• Or a late '41 picture in Russia.

  • '17 '16


    I can’t even begin to take a guess at the title of the first WWII book I ever read…but I do recall that one of the first (if not the first) books on battleships that I ever read was “Dreadnought: A History of the Modern Battleship” by Richard Hough.  And one of the first (if not the first) documentaries on WWII that I ever saw was the “Stalingrad” episode of “The World at War.”

    I’m pretty much in the same boat… I can’t remember the first book… I started reading WWII books in the 1970s when I was a kid, just can’t recall the first… I also was watching documentaries back before cable was a thing… I remember one of the first series was the “World at War” series (probably watched it on PBS).

  • Mine was probably one of the books in the Time-life series published about WWII.

  • Can’t recall my first but knowing it was from Podzun-Pallas, a very good publishing company.

  • I think my first proper book was about Norwegians volunteering to fight for the Nazis on the Eastern front. The book was red, with drawing of a stahlhelm and some barbed wire on the cover.

    I remember better some of the first documentaries I watched, back in the days when Discovery Channel sent good documentaries and not just crap. They where called Battlefield and had a duration for almost two hours. Topics where the battle og Britain, battle for Atlantic, attack on France, Barberossa and so on. They delt with the commanders, their plans, the soldiers, order of battle etc… I’m nut sure how I would rate them today, since I didn’t have very much knowledge back then when I first saw them, but at least I remember them as being quite good.

  • @Herr:

    I remember better some of the first documentaries I watched, back in the days when Discovery Channel sent good documentaries and not just crap. They where called Battlefield and had a duration for almost two hours. Topics where the battle og Britain, battle for Atlantic, attack on France, Barberossa and so on. They delt with the commanders, their plans, the soldiers, order of battle etc… I’m nut sure how I would rate them today, since I didn’t have very much knowledge back then when I first saw them, but at least I remember them as being quite good.

    I have a few of them on DVD.  They offer a pretty good general overview of the various battles they cover; it’s been a while since I watched them, but I don’t recall any glaring errors.  The episodes all use a standard format, in a standard order, for presenting the different elements related to each battle, which has its good points and bad points.  On the up side, this gives the viewer – especially, I would imagine, someone who’s new to the topic of WWII – a useful sense of structure as each episode proceeds; on the down side, this required the producers to make each battle fit into this general model, which gives each battle a sense of uniformity rather than reflecting its distinctive character.  All in all, I think they’re well done…which is more than I can say about some of the other documentaries in my collection.

  • It was either Beevor’s Stalingrad or Shirer’s Rise and fall of the Third Reich.

  • Almost forgot Bruce Canton American Heritage Civil War, also my first or second

  • My first books were the Winston Churchill World War 2 series.  I started reading them when I was nine. Then it was Chester Wilmot’s Struggle for Europe.  In High School, the Morrison series on US Naval Operations, along with a of other ones.

    My first World War One book was T. E. Lawrence’s Revolt in the Desert.  I picked up one of the reprints, and it is still a good read.  Flows faster than Seven Pillars of Wisdom, of which I also have a couple of copies.

  • @Der:

    Mine was probably one of the books in the Time-life series published about WWII.

    Same, my Great-Grandfather had a bunch of those Time-life books that he gave to me.

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