How A&A corresponds to WWII history

  • @Imperious:

    Harris made everything to have balance and those ‘values’ have very marginal relationship to real economic capabilities. The allies should have a 2 to 1 advantage in IPC, but of course that would inbalance the game unless you made some method where the conversion of this money could be impacting the game in any significant way. The Soviets are way too low in IPC as they were twice as strong as Japan, while USA is too weak.

    it would be 16 ipc japan and 56 ipc US, with everthing else the same.

  • yes right like it is already in AAP.

  • something should engourge more plane buys.

  • :-o
      Back in my Classic AA days, for the first three or four turns I thought of the figures as Army Groups or even Corps/ Air Wings/ Naval Squadrons or Flotillas’, but once the chips stacks began to throw long shadows across the board I made a mental switch and looked at them as the divisions and the special support units of that Corps/Air wing/ Flotilla.
      As far as a time frame is concerned, I thought a full turn consisted of a campaign season, about 6 months of actual conflict time, not months per say.
      AA is a combination of; Risk, Monopoly and Chess, not a true WWII game recreation. If that is what you seek, there are other games that do that very well. We play it because we like its’ playability, not for accuacy.
      Thats’ my thoughts.
        Crazy Ivan  :roll:

  • I think that if one tries to figures units sizes and times for A&A he/she will go insane.

  • :-o
      My point exactly, that is why I kept it rather vague, and flexable.

  • 2007 AAR League

    AA severly butchers the economy of Russia and bolsters the Japanese and German. In reality Russia could outproduce Germany in any point of the war and Japan could have never moved past mainland China.

  • things’ll also be different for AAR then it would be for AAE or P. AAE and P are on a smaller scale than AA, so the units should be smaller as well.
    1inf=3-4inf Divisions
    1arm=1-2 Atmered divisions
    1art=3-4 art divisions
    1fg=1200 fgs
    1AA=9-10 bateries of AAs
    unsure on the rest

  • 2007 AAR League

    You’re not going to figure it out …. 2400 Figs on a carrier?

  • Customizer

    Exactly my view.

    In my version each of the Allies starts with a 50 IPC income.  The downside for Russia is the Xenophonia rule preventing the Western Allies from reinforcing the Eastern Front.


    AA severly butchers the economy of Russia and bolsters the Japanese and German. In reality Russia could outproduce Germany in any point of the war and Japan could have never moved past mainland China.

  • 2007 AAR League

    do you play World at war?

  • I played WaW once. Didn’t like it much. But I’ll give it another try if you think it is worth it.
      What do you like about it?
      Crazy Ivan

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