@djensen ahh yes that was the problem. It shows up now. TY :)
Having Trouble Connecting
tell me about it! Was doing 5 games simultaneously so that I could work on 4 while the 5th was posting it’s round!
tell me about it! Was doing 5 games simultaneously so that I could work on 4 while the 5th was posting it’s round!
Not multi-tasking…
yes, me too, but I was only juggling two games at once
Luckily, if you are running games like that, and fast, you can keep the strategies straight. The hard part is remember which notepad goes to what map!
Ok, it took 6 minutes for this page to load, same with the actual game sites. This is very frustrating, we have just started the tournament, this kind of delay makes it nearly impossible to post in the 24hr deadline.
Crying out for a fix!!!
Another player (Gamer I think) posted a work-around for the issue…
If the page does not immediately load, hit back then forward.
No idea why, but it works.
Annoying beyond all recognition, but at least it functions.
I’m having trouble too. Check the server load if you can.
I tried pinging it and my requests timed out.
Only DJensen and Yanny have that kind of access.
The rest of us mods just have thread lock/move/delete powers only.
Only DJensen and Yanny have that kind of access.
The rest of us mods just have thread lock/move/delete powers only.
Oh the power! Delete everything except one thread stating you hate everyone and are leaving for Kazakhistan near the Caspian Sea to raise fish to farm Caviar while you drink Moonshine Grade Vodka with your 40 wives and 60 children!
Going very slow for me too!
It seems to be ok now, I didn’t even bother posting the last couple days due to the delays :roll:
It seems to be worst in “prime time”… evenings, and weekend afternoons.
No trouble this AM (or yesterday AM)
No, it’s equally bad in the morning. It just fluctuates. Sometimes the screen loads right away, sometimes just the top frame does and I wait 4-5 minutes for the rest.
And the back and forth solution was probably just a fluke, it’s not working for squat for me.
Yep, it has been painfully slow.
I’ve been trying (a few times per hour) all morning (from about 8 am until now) and I finally got on now in a reasonable manner.
I don’t have the patience to wait several minutes for the page to load, if it even loads at all.
I don’t have the patience to wait several minutes for the page to load, if it even loads at all.
Glad to see I’m not alone :-D
I am completely spoiled when it comes to internet connection.
If a page does load almost instantly, I’m already moving on to a new page. :-)Some of the recent load times reminded me of the old dial up modems and waiting and waiting and waiting for pages to load, ugh.
I don’t have the patience to wait several minutes for the page to load, if it even loads at all.
I am getting pretty annoyed myself…
Though tonight seems to have been better…
I’m glad to see the mods are as impatient as I am :-D Dunno, makes me feel not so lonely. :wink:
Wiskey Tango Foxtrot!
Lima Oscar Lima!