[Global 1940] New turn order

  • Not the Med, the Atlantic

  • That depends if Italy takes over the territories needed to get into that ocean, it may be better to keep the med open and get their NO as well as taking Egypt.

  • Customizer

    In this new turn order, do the US and USSR still start out the game neutral?
    Do they have to wait until turn 3 and turn 4 respectively before declaring war on the Axis (unless attacked first of course)?
    Does Japan still get the NO of 10 IPCs for not invading French Indo-China, not being at war with the United States and not making an unprovoked declaration of war against the UK/ANZAC?

  • KNP 7765…yes to all

  • Customizer


    KNP 7765…yes to all

    Thanks.  I think I will try this out in my next game.

  • Disciplinary Group Banned

    I would do a random turn sequence based on natural disasters. :) :) :)

  • Customizer

    I am going to be trying out this new turn order in a game next week.
    Do you have any other set-up changes other than the ANZAC fighter on Malta?

  • I just realize that because you gave UK two different turns on the order, how does that work for UK units? Does this mean that Pacific UK units are attached to Pacific economy and ditto to Europe?

  • Yes but West India though the income goes to UKP, UKE can also build there. So West India has joint control with UKP and UKE

    I have been tinkering with the idea of giving France a Battleship and a Naval Transport in Sea Zone 93 plus a French Tank in Southern France and switching 1 French Infantry in Morocco to a Mech Infantry,
    Add a UKE Air Base in Malta, a UKE destroyer in SZ 91 and a 2nd UKE cruiser in SZ 98.
    Add an Italian Tac Bomber in Tobruk, a Destroyer in SZ 97.
    Add 2 German Artillery in Western Germany and a Tank. In Southern Germany add a Strat bomber, add a German Destroyer in SZ 113 or an additional Sub in SZ 124.
    Add a Russian Tank and an Artillery in Karelia.
    Add a Japanese Minor factory in Manchuria 
    Anzac get an Artillery in Egypt.
    Add a US Strat bomber in Eastern US and a Destroyer in SZ 102 and this lone US destroyer may kill any German subs that enter SZ 101, 102 and 106 even if not at war and does not affect the political situation. This destroyer will be the only US unit allowed to conduct combat while not at war.
    Add 1 AA gun (special unit) in Szechwan and an Artillery in Yunnan.

    One of my ideas is that the Germans have to decide what to do with their Air force. Use it in France or attack the UK Ships. Give both the UK and Italy a fighting chance and make Sea Lion much harder to accomplish. Germany will get a bonus income of 3 per turn if Bessarabia, Western Ukraine and the Ukraine are in Axis control. Italy gets a bonus income of 3 if Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Greece are under ITALIAN control. Japan gets a bonus income of 5 if all of China is under Japanese control, and an added bonus income of 5 If the Japanese control all of Philippines, Kwangtung, Malaya and Szechwan.

    Allies May win the game if Rome or Berlin are captured, ALL of the ORIGINAL FRENCH TERRITORIES are under French control, (Liberation goes back to French control, the income of the territory may be used by the liberating Allied player) UK is in control of both capitals, Kwangtung, Szechwan, and Shanghai are under Allied control

    France may not attack Germany on Turn 1 but may withdraw the Fighter in UK back to France.

    Special Ability: France may roll 1 recruitment roll per turn, on a 1 add an Infantry in any Colonial territories. China may add 2 Infantry in any Chinese territories immediately even if it is under Japanese control but no Japanese units are in the territory. Adjust income, this also includes the territories that were under Japanese control at the start of the game.
    Turkey becomes an Axis or Allied Neutral if All the Balkans, CYPRUS  and all of North Africa are either under Axis or Allied control. Add a Minor factory, a fighter and Artillery to Turkey and reduce Infantry to 5. Factory becomes operational once Turkey has Aligned. Same rule applies as other aligned neutrals in the game.

    If youse come up with additional concepts or changes…I am all ears

  • China needs some kind of NO for getting tanks or some kind of rule saying they can capture Japanese tanks.

  • Disciplinary Group Banned

    How about a random turn order???

  • How about 5 IPC bonus for China once they have liberated Kiangsu, and as long as Kwangtung is in Allied control and a supply path is open to a Chinese territory then the US can lend lease land units to China, Alternate route for lend lease is Philippines is under US control, Borneo and Malaya are under UK control and Yunnan is under Chinese control. US may lend lease up to 8 IPC’s (US bought for China) to China as long as conditions are met. Japan may interdict as long as Japan has Submarines on board in SZ 20. Japan rolls 1 dice for each submarine in SZ 20, on a roll of 1, lend lease units are destroyed

  • @Leatherneckinlv:

    How about 5 IPC bonus for China once they have liberated Kiangsu, and as long as Kwangtung is in Allied control and a supply path is open to a Chinese territory then the US can lend lease land units to China, Alternate route for lend lease is Philippines is under US control, Borneo and Malaya are under UK control and Yunnan is under Chinese control. US may lend lease up to 8 IPC’s (US bought for China) to China as long as conditions are met. Japan may interdict as long as Japan has Submarines on board in SZ 20. Japan rolls 1 dice for each submarine in SZ 20, on a roll of 1, lend lease units are destroyed

    See my house rules for China is way different than everyone else. I still let China keep the infantry may be placed anywhere as that is basically what China did turning the war. " oh you’re of age, here is a weapon, go out there and be somebody " plus I worked in a rule that allows the PLA play a role as they were marked as the 19th army. So basically the end of the Burma road is now China’s capital, it plays under standard capital rules. Only Artillery may be produced there but infantry follow standard Chinese rules. China is allowed to capture Japanese factories and use them to produce standard units like anyone else. China may not send units outside their own territory (not counting Burma or Hong Kong) until they are united.

  • @Dauvio:

    How about a random turn order???

    That would be a cool thing to actually try. I bought those faction dice for this game and I thought about setting one of each dice into a bag and determine who is what by what order the dice number says and then repeat for ties until all 9 are determined.

  • Customizer

    Thanks for the list of changes.  I wrote them all down.  Anxious to try this out.  I’ll let you know how it goes.

  • Actually, I notice France is very under powered in this game. I have no idea why that is. For example, French Indo China is defenseless when it should have one infantry and another one I notice is the French colonies on the med lack complete real set up, all three have infantry but they should also have tanks, fighter, mech infantry plus a battleship.

  • Italy needs to be neutral until their turn. They didn’t enter the war after Germany was winning in France

  • @Imperious:

    Italy needs to be neutral until their turn. They didn’t enter the war after Germany was winning in France

    I can’t remember but I think Italy was already at war with UK when they invaded France right?

  • We can add a French Artillery in Tunisia.

    Caeser I added a French Tank in Southern France, a Naval Transport and a Battleship in SZ 93 in the setup in previous page.

    Italy gets a special ability, Any UK factories in Africa or Persia are subject to interdiction. If UK buys any units for those factories then as long as Italy has submarines or Strategic Bombers either in the Med SZ’s or Strats on land territories that border the Med then Italy gets 2 rolls for each factory (ie 2 factories 4 rolls). on a 3. On a 1 for 1 basis a unit of UK’s choice is destroyed. The rolls of 4 make sure the dice are different and designated for which factory. Apply the hits per result. Italian units interdicting are affected and may not be used during that turn. This action takes place during the place units phase. If Italy used all of its Subs or Strat bombers during that turn then there is no interdiction allowed.

  • Italy was at war in Africa against Abyssinia but the British were threatening Italy. So for Political Situation Italy may declare war or stay neutral. If it stays neutral then UK may declare war or stay neutral. On turn 2 Italy must now declare war on UK if not already at war and choose at least 1 battle against the UK

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