There is no SZ # in the SZ directly north of 94.
Additionally I would recommend that you eliminate the 4 way intersection between SZ 92, 97, 94 and the unmarked SZ.
**Feb 17 2008
These files are now unavailable. Newer versions are available for download at
For some time Ive been working on a New map for a larger World War. My hopes have been to Combine the best elements out of Pacific and Europe. I have tried to keep the map territories as unmodified as possible, however some changes in boundaries, and IPC values have been made. I would love some feedback from those of you willing to take some time and play test it.
The Map! UPDATED 1/7/08
The Map with units (Basically notes for myself on where to place units and ipc values, not intended for play, just as a visual reference) - UPDATED 1/7/08
The Rulebook (with graphics)
The Setup - UPDATED 1/7/08
The Game Features the Big Eight
United Kingdom
United States
I hope that this version expresses the delemia the Axis was in. Namely they must mussel their military might power before the Allies, and mostly the US, flat out out produce them industrially. I have tried to discourage Russia and Japan from fighting without banning it outright. On the German front I tried to present the real possibility of England’s economic isolation through German Naval power. (remember historically Germany’s u boat campaigns nearly starved Britain and left her practically bankrupt) Finally its possible to have the battle of the Atlantic. Italy has been introduced, but will most likely not succeed in Africa without German help. To prevent the mighty US from sending all its 100 IPC might solely against Germany (and little brother Italy) Ive come up with victory conditions that assures Allied defeat if they focus nearly all their attention on one axis power.
Thanks Everyone
Bob A Mickelson
Axis & Allies - Global Conflict Reference Charts.xls**
I forgot to included the rule book, which is essentially a carbon copy of the Revised Rulebook, with any changes highlighted in red for easy reference.
see the attachment
P.S. I apologize for the lack of graphics in the book. I had to strip it out to fit on the forum.
The link requires a log-in…
yeah there are different sizes (small medium large etc) and boardgamegeek only lets you see the larger ones if you login
try this one
Based on the position of the Russian/German front, I think this is a 1940 map. It appears to precede the launch of Barbarossa.
yes which makes it a 1941 map because Barbarossa began on June 22 1941
What a pretty map you have my dear……seriously, that’s a tight map. I wonder my central Canada is not worth anything. What about all that grain…
the Japanese have way too many carriers,transports and battleships compared to USA.
and 6 Kamikaze planes in Japan?
As I said above, the set up is a slightly modified Europe and Pacific setup. Hence thats why there are so many carriers for japan, just like in pacific. The six komakazis represent the six that japan had in pacific. I added a couple of battleships and transports to make up for japan not being able to use its destroyers Tokyo express its troops or bombard the shore like in pacific. I considered it a necessary evil. Still I believe that the game clearly favors the allies if the axis doesn’t act swift.
And In case anyone didn’t notice already the red in the setup are changes not found in the Europe, pacific, or revised setups. (Red in the rulebook is changes fin text from the Revised edition.)
If anyone is interested i have a map with units placed directly on it. I didnt spend very much time on it since it was only meant to help play balance the setup. Ill email it to anyone who wants to look at it. It probally saves a lot of time rather than comparing charts to territories. (its about 6 MB so i cant post it on this site)
yes you can.
will allow all sorts of large downloads.
also can you give us the or convert the file to .AI format… Illustrator?
if you cant do this can you make a version where the British are revised tan, the Germans are Grey and the soviets are earth light brown, Japanese are revised orange, china is bright green, USA is drab olive #2, and the Italians are grey-green?
also change the fonts on the ocean identification because its hard to read the 6,8, and 9
use stencil which is similar font to what you used.
this is a very good job but its got some major color things that make it too blue and red
Here are the Files on mediafire!
The Map!
The Map with units (same map as above except has units on it, i did it in a hurry so the units look like crap)
The Rulebook (with graphics)
The Setup
Imperious Leader I don’t have Illustrator. I did the map using photoshop. The photoshop file is also nearly 300+MB so it wont fit on mediafire. However if you would like it so you could alter the colors to you desire I will find a way to get it to you, provided you send me a copy of the map file with your new color scheme.
by the way
it’ll make it easier for google if you put the name (Global Conflict) in the topic name
Imperious Leader I don’t have Illustrator. I did the map using photoshop. The photoshop file is also nearly 300+MB so it wont fit on mediafire. However if you would like it so you could alter the colors to you desire I will find a way to get it to you, provided you send me a copy of the map file with your new color scheme.
Yes thank you sir! Photoshop is an adobe based program and has a look similar. I will send you a PM.
Lets work together and make this something special!
I am sure Tekkyy is on board as well.
As you may now know that what we do. its like our full time job to work on variants that have talent and deserve our efforts and your does!
yeah 300MB is too much to upload and download
have you considered PNG?
PNG is loseless and compresses cartoonish artwork well
I tested your 47.4MB BMP
it shrinks to 6.57MB
you can then increase the dpi if you wish
actually, I notice the JPG version you uploaded to boardgamegeek is also 6.57MB
I guess that was already lossless 100% quality jpg
yea its really nice quality… looks much crispier than AARHE PNG files… :x :lol:
I duno why then
they are both about 100dpi
I think I am gonna eventually ask some expert why things go missing when you move from illustrator to photoshop
then we can have 300dpi easy
Yes right:
find out why some things disappear when you PDF it and when its over 30 mb it basically wont work at all.
Why we cant save a jpeg thats larger than 12 MB
why PNG is also limited when we convert AARHE
why does illustrator sometimes freeze up
This would be for Dual Core with 4 GB ram ( best quality) and 7950 Nvidea card.
Ideally we want 100% vector for all AARHE in PDF… no loss in quality.
Bob_A_Mickelson, are you a photoshop expert?
Yes right:
find out why some things disappear when you PDF it and when its over 30 mb it basically wont work at all.
Why we cant save a jpeg thats larger than 12 MB
why PNG is also limited when we convert AARHE
why does illustrator sometimes freeze up
This would be for Dual Core with 4 GB ram ( best quality) and 7950 Nvidea card.
Ideally we want 100% vector for all AARHE in PDF… no loss in quality.
I"ll try: #1 I don’t know exactly what you are talking about but the export to PDF utility has options for compression, if you set these too low - then you loose quality, they can conversely be set high and the PDF quality stays good. So check you export setting.
#2 If you want to save a JPEG - there is a dialog box in Photoshop that lets you save a larger file - again check the settings - but keep in mind that JPEG’s throw away pixels and compress data - so if you want to preserve all the pixels save the file as a tiff with no compression. Making JPEGs out of JPEGs will degrade the image.
#3 Why are you using PNG - give up on this format.
#4 Ask Adobe.
#5 This shouldn’t be a problem - again check you export to PDF diaglog box and change the setting.
Hope this helps -Dave