If you build an AC or 2 transports on G1, the allies can both buy air and sink you unified navy in sz7 on UK2 and US2. If you really want to mess with the Allies in the Atlantic, you might want to try one of the following strategies (though they do come at a cost):
bid a sub in sz8 and kill the sz2 navy on G1 (you can combine this with a naval purchase on G1 and foregoing Egypt, sending the sz 14 fleet to sz 13, if you have the nerve) Buy something like bomber, fig, 5 inf or bomber, 8 inf and move your navy to sz 7 (add the sub in sz 8 or a possible bid unit for added effect). Because of the extra bomber, the UK will be hard-pressed to unify in sz 8 and hitting 5+ units in sz 7 is not really attractive either.Nit picky German Economizer
I do not feel “safe” to land in Norway with UK if German Baltic Fleet is intact.
I have still to build FIGs, for 2-3 rounds, while landing in Algeria with USA, and then strike sz5, losing a couple of figs.
So I am starting to think that it could be also worthy to strike Baltic in UK1, even losing fighters.
I still buy figs to replace the losses but I am not forced to buy AC and DD if I do not want. Eliminating the Baltic Fleet threat is possible to consider UK fleet composed only of 1 BB and TRNs. -
For the record, I have rarely seen Germany build anything in the Baltic after G1. In my experience Germany gets pretty pre-occupied with the land battle to start spending a lot of money in the water. That’s not to say that it’s a bad move, might have to try it.
I lost 1 bb 2 dest 8 fig 1 bomb to kill 3 car 5 fig 2 sub 1 tran 1 dest. Yes, America sunk it, but it took way longer than it needed to, and at great cost.
But you had the British fleet that could easily defend the transports now. You obliterated all of Germany’s fighters (if they had 6, they would have all been in SZ 5, not just 5 of them) reducing Germany to having to use tanks to trade land and you lost what, exactly? Ships that are now worthless and fighters that are easily replaced for america and easily moved into range again.
However, the transport systems are both in place, the Germans have lost all their high powered defensive units, they have nothing to attack Russia with meaning Russia can probably go fight the Japanese and America and England can easily keep Germany contained.
I think, with just the snap shot you gave us, that it was a good trade.
If Germany had only hte carriers in SZ 5, and the fighters on land, and you had something better to do with your 8 fighters, bomber, I may have done the something else. But to kill 5 defensive fighters, it was worth it!
I think 3 UK fighters is a purchase that is appropriate in some circumstances.
There are a few problems with that, of course - 1) you probably won’t be able to send units to Africa for fear of German invasion of London, 2) UK development is held back a turn. However, it does give UK the opportunity of destroying the entire Baltic fleet at the cost of a single fighter.
I’ve done the 3 fighter build with England before. I switched, but not because it was a bad build, but rather because I got tired of it.
ok so we can say that most players in this tread dosen think that a bliz to arc is an favor of germany.
there is a point were it is a god ide, if u stack kar and bliz to arc, u can retake arc round 2.
it also take 2 uints away from the west russian stack. Then can take back bele arc an ukraine, there is a good chance that taking back all 3 will make the west russian stack to thin. So russia will only atack ukraine and arc. Russia can alwayes leave west russia, but i woud love that. The bliz to arc can be uset but only if u gain something.
Just to bliz arc and leave kar whith no units ore 1 inf is bad for germany, i wont even try to put some math into it, 19 page of it, is enougf.
Are ther other moves out there that makes an arc bliz worth it?
I rarely see German move in Karelia in G1.
Usually German army is assembled in EE, with fig. cover. For sure stacking in KAR has the advantages that you say, and it is a move worthy to be considered.However Ger Army in KAR it is one turn away from infantry reinforcements. Eastern Front Infantry may not stack in KAR, because GER have to counter in BEL or UKR, and BAL inf is out of reach. Moreover in EE the German Eastern Army may be protected by fig in KAR this is not possible. The move is more viable if Russia attack Ukraine, but if BEL is attacked in R1 there is too few inf at hand to advance in KAR.
So usually the KAR is taken with 1 single inf or is blitzed with 1 tank. The of discussion was about this question. Only after it has been considered the option to blitz through KAR to ARK. This is a move that economically is not worthy to do, but may give positional advantages to Germany.
i alwayes stack kar, and if the russian atack bele it can be a problem. If the stack cant holde il consider atackning west russia, so i can stack kar safely.
I play warclub rules, whih is 9 icp bid. and that usal goes to 1 inf in ukra, bele and west russia. So an atack on west russia can be done.
but ofcourse u will alwayse adapt.
My point in the post was that is not alwayes a bad move to bliz arc.
I think so too. Economically there is a loss. But it is still possible to achieve positional and tactical gains.
One of the case is to advance the GER Army to KAR. With standard setuo, which I considered it is a riscky move. With the 9 IPC bid and the warclub rules it is really more feasible.
German blitz to Archangelsk with a major stack in Karelia. :P Go ahead, send the Russia armor to Archangelsk to liberate, I dare you!
German blitz to Archangelsk with a major stack in Karelia. :P Go ahead, send the Russia armor to Archangelsk to liberate, I dare you!
Glad to see my earlier qualifier being echoed :-)
German blitz to Archangelsk with a major stack in Karelia. :P Go ahead, send the Russia armor to Archangelsk to liberate, I dare you!
Glad to see my earlier qualifier being echoed :-)
No problem. :P
I just don’t NORMALLY stack Karelia because that usually leaves Ukraine unpressured.
German blitz to Archangelsk with a major stack in Karelia. :P Go ahead, send the Russia armor to Archangelsk to liberate, I dare you!
Here’s how I would respond in light of that:
1 - UK1, I attack Arc with 2 Inf 1 BB and possibly air units. That kills the tank, about 5/6 chance of doing it without any loss whatsoever.If UK does not kill the tank, it’s still a priority target for Russia, so the tank dies, prolly at the hand of 1 Ftr + 2 Inf from Moscow. All you have done is let the Allies kill one of your tanks.
Then all Russia has left to do is trade Ukraine and Belo using all of its remaining forces. Belo gets a fighter + Inf as needed, and Ukraine maybe Inf/Art.
Even if then Russia somehow does not have enough to trade all the territories in range, it still benefits because it gets to choose to kill a lone tank rather than a lone Inf. That is, it might forgo retaking Belo (-2 IPCs) but kill a tank instead of an Inf (+2 IPCs). And since units are more immediately useful than land, I’d rather take enemy IPC units.
Depending on how Germany did NCM, Russia might even be able to take Ukraine in force.
But as you just said, it gets to CHOSE to kill a lone infantry or a lone tank, but not both.
But as you just said, it gets to CHOSE to kill a lone infantry or a lone tank, but not both.
1st, that’s wrong - that’s not at all what I said. That choice is IF Russia and the UK somehow between them can’t take three territories held by single units.
Re-read the first words of my bolded part above - “Even if Russia somehow does not have enough…”2ndly, even if it’s true, give your logic processor a shake. That choice between an infantry or a tank is still a CHOICE that you have given Russia, as opposed to only allowing them to kill Inf. So Russia kills 1 Inf and 1 Arm as opposed to 2 Inf in its trading.
Your counter Dan is an even better blessing for Germany (assuming a Karelia Stack as I stipulated about 10 pages of responses ago…)
OK, you killed a German ARM, probably w/o loss.
You also moved the UK BB and TRN to SZ4 w/ no other support (except the USSR SUB that I assume moves up to be fodder on R2).
UK is losing their TRN and Battlewagon, and USSR is losing their SUB… all to a German Air Strike from Western.
Add in a FIG build on G2 to replace one of the lost units, and UK is now scrambling to build capital ships to protect their TRNs (and will almost certainly never have a BB again while the game resolution is still in question), so that removes some nice trading firepower from UK, and saves 1 INF that will be able to counter attack on average of 2 of every 3 UK attacks that otherwise would have been dead, so nice cumulative gain for Germany on that one.
Add in a fleet move to SZ3 by the Baltic Fleet… especially if I built an AC in SZ5 on G1, and the Royal Navy is out of it for TURNS.
In short Dan, I just suckered UK into over-extending their navy on UK1 over a single German ARM.
Nice trade for Germany, I lose 1 ARM out of 10 that I start with, UK loses their last Battleship and half of their starting Atlantic TRN capacity… not to mention Russia loses their ENTIRE NAVY.Sure, I’ll lose a few FIGs. But I can replace those 1 a turn with little impact to Germany’s war machine. UK is NOT replacing Battleships, and their TRNs are not going to live long without protection…
Russia stands alone for 2-4 turns against a Germany down a few FIGs and 1 extra ARM.
Germany’s role in a KGF is to engage and destroy as many Russians as possible before major Allied forces show up in Norway/ France/ Italy. Then you kill as many of the interlopers as possible to keep the US and Britain from strengthening the center of the game board and easing Russia’s burden.
Because of this, I would never leave a territory vacant on the front with Russia. Germany should as a general rule be uber-aggressive. You cannot allow the Allies (especially Russia) to stack. A stacking war favors the Allies, with the rare exception of economic supremacy for the Axis. You must thin the Russian forces. Pulling back and playing defensively (as a philosophy) leads to a slow German death.
This was probably covered 619 posts ago, but just weighing in after a long absence.
Well, let me tell u MY argument.
You describe ur little situation . . . yeah u can have ur little “battleships” and “tanks” and “infantry” or whatever. So there u are like ur all “king of the world” and stuff. BUT JUST WHEN U ARE ABOUT TO WIN, IN COMES ME SPACE ALIENZ0RZ! AHHHH
Ya it might LOOK like a normal cat, but it’s HUGE. Compare it to the size of a battleship . . . hell, the whole board. My cat is BIGGER THAN ASIA, FOO!
So yeah, you can huddle with your useless plastic guns in your useless little trenches. Ur doomed to phail.
Your counter Dan is an even better blessing for Germany (assuming a Karelia Stack as I stipulated about 10 pages of responses ago…)
I like how you ASSUME a G1 Karelia stack, and how you ASSUME that Dan is posting in response to something you posted 10 pages ago.
IMHO G1 Karelia stack is a rare and risky strat. There are plenty of countermoves that Russia can use for that.
. . .
Crack pipe lol. “My strategy can beat up ur strategy” “no my strategy’s big brother can beat up ur strategy’s big brother” “well my strategy’s dad can beat up ur strategy’s dad!” “ya well my dad IS ur daddy” “ooo!” “ooo!”
U gotta love the retroactive move that allows you to pre-emptively respond to your opponent’s move. I see rather a lot of it; too bad you can’t do it in a real game.
UNLESS u get ur opponent good and drunk, of course. :roll:
UNLESS u get ur opponent good and drunk, of course. :roll:
Have u ever tried to play opponents who are high on crack?
I’m pretty sure that u also have played A&A while u were high on crack…