. Weekends work for me as I am a full-time college student. @Firestreak

  • Hey guys! Trent and I met up this weekend at Madness Comics and games in Richardson and here are some highlight photos. !Results.jpg Pacific Set up (2).jpg Pacific Set up (1).jpg Japan's Fleet.jpg Battle for Japan.jpg Battle for Japan (2).jpg Allied Fleet.jpg Allied Fleet (2).jpg

  • We had a great time! If anyone is interested in joining us on the weekends email me at t.houghton15@gmail.com and I will add you into our group email. It would be great to get a regular group meetup!

  • Hello all,

    I recently made a Facebook page for DFW AAA players. Check it out!


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