Total Income for Russia after R2: 37 IPCs! Even without the Buryatia windfall, and if one of the Belo / Ukr attacks had failed, Russia would be at 30 or 31 IPCs. 1 Russian Inf is in Archangel where it will only be able to attack Karelia, but all the tanks in Archangel can still hit Ukraine or Belo next turn.
In conclusion, I think that the Arc blitz has not really hampered Russia’s position. It amounted to a trade of 1 Arm for 1 Inf that is not even dead, just slightly out of position, and that will rejoin my main stack next turn along with a bunch of other reinforcements.
Note the highlighted part.
“Lucky all game”? There’s been just one full round! Yes, I got lucky in Bury, but that’s not really relevant to the immediate situation on the German front. The fact remains that Russia now has Norway, Karelia, Archangel, West Russia, Belo and Ukraine. The only place I got lucky there was in taking both Belo and Ukr, as both had only a 50% chance.
Where do you get your 98% attack rate?
R1 - yes I had great dice but then I gave you the No Luck result instead to set up the Arc blitz under more reasonable circumstances.
G1: You captured Belo, Karelia, Arc and Egypt, and killed the UK med BB without loss - no bad luck there.
- Z59 my DD hit your TRN - no big surprise.
- Z45 our subs killed each other - that’s equally good dice.
- Egypt: your Arm killed one of my attacking Inf, that’s good for you
- Karelia: my BB hit your Inf, not an unusual result, and it was dead anyway with 1 Inf 2 Ftrs 1 Bom attacking as well
- You killed my Z59 DD without loss (good luck)
- You took China without loss (very good luck)
- You failed to take Bury, attacking 6 Inf with 4 Inf 1 Arm 4 Ftrs - If you look at the numbers, if you play to preserve your fighters, I actually had about a 15% chance of surviving that attack - about the same as rolling 1/6, which happens quite often in this game.
US1: there was no combat and thus no luck
Liberated Arc wol - not a big surprise with 1 Inf 6 Arm attacking
Belo/Ukr - as I said above, each attack had a 50% chance, and I got a little lucky in making both.
So all in all, the luck has been pretty even, at least as far as the German front is concerned. The only bad dice in this game anywhere have been in your Bury attack, the rest have all been average or good.
And the fact remains that despite pretty normal luck, the Russian front is looking just fine for the Allies. But like you say, one round is a little early to comment.
US1: there was no combat, so no dice