Rule #'s 1, 2, 3 and 5 are NOT criminal acts. Including those rules in the PD forum places someone in the position of making subjective judgments. The PD forum should be unrestricted in content. Remember, you chose to read the posts on that forum, if you don’t like what’s said there visit another forum, http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php has plenty to choose from.
I think the PD forum should be brought back with the caveat that it may contain material you might find offensive and you enter at your own risk. Also I think the new forum should have a new moderator, nothing personal Switch but a new moderator would remove all the bad blood that’s built up, and give the forum a chance to start fresh.
We prohibit slander/libel (#1 & #2)
We prohibit posts that are designed to lead to slander/libel (or could in and of themselves be defamation) (#3)
We prohibit unspecified (but examples listed) of all other criminal acts (#4)
And #5 is the METHOD of reporting an issue that was established in this forum long before you or I were even participants here JSP.
The ONLY major change to the forum rules that has been made since I joined in November 2005 is the ADDITION OF #4… that we actually specified that criminal acts were not permitted, and that was done at my urging.
If you want unbridled flame fests, if you want no-holds-barred, there are plenty of forums like that already in existence. Asking DJensen to change what he established in 2001 to become something that he does not want is, in my personal opinion, a bit uncouth. This is after all HIS website, and all of us participate here and utilize the services provided free of charge.
I guess for me the whole thing of asking for PD to become something very different, indeed to become something that our site owner and host has worked for SIX YEARS to avoid, is akin to the house guest who comes in, changes the channel on the TV, raids the fridge, and curls up in the master bedroom to sleep. My job this past year has been to help keep PD what it was originally DESIGNED to be. And I have to take full blame for the FAILURE of that attempt. I chose to let many threads run that should have been locked earlier. I chose to let many posts stand that probably should have been edited. I allowed many threads to proceed even when there were clear violations of our host’s intent. The fact that I let many threads run instead of being more vigilant in enforcement for MONTHS is something that was discussed in the Mod forum on more than one occasion.
And to me it is OBVIOUS now that I was dead wrong.
I never should have allowed the restraints to be loosened.
My experiment was a total failure, and your reply JSP simply illustrates the axiom that I violated when I chose to let PD be a bit more “adult”… give an inch and folks will take a mile.
And now, with all of this discussion and debate, and all of this urging for unmoderated forums, etc. our gracious host is stuck with the task of trying to fix MY mistake… to try to undo the fact that I made a conscious decision many many months ago to let folks bend the rules in the thought that a bit more freedom to discuss would be beneficial to the site, instead of tearing it into factions which is what happened.