• The one that started in SZ50 can land on Wake. 
    The other 2 can land on the SZ50 AC if it is moved to any of these sea zones:  44, 45, 51, 57; or even NCM the AC to SZ52 after the battle if you want.

  • @ncscswitch:

    The one that started in SZ50 can land on Wake. 
    The other 2 can land on the SZ50 AC if it is moved to any of these sea zones:  44, 45, 51, 57; or even NCM the AC to SZ52 after the battle if you want.

    Hmm, my friends and I must be conducting Fighter movement all wrong then at Sea.  We took it that the Carriers act as Islands and it takes one movement to depart from one and one to land back on it.

    So Fighters don’t use a movement to leave or land on a Carrier?

  • That is correct, they do NOT need movement to leave an AC.

    FIG movement is moving from territory to territory, and that includes leaving an island territory for the sea zone territory surrounding it, because the island and the sea zone are both separate territories.

    But a carrier is IN the sea zone, and a FIG taking off from it is also in the same sea zone, no change in territory means ZERO movement to “take off”.

  • @ncscswitch:

    That is correct, they do NOT need movement to leave an AC.

    FIG movement is moving from territory to territory, and that includes leaving an island territory for the sea zone territory surrounding it, because the island and the sea zone are both separate territories.

    But a carrier is IN the sea zone, and a FIG taking off from it is also in the same sea zone, no change in territory means ZERO movement to “take off”.

    Ah, well that changes a few things then to how we play…lol  Learn something new everyday.

  • Also Jenn, what about my question on what you think is the best starting advantages for Germany and Japan?  This goes for anyone else who wants to add thier input.

  • I presume that you are speaking of National Advantages when you say starting advantages.

    Considering that generally NA in the original A&A Rules are considered flawed and unbalanced, favoring too much the allies, I will consider only NA stated in Larry Harris Tournament Rules.

    For Japan my preferred NA is Banzai Attack and IMHO is also the best NA for Japan. However I like also Most Powerful Battleship… Yamato and Musashi have always fascinated me!

    For Germany my favour is for Atlantic Wall, INF defending at 3, even if only for the first turn of an amphibious landing, is very useful.

  • There are times when Kaitens can come in handy for Japan… especially in a KJF.  Most Powerful Battleships is definitely a great one for Japan, probably their single best.

    Atlantic Wall is good, but so is dive bombers for Germany.  Most of the German naval NA’s are worthless.

    And o course Colonial Garrison for UK and Superfortresses for USA, and I always like Russian Winter.

    Bear in mind these are impressions of someone who has not played a single game with NA’s.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Also Jenn, what about my question on what you think is the best starting advantages for Germany and Japan?  This goes for anyone else who wants to add thier input.

    You know, I am rather hesitant to declare best starting advantages for any nation because there are so many instances where one advantage works wonderfully to neutralize another advantage.  The best part of advantages is that they force the game to change drastically.

    With that said, I like Tokyo express if you are in a Kill Japan First.  Super Battleships (LHTR) is freaking awesome too, almost a guarenteed hit.  Stratofortresses in OOB are game breaking, you’ll win no matter what with that advantage.  Mechanized Infantry is good too.  Mobil Complexes have been fun.  Dive bombers are really handy!

  • @Jennifer:


    Also Jenn, what about my question on what you think is the best starting advantages for Germany and Japan?  This goes for anyone else who wants to add thier input.

    You know, I am rather hesitant to declare best starting advantages for any nation because there are so many instances where one advantage works wonderfully to neutralize another advantage.  The best part of advantages is that they force the game to change drastically.

    With that said, I like Tokyo express if you are in a Kill Japan First.  Super Battleships (LHTR) is freaking awesome too, almost a guarenteed hit.  Stratofortresses in OOB are game breaking, you’ll win no matter what with that advantage.  Mechanized Infantry is good too.  Mobil Complexes have been fun.  Dive bombers are really handy!

    In one game I played with my friends, I got absolutely nuked as the Russians because my friend pretty much used his fighters to devastating effect EVERYWHERE!!!

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Hurts that the Axis start with 12 fighters, 2 bombers between two nations, don’t it?  (I’d count the allied ones, but most of those are destroyed on Round 1. :P)

    I believe the trick is to force the Axis to break up their fighter formations over multiple territories, OR, attack territories with AA Guns.  Though, I am always happy when I can take ou German Panzers even if I cannot get their Stutkas.

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