• Saving Private Ryan, probly thee best movie out there about operation overlord. I’m watchin it right now on TNT (chnl 36)  :mrgreen:

    only bad part is that f***ing upom dude….he should’ve got shot strait in the head by that one german sniper from the bell tower.  :x

  • the opening 30 minutes are very intemse in SPR

  • 2007 AAR League

    I seriously doubt it is Ch 36 for everyone :lol:
    It’s 37 for me.

    Anyway it is a great movie i love it

  • I agree it is a great movie. The thing that I appreciate is the realism. American intervention in WWII was not painless.
    D-Day was not a walk in the park. A lot of USA soldiers died in the landing and the breakout. The Victory was achieved also for the willingness and the ability of soldiers, that fought and won a fundamental battle in the history of the WWII.
    Victory was achieved not only for the strategic plans of the generals!

  • @Gewehr:

    Saving Private Ryan, probly thee best movie out there about operation overlord. I’m watchin it right now on TNT (chnl 36)  :mrgreen:

    One of my favorite movies.

    only bad part is that f***ing upom dude….he should’ve got shot strait in the head by that one german sniper from the bell tower.  :x

    Easy there, boy.
    I think you’re missing a key plot element here.
    He’s a reporter, not a soldier.
    Anyway, why do you say he should be shot?

  • yea, i know, but still, tom hanks shoul’ve been able to relize when he was screwing up at the begining, and that he told him that he’d only fired his gun once in basic and had no combat experice, that should’ve been a hint. The main reason why I hate him is cuase he hoged all the ammo at the end when evrey one needed it, also he didn’t help out the guys up the stairs when he was getting stabed to death, he just slowly went up the stairs, checked his weapon ect., and the german just walked off. He also let 4-5 germans go after they had surrendered.

    He should’ve got shot so that way tom hanks might not have died, upom’s the one who convinced him to not kill that prisoner at the mg42 nest.

  • @Gewehr:

    yea, i know, but still, tom hanks shoul’ve been able to relize when he was screwing up at the begining, and that he told him that he’d only fired his gun once in basic and had no combat experice, that should’ve been a hint. The main reason why I hate him is cuase he hoged all the ammo at the end when evrey one needed it, also he didn’t help out the guys up the stairs when he was getting stabed to death, he just slowly went up the stairs, checked his weapon ect., and the german just walked off. He also let 4-5 germans go after they had surrendered.

    They were looking for an interpreter - did you miss the part where Upham speaks German and French?
    He was supposed to be a runner for the ammo, but was shell shocked/scared out of his mind because he wasn’t a soldier.
    It wasn’t until the end of the movie, when he realized that sometimes being humane (to a POW) doesn’t mean a thing in war.  So his anger got the best of him at the end, overcame his fear, and he made that particular German pay.
    If you think about, probably the only reason that German didn’t kill him on the stairs was because Upham helped let him go.  But I’ve read that those are two different soldiers…

    He should’ve got shot so that way tom hanks might not have died, upom’s the one who convinced him to not kill that prisoner at the mg42 nest.

    How would have Upham’s death helped for Capt. Miller to survive?  It was a suicide defense, and Capt. Miller’s survival (or anyone else’s) was slim.

  • Still don’t like him. It’s still a realy good movie.  :mrgreen:  :evil:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Saving Private Ryan, probly thee best movie out there about operation overlord. I’m watchin it right now on TNT (chnl 36)  :mrgreen:

    only bad part is that f***ing upom dude….he should’ve got shot strait in the head by that one german sniper from the bell tower.  :x

    Only bad part, I can think of, is when they call the Army Air Corps the Air Force.

    I suppose they are inter-change-able terms at that point in history, but it was the AAC, not the USAF.  Just something that annoys me.

  • The  United States Air Force did NOT exist until Harry S. Truman issued Executive Order 9877 on 18 SEP 1947, which reinforced the National Security Act passed by Congress on 16 JUL 47.

    Prior to those dates, no such entity as the United States Air Force existed.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Correct, Switch.  But I’ve been lectured that the men called the Army Air Corps the Air Force throughout World War II.  Still, it sticks in my craw a little bit.

  • The aircraft branch of USA armed forces was called:

    US Army Air Corp (USAAC) from July 2, 1926 to June 20, 1941
    US Army Air Force (USAAF) from June 20, 1941 to September 17, 1947

    and then as Switvh correctly said from September 18 1947 has been called US Air Force (USAF).

    So in the film I think they are right during D-Day the correct name was USAAF.

  • '19 Moderator

    What year did they start calling them “Wing Nuts”  :evil:

  • Mmm… really I do not know!  :-(

    I should make a little research!


  • @dezrtfish:

    What year did they start calling them “Wing Nuts”  :evil:

    I think that ended right about the time General Mitchell used a small squadron of bi-planes to sink a WWI battleship to prove the ability of aircraft for use by the Navy…  :evil:

    That would be the summer of 1921 when Mitchell’s pilots use Martin MB-2 Bombers to sink the “Unsinkable” German Battleship Ostfriesland

  • '19 Moderator

    LOL, Switch I think yo ushould add “Wing Nut” to your list of titles  :-D

  • I’m not trying to draw this off-topic. However, if you really enjoyed SPR, I think you’d LOVE Band of Brothers. Something like 10 1-hour episodes from HBO. It blows Private Ryan out of the water! I highly recommend the DVD set as a b-day or holiday gift. It covers Easy company of the 82 Airborne from Curahee to V-E day. It includes interviews from actual members of Easy Company. The entire series is very historically accurate and based on the true account of these heroic airborne! The drama is incredibly compelling… I can remember getting choked up a few times.

    Awesome series for any big WW2 history fan or the average Joe.

  • 2007 AAR League

    wow i hated every episode.  its like the americans could kill soooooo many germans without suffering terrible casualties themselves.

    when those german machine gunners open up.  they dont miss like in BOB, they would hit 3 guys in the first split second and begin to rake the shit outta everyone else.

    in some instances, from accounts on history channel, there are multiple times that 1-2 mg42’s have taken out a platoon up to a company in 2 minutes - 30 minutes.

    too many times does easy company inflict big casualites and in firefights only have a few wounded or 1 dead.  they may be accurate on what easy company did(where they fought and against what other unit), but not in the details of how many were killed or wounded and when.  you couldnt do that as a director and they dont.

    BOB didnt do it for me on the realism.  realism for me, thats platoon.

  • 2007 AAR League

    when those guys are in the open field with a bad commander telling them to stay put……they would have been wiped out.  not even time to get orders in to take cover.

    or in the second episode where they take out the artillery pieces.  not that easy to take out those types of positions with people shooting back.  that LT would have gotten his ass shot off running around like that.

  • Except he didn’t IRL, so portraying that in the series is historically accurate.  Sorry to bust your bubble.

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