I’ve been pretty impressed with Microsoft’s development of Xbox live. They had it down already a system ago. Sony really missed the boat on that one, as multiplayer and online content is where the real deal is. Heck, you have to buy a different version of the PS3 just to get online - the 360 does it right out of the box.
The PS3 does have the Blu-Ray player though, which is getting more and more support. One of those on its own costs more than a PS3, so it’s a decent bargain.
I thought the Wii was awesome when I first tried it out, but the nostalgia wore off quickly. I’m just not interested in it that much because it lacks games, particularly ones that aren’t kid-oriented, and support in general. It is neat, and has some nice online stuff, but I think Microsoft has got it made there.
Either way, that’s only my stance for purchasing a system. I really enjoy that there are options and refuse to get in any camp. Gaming is good when it’s plentiful, and if I had the money (and time), I’d have it all.