Latest posts made by Reddrum101
RE: A alternate map my freind made
we played on it yesterday its a free for all style but you could use it for anything. each territory is named so you could make your own placement cards if you wanted and i think there are 72 territory’s . we just divided it up evenly and started from there, its his map but i have the file its very detailed terrain using images from Google earth imprinted over then he took the colors from screen shots of the original red alert game by westwood, the one we played on was a small map 3 players was all we could fit but if we had it printed the way I wanted it would be larger than the revised map and could be used for a full 5 player match. he was paying for the printing so he tried to save money
its 8.6 MB file so i cant upload it here
RE: A alternate map my freind made
its a fictitious earth with 3 continents the map is named zeden umm thats all i know he got tired of conquering the current globe
A alternate map my freind made
Hello i just found this site me and my friends have been playing Axis and Allies since 2004 we usually played on my Milton Bradley edition i got new in 02 but we soon upgraded to the 04 edition after my friend purchased it then we started changing rules and then my friend made a few maps this is the first one we had professionally printed (kinko’s on sign paper) its a little small but we weren’t sure how it would turn out i will post a pic of it soon but here is a zoomed out sample of what it is