Nazi Germany VS The Soviet Union

  • @M36:

    Rampant behavior of rape and murder? I am certain SS divisions maintained their dicipline in Russia, it was not until after the fighting had ended in an area and the soldiers had moved on than Himmler would move in with his death squads. The men of the SS where fine soldiers, do not label all of them barbarians for the actions of Himmler. Perhaps you have information that proves otherwise? Well, despite Himmler’s ruthless treatment of Russians, many Russians still did side with the Germans.

    yeah, i do they were effin nazis. enough proof for me. but anyway to day on the good side of england America then was to not to invade africa. england also would never submit to france binging wiped of the map. therfore i think germany would of had to hope france didn’t attack them while they invaded russia. russia would of been suspicious because they way hitler explinaed the massive build up before the invasion was they were binging moved out of the way of english bombers. he wouldn’t of had that excuse. russsia would of been ready and massive. there would be no way of keeeping every one at perace while germany and russia fought for world supremacy.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I agree that if the Nazis would’ve played the role of liberators it would’ve helped A LOT in eastern europe

  • @AJ:

    I agree that if the Nazis would’ve played the role of liberators it would’ve helped A LOT in eastern europe

    :? :? :? what are you replying to?

  • Western nations had no love of the USSR, they would have not helped in a German war against just Russia.

    And “effin Nazis” is not a credible response. How incredibly open minded you are! :roll: Most German soldiers where just average people, who had no plans of extermination or new world orders, they where simply fighting because their country needed them.

  • @M36:

    Most German soldiers where just average people, who had no plans of extermination or new world orders, they where simply fighting because their country needed them.

    That is definitely true.  Only the people higher up in the National Socialist food chain knew what was really going on.  I don’t think that every soldier in the German army at the time would’ve just been “all for it” if they found out that their high-end political/military leaders were commiting genocide and other such atrocities.

    I’ve said before (and I hope M36 will back me up, even though he’s a marine, and I’m navy) that Erwin Rommel was one of my most influential leaders.  I just like the way that he led his army.  He got into more disagreements with his senior officers than he did with his grunts who were doing the fighting.  He often went right up there with them and gave them pats on the back, saying “Hey, you’re doing a great job, keep it up, your country needs you,” etc.  In my opinion, that is a bad-a$$ CO.

    Rommel may have been powerful, in that he commanded troops and their respect, but he lacked TRUE power.  By this I’m referring to the “tall throne of judgment” inhabited by Hitler and his cronies."  As long as the German people believe they are fighting for something worthwhile, and have no idea of what’s going on behind their backs, then we can do whatever we want!  Let’s start by exterminating all the Jews, since they are the source of much of the corruption in our society."  Isn’t that the M.O. that motivated Hitler?

  • '19 Moderator

    I’ll back you up; Rommel was definitely not a model Nazi, plotting to assassinate the boss kinda counts you out there.  He also had his faults, but he could have cause us allot more problems unleashed.

  • Customizer

    The behaviour of Soviet troops AND the following NKVD units was at least as bad as that of the Germans.  Something like 1 million Soviet citizens joined the German forces in some capacity, despite the appaling treatment of Soviet citizens.  Hitler’s great folly was not recognizing national aspirations of Soviet republics, particulary in the Ukraine.  It was only when the war was effectively lost that he authorised the establishment of even a puppet Ukraine government. 
    Nevertheless, various national resistance movements in Ukraine and Poland continued fighting the Soviets well into the 1950’s, ignored by the west.  These were not Nazis, indeed were often the same people who’d fought the earlier German occupation.

    As to the question of a German victory in the east, it depends how you assess the importance of western aid to Russia in terms of food, vehicles, clothing etc. (they didn’t need inferior western tanks or aircraft).  The Soviets could quite happily trade losses with the Axis at 1-1 and still come out massively ahead in sheer numbers. But when you consider the large number of divisions and air units held down in the west guarding France, Norway, Italy/North Africa it’s hard not to see these units making the difference in Russia, especially if Hitler had concentrated on specific goals instead of dividing his forces.

  • Exactly. If the Germans had harnessed the manpower of the Soviet Union instead of oppressing it, things would have gone differently.

    And Agent Orange, you have my approval, even though you are a lazy ass sailor. :wink:


    Also take into account that the entire organisation was declared a criiminal organisation by the International Military Tribunal during the Nuremburg Trials. There’s more than enough blood on the hands of the SS to paint the whole damn lot with the same brush.

  • @Yahoshua:

    Also take into account that the entire organisation was declared a criiminal organisation by the International Military Tribunal during the Nuremburg Trials. There’s more than enough blood on the hands of the SS to paint the whole damn lot with the same brush.

    thank you. some one with some sense. all nazzi’s are evil. anyone who commits or supports genocide is evil. communist russia was 200 times better than germany. the still wouldn’t be able to take over such a large country.

  • Stalinist Russia was far worse than Nazi Germany.

  • 2007 AAR League

    The Soviet Union could outprodce Germany anyday in the war. Here is an example: Summer of 1942, German production of tanks was 500/ month. Russian tank production was 1200/ Month. The difference only keeps getting bigger from there. How can any nation win against an enemy that can outproduce them and have an endless amount of manpower? Stalin would not have surrendered… Ever. In the long run, Russia would have won the war of attrition and taken Berlin.

  • @cyan:


    Also take into account that the entire organisation was declared a criiminal organisation by the International Military Tribunal during the Nuremburg Trials. There’s more than enough blood on the hands of the SS to paint the whole damn lot with the same brush.

    thank you. some one with some sense. all nazzi’s are evil. anyone who commits or supports genocide is evil. communist russia was 200 times better than germany. the still wouldn’t be able to take over such a large country.

    That’s not what we’re saying.  The important thing to note is that they were fighting merely for country.  If genocide was taking place at the hands of their country, but without the typical soldier’s knowledge, then how can you say that ALL their soldiers were evil?  While some of the “death squad” types were in the know about these horrible things, I highly doubt that the ENTIRE German army knew about it, and thus, can’t be held ENTIRELY accountable.

  • @AgentOrange:



    Also take into account that the entire organisation was declared a criiminal organisation by the International Military Tribunal during the Nuremburg Trials. There’s more than enough blood on the hands of the SS to paint the whole damn lot with the same brush.

    thank you. some one with some sense. all nazzi’s are evil. anyone who commits or supports genocide is evil. communist russia was 200 times better than germany. the still wouldn’t be able to take over such a large country.

    That’s not what we’re saying.  The important thing to note is that they were fighting merely for country.  If genocide was taking place at the hands of their country, but without the typical soldier’s knowledge, then how can you say that ALL their soldiers were evil?  While some of the “death squad” types were in the know about these horrible things, I highly doubt that the ENTIRE German army knew about it, and thus, can’t be held ENTIRELY accountable.

    line up those citizensn and shoot them. line up those jews and gas them. it would be amazing how someone so stupid could live in the army getting shot at every day.  i think most still supported it because its was the only way for them to get ahead. they were conditioned to kill, and eventually submitted to what every reason. probably not out of hatred but out of what they thought was necessity. guessing  thats the mentatilty the french had also so they  out right rebel when paris was surrendered. maybe the air froce, and the tank crews didn’t know but most of the german infantry must of known.

  • @cyan:




    Also take into account that the entire organisation was declared a criiminal organisation by the International Military Tribunal during the Nuremburg Trials. There’s more than enough blood on the hands of the SS to paint the whole damn lot with the same brush.

    thank you. some one with some sense. all nazzi’s are evil. anyone who commits or supports genocide is evil. communist russia was 200 times better than germany. the still wouldn’t be able to take over such a large country.

    That’s not what we’re saying.  The important thing to note is that they were fighting merely for country.  If genocide was taking place at the hands of their country, but without the typical soldier’s knowledge, then how can you say that ALL their soldiers were evil?  While some of the “death squad” types were in the know about these horrible things, I highly doubt that the ENTIRE German army knew about it, and thus, can’t be held ENTIRELY accountable.

    line up those citizensn and shoot them. line up those jews and gas them. it would be amazing how someone so stupid could live in the army getting shot at every day.  i think most still supported it because its was the only way for them to get ahead. they were conditioned to kill, and eventually submitted to what every reason. probably not out of hatred but out of what they thought was necessity. guessing  thats the mentatilty the french had also so they  out right rebel when paris was surrendered. maybe the air froce, and the tank crews didn’t know but most of the german infantry must of known.

    OK, point taken there, but even so, not every one of 'em agreed with the morality of it all.  There are some on this very forum (myself included) who are in the military, but we don’t always agree with the moral/ethical ramifications of the decisions made numerous levels above our paygrade.  Do members of the military have the right to disobey orders?  Only the unlawful ones.  In Nazi Germany’s case, it apparently wasn’t considered “unlawful” to line up and subsequently murder innocent civilians.  But still, there must’ve been those who couldn’t even stomach the idea.  Of course, the Fascist ideal was that “our nation has the God-given right to trample whoever we choose, simply because we are stronger than they are.”  So even the guy who never wanted to kill innocent people may get forced to do so because that is what his nation/military might expect of him.

    War brings out the worst in people, and in some cases, makes them monsters.  I think it could easily be compared to peer pressure.  Kids try smoking pot all the time, and a lot of them may not actually want to do it for themselves, but more so because they want to “fit in” or “be part of the cool crowd”.  Whatever.  I know that when it was offered to me, I had no reservations; I was just curious, and the rest is history.  I can’t do it now, because that could cost me my job.  But I firmly believe that it is not the “soul-crushing narcotic” it’s made out to be in Reefer Madness; people just need to be made aware of what it can do.

    …but as I digress…
    The point I’m trying to make with the peer pressure thing is that sometimes people lose sight of what they truly believe in, just so that their friends/coworkers/comrades-in-arms won’t call them a pu55y, or maybe even because they fear retribution of some kind.  But the big question is:  If you don’t want to try smoking pot, or you don’t want to shoot a defenseless human being in the head, then WHO F**KING CARES?  The truly strong would have some damn conviction and stand by their beliefs, and I guarantee that this fits a few of 'em.

  • Considering the immense amount of Anti-Jewish/Communist/Democratic propaganda at the time and the general feeling of the populace during the enactment of the Nuremburg Laws in 1935*, the Nazi Weapons law of 1938**, Propaganda fils such as “Der Ewige Juden” (The Eternal Jew a.k.a. The Wandering Jew). And other events such as Kristallnacht* (be sure to note the dates between kristallnach and the nazi weapons law), and the forced deportation of Jews on October 28, 1938 (read under Kristallnacht).

    There is little doubt that the German army as a whole knew what was happening in the death camps but didn’t even have the moral resolve to stop it from continuing……a solid and steadfast result of the years of brainwashing they had all been subjected to. Those soldiers were no longer people, but one-track-minded zombies bent on the enaction of the will of their beloved fuhrer for the good of the state and the aryan race. Sure a few of them disagreed with the reasoning of the state, but there are so few in number that they were nearly non-existent. Those who tried to stem the tide were either crushed into submission, or were sent to the camps to be worked to death.

  • Exactly.  People always change their minds when their lives are threatened.  And if changing your mind leads you to join the winning team, (at the time anyway) then it makes it all the more easy to become one of those monster types.  I’m only saying that it’s perfectly simple, using the Nazis as THE example here, to turn ordinary guys into a$$holes.  The Fascist point-of-view being drummed into their minds is what led them to believe that they were superior, that they could kill anyone they wanted, and that the ascendance of the master race was paramount.  Because of all that, Herr Hitler had at his disposal a fighting force that, besides being exceptionally well-trained and equipped, was also ruthless and cold-blooded.  Like a pack of blood-thirsty rabid dogs, they literally hungered for violence and bloodshed, so long as it was the “weaker non-Aryans” who were being killed.  And as far as being brainwashed, of course it happens!  That’s what the H.J. was all about.  Grabbing kids at an early age, and “educating” them in the ways of the Aryan master race.

    But as you pointed out, and also to go along with my point about peer pressure and conviction, there were definitely those who resisted the idea of genocide and cold-blooded murder.  Unfortunately, such things had already become a growing trend, and thus such dissenters were killed and replaced with another willing zombie.

    …and for the record, I voted Yes for this poll.

  • Sorry, AgentOrange but brainwashing =/= peer pressure.

  • I didn’t say that brainwashing and peer pressure are the same thing, just that BOTH of them were going on under the Nazi regime.

    • Brainwash people, and you can get them to see your point-of-view pretty effortlessly.
    • Peer pressure them, and you can get them to do things they might otherwise never have done.
    • Spread propaganda, and you can effectively twist the truth to suit your whims.

    See how all 3 of these were used by Hitler and his goons to mold themselves “the perfect army”?

  • Stalin was much better at brainwashing… If his soldiers didn’t like the fact they had to fight Germans and carry one rifle and 5 rounds for every 5 soldiers… the NKVD would shoot them by machine gun on the way back.

    If you said one ill word you were sent to gulag for 20 years

    If you didn’t like the way your treated you could participate in “reconnaissance thru combat” essentially being forced to run to the Germans, while getting cut down by machine gun fire and having no weapons for the sole point of allowing Soviet observers the observation of German positions.  Thus you die to gain knowledge so artillery could aim better.

    Even Hitler doesn’t do this crap. That is barbarity --worse to kill your own people for less reason than you kill the enemy.

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