• '17 '16

    Many threads on Cruiser and Battleship…

    This is an interesting analysis only Topic on BB compared to CA from Taamvan which was buried in G40 Forum.
    Hope it will get a second life and attracts more comments…
    Why Battleships are good and Cruisers are even more inferior than ever
    August 10, 2016, 10:31:33 am

    This Young Grasshopper thread is about increasing combat values of CA and BB on first round if any enemy’s plane is present.
    Prepared Strike
    February 02, 2017, 11:44:30 am to still active

    YG thread to increase +1 A/D/bombardment for both CA and BB.
    Cruiser and Battleship upgrades performed by naval bases
    May 17, 2016, 10:26:06 am to Reply #5 on: May 17, 2016, 06:57:01 pm

    YG thread exploring “1” anti-air for CA, BB and Carrier
    AA capabilities for big ships
    May 21, 2016, 10:39:23 am to reply #23 on: September 22, 2016, 12:36:28 pm

    Cruiser Rework
    January 22, 2016, 09:39:23 pm to Reply #27 on: August 21, 2016, 11:28:06

    A poll thread about little twist to fix Cruiser:  AAA like add on, Inf Transport capacity, M3-4, +NCM 1 move, etc.
    Cruiser add on
    December 05, 2015, 04:07:09 pm to Reply #74 on: February 08, 2016, 03:20:30 pm

    drummerinheat want to give Cruiser M3 and many talks about increasing her maneuverability.
    Cruiser Idea
    September 14, 2015, 07:00:35 pm to Reply #57 on: October 18, 2015, 08:49:28 am

    A certain kind of Blitz capacity for one’s own can-opener Cruiser was develop in this thread from Black Elk:
    Blitz units, Can Openers, and Turn Order

    This allows Cruisers to attack DDs blockers and once the SZ is conquered, let other Naval units attack another SZ behind the first line blocker or simply NCM into an unoccupied SZ further away.

    Eliminating Cruisers from Global 1940- Advice needed! (updated with setup chart)
    March 02, 2015, 05:18:12 pm to Reply #7 March 03, 2015

    YG is making 1942.2 BB same as G40.2
    1942.2 Damaged Battleships
    March 29, 2015, 12:41:40 pm to Reply #3 on: March 30, 2015, 06:30:26 am

    Young Grasshopper is exploring combined arms with BB.
    Many others were suggested too, like Carrier-BB-CA to give a full AAA like defense.
    Cruisers - Combined Arms
    December 15, 2014, 10:35:25 am to Reply #105 on: December 22, 2014, 05:49:53 am
    House rule for Cruisers: Global 1940
    February 04, 2013, 07:57:52 am to Reply #38 on: March 20, 2013, 10:29:32 pm

    How to make battleships a more attractive purchase
    May 16, 2014, 10:46:04 pm to Reply #46 on: December 10, 2014, 01:24:30 pm

    Balancing Cruiser (CL) and Battleship (BB) units with other A&A units
    October 10, 2013, 03:55:50 pm to Reply #74 on: February 10, 2015, 07:02:48 pm

    Cont From the AAA Thread, but about warships not AA Guns
    May 15, 2013, 08:39:31 am to Reply #147 on: June 07, 2013, 10:16:14 am

    An exception because it talks about shore bombardment and can increase unbalanced vs Cruiser:
    [1942.2 & G40] Destroyers able to get a Shore Bombardment?
    March 05, 2013, 10:05:16 pm to Reply #41 on: March 17, 2014, 05:59:43 pm

    Uncrustable’s thread talking Cruiser is overpriced, has numbers and balance issues.
    Cruisers, whats the point?
    February 09, 2012, 12:16:54 pm to Reply #135 on: March 30, 2012, 10:49:50 pm

    January 02, 2010, 01:09:31 am to Reply #73 on: January 25, 2010, 08:14:49 am

    An interesting post on Cruiser price and cost calculation from Larry Harris buried in Anniversary threads.

    Larry’s response (posted on his site):

    Hello Telamon. Thanks for your most kind posting. “Remained true to the original”!
    Cruiser. Hey I’m not a great player but not all that bad either. In fact there were times when I was the best player in the world for each of my games. It is when that world population exceeded 3 people that I noticed a decline in my standings.

    Cruiser. They have their purpose, heck at 12 IPCs they can come in handy in mid game when I’m usually fighting for my life. And with battleships costing 20 I usually can’t afford that kind of money.

    Buying a cruiser at 12 gives me 8 more IPCs to play with when compared to a BB purchase. For 19 IPCs I can buy something that the navy is really all about: a transport. I can’t really argue with a bunch of “good player” however. If they say cruisers are a good purchase at 11 and I say they are “an ok purchase” at 12$ ok I hear ya. I don’t always agree with this assumption, however. I’d like to give you some insights on how I see it. I look at the over all cost in IPCs for each unit’s ability to score a hit on the enemy.

    A sub costing 6 and having a combined attack and defense total of 3 (2 on attack plus 1 on defense) cost me 2 IPCs for each opportunity to hit my opponent. That’s funny, that’s the same price-per-opportunity to kill something as a destroyer has. They cost 8 and have a combat value of 4. (8/by 4 =2).

    Cruisers at 12 and divided by 6 (3/3) is also 2.

    A battleships with its price tag of 20 has a cost per potential hit at 2.5. Of course a battleship has two lives so its cost really is 1.25 IPCs per hit opportunity. Good deal! But it cost so damned many IPCs. In defense of the lover priced cruiser, I’d like to point out that it has the same cost/kill ability as a destroyer or a sub. So why pick on the cruiser.

    Yeah, I know DDs have a that special anti-sub thing and subs have their own special points of (I want to say: confusion) value. But a cruiser has a 50% chance of scoring a hit during a bombardment (its special ability). In any case, I assigned a value of 12 to the cruiser perhaps it should have been an 11. I could not always use this simple formula when assigning values to these various units.

    I also had to take into consideration my perception of what was fun but yet made the most sense. Kind of subjective don’t you think. Look at the bomber or the carrier for example. They have a cost of 2.4 and 2.33 per kill ability. Is that long range of a bomber worth that extra .4 and is the carrier worth that extra .33 because it can carry aircraft. I guess so, I mean I think so. Who knows for sure? You got to admit, however, that all the units are certainly in the ball park when it comes to cost.


    Hmm, nice reasoning. BUT dear Larry Harris, you’re forgetting the most important value of a unit! In your view, a unit’s price is determined by “kill ability” and “special ability”. These are indeed 2 major factors, but you’re forgetting the most important one: “hit taking ability”. Let’s calculate that for each naval unit shall we? sub: 1 hit for 6 IPC’s = ~0.15 DD’s: 1/8= ~0.13 Cru: 1/12= ~0.8 BB: 2/20= ~0.1 (excluding the autorepair after each battle) Loaded carrier: 3/34= ~0.9. Well now, guess who’s coming out at the bottom, also having (imho) the worst “special ability” of all. It’s big plus should be the “kill ability”, so 11 for a Cru would still make it not so good a deal. Imho, 10 would be very defendable, subs would still be bought, DD’s would still be bought to counter subs and for cheap hits, and the cru would simply be good value for the money; yer basic sea unit taking over the role of core fleet unit, from the DD who isn’t made for this role in the first place! Sorry mr. Harris, but the logic you’re using to refute cheaper cruisers is wrong/incomplete, please consider to rethink this…

    So summarized: 1 inf extra in Egy, 2 in Yun, and a Cru of 11 (or 10?!). Please mr. Harris, make this the official LHTR for AA50, so I can convince my friends to play with these more balanced rules. Otherwise those shiny new Cruisers in AA 1942 will stay in the box too much  :|


    You’re spot on Holkann - hit taking ability is as important as hit giving ability.  That’s why 5 cruisers (attack points 15, cost 60) will consistently lose to 3 battleships (attack points 12, cost 60).  Extra hits.  It’s what makes destroyers the best value for buffing a fleet.  I agree that 10 is a realistic option for cruisers - it would make them a fraction weaker than destroyers, but a definite step ahead of battleships.  At 11, they are a fraction weaker than battleships.  I don’t mind where they are placed 10-11, but at 12 IPC they are pricing themselves out of the market. Bombarding doesn’t make up for a weak, expensive unit.


    Hold on a second….why are ships always getting AA guns?
    The vulnerability of the big ships was one of the top 5 lessons of WWII!
    Battle of Taranto, Pearl Harbor, Guadalcanal, Midway, etc.

    No AA guns on boats, it doesn’t solve anything. It just makes the UK fleet stronger if germany can only attack it by air late game.

    Cruisers are fine, a 3/3 for 10 is a fighter. A 3/3 for 5 Is a tank A 3/3 for 12 is a Cruiser.
    Small discrepancy, but its all relative. In the water a 3/3 for 12 is fine, considering the 2/2 is 8 (66% of cost) and the 2/2 on land is 80% of the cost of its 3/3 counterpart. Boats cost a lot of money folks, remember if you drop it low enough Russia might buy one and that’s pretty unhistorical. 12 makes it an investment, not a bargain.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    These are great Baron! I know I can always count on you to help hunt down good discussions! It’s very helpful to have a kind of road map which shows the development of these thought processes.

    This is an excellent first step to gather the info together in one place. I think to be truly usable for the more casual player who is interested in trying some HRs with their group, at some point we probably need a bit more in the way of editorial summary for some of these, like a final analysis with concrete suggestions. So for example, based on the discussions in a given thread, has any consensus developed? Or if no consensus, maybe we can at least find like the “top 3-5” ideas for a given unit.  So take the battleship or cruiser as an example, we have seen a number of different HRs in various threads that try to make this unit more attractive, so I wonder if we can make some generalizations? I can see two basic approaches here, when it comes to altering existing units.

    Modified cost but keep OOB abilities.
    Modified abilities but keep OOB cost.

    The first is fairly straightforward, for example with Battleships using the ‘shipyards’ model for a cost reduction.

    The second is more wide ranging, I’ve seen everything from adding aaafire, to combined arms, to limited transport capacity, to an increased movement rate etc.

    Some of these solutions were more popular than others, but when we put together a final draft list, it might be worthwhile to consider each unit in the roster independently. First giving a suggested cost modification for the OOB abilities, followed by the top 3-5 suggestions for adjusted abilities at the OOB cost.

    In addition to these approaches there are also suggestions for a total conversion of the unit roster, where adjustments to various OOB units might include changes to both cost and abilities, and which work best only when integrated together.

    Finally we have proposals for new units. These likewise might be intended for use with the OOB roster, or a total conversion roster.

    It’s a lot of ground to cover, no doubt, but it would be killer if we could organize all this material in a way that is easier for a “plug and play”, where players can run down the list and find the best option that fits what they’re trying to achieve. I think of all the HRs, unit mods are probably the least familiar for me, so I’d defer to your experience here, which is extensive, for suggestions about which individual unit mods are most interesting, which total conversion systems have the most promise, and where new units might best be added.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    Just briefly I wanted to add a few more “one-off” House Rules that I think might prove interesting.

    3 Movement for Ships (M3):
    For all games

    Rule: the base movement rate for all ships is increased to 3.

    Purpose: to increase the range of all naval units, thereby decreasing the amount of time it takes to cross oceans and speeding up the play pace for naval powers. Opens up more shucks, and essentially resets the map from a naval perspective. This HR is largely untested at the moment, so it is difficult to say what the balance implications may be, but it has the advantage of a very simple implementation.

    M3 Transorts:
    For all games

    Rule: the transport unit now has a standard movement of 3.

    In this HR transports get a movement upgrade, while warships retain their normal movement at 2.

    Purpose: to make this defenseless unit a more strategically interesting purchase. To speed up the gameplay and put more VCs into contention.

    Shipyards for All (reduced cost for naval units):
    For G40

    Rule: all nations are awarded the “shipyard” tech advance for free.

    Purpose: to make naval purchases more attractive for all nations, and somewhat more appealing vs OOB aircraft for the cost.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    OK also I really wanted to include a section for production expansion. This would include stuff like the land base idea, and the 3 tiered production concept for ICs in G40 (multi tier production ideas in general). Some of these have undergone several permutations, so I sense a longer winded post is needed. But before that I just want to toss out a few of the simpler production expansion concepts that I’ve tried. Some of these I am remembering off the top of my head, so I’m struggling to find discussion links at the moment. Though I’m certain these subjects have been discussed at various points.
    Before talking about production expansions that require new materials beyond OOB (such as unit markers), I want to talk about ways to expand production purely via the rules. Here are a few that I’ve tried.

    All Industrial Complexes have built-in production +2:
    For 1942.2

    Rule: Every factory on the board (including newly purchased factories), may produce 2 additional units over the printed territory IPC value on the game map. This production bonus is also included in the Max damage for a given factory, which is also increased by 2.

    For example, under this HR, Karelia may produce 4 total units, Caucasus 6, Russia 10, India 5, Italy 5 etc. A newly purchased factory in Alaska could produce 4, Sinkiang or Hawaii could produce 3 total units etc.

    Purpose: to expand the production spread across the entire gamemap, allowing for more possible entry points in all theaters, while simultaneously increasing the number of viable targets and max thresholds for SBR damage.

    All Victory Cities may produce 1 extra infantry unit:
    for all games

    Rule: Any territory with a Victory City may support the placement of a single purchased infantry unit. In the case of VC territories with a factory, this infantry unit is in addition to the max production capacity of the territory.

    Purpose: mainly for novelty, as a way of making otherwise low value VC territories slightly more interesting. The effect overall is comparatively minor since it is limited to infantry, but may make certain VC territories more useful, or more significant for staging even without a factory in place.

    Bases may produce 1 extra unit of the associated type:
    for G40

    Rule: Operational Air Bases may spawn 1 purchased air unit at placement. Operational Naval Bases may spawn 1 purchased ship at placement.

    Purpose: to increase the value of these bases all around, particularly bases at zero ipc territories, which would otherwise have no production potential whatsoever. The main effect is to increase the strategic value of all starting bases in both theaters, and to make the purchase of new bases more attractive. It also encourages the purchase of otherwise unattractive units in some instances (such as cruisers or battleships) owing to the strict production limit of 1 unit per base. Although it is only a single unit per base, the impact on the game-play is potentially very significant, creating new entry points for aircraft and ships and new deployment strategies across the entire gamemap.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14


    Do you forgot to put links in your last post?

    As I mentioned above, those last 3 entires were just off the top of my head. Much as I wish I could point to discussion threads, I’m having trouble searching them out. It’s possible the first two ideas originated in AA50 discussions, though I think they work just as well in the more recent games. The last idea concerning bases, I’m sure I’ve brought up before (probably in the Halifax or Redesign sticky, or one of the valueless Pacific Islands threads) though I’m not sure if it actually prompted much discussion.

    Part of the reason I want to make a list, is because its so easy for these HR ideas to get burried or lost (especially the on-offs.) At this point I think its probably more important to get the actual rules written down. We can go on the hunt for origins posts later if need be, or create new threads to talk about individual proposals if we can’t locate the original post. If anyone has an interesting HR, even one that you haven’t seen mentioned before, by all means post the idea. If we can find a thread where similar topics were discussed at one point or another, we’ll try to find those as we can, and edit internal links for the final draft list.

    This thread is more for gathering material at the moment. At some point we’ll need to edit it into a comprehensive document that is somewhat more manageable to read/reference at a glance.
    I think it will be easier to categorize the HRs by basic type once we have enough in the list, but right now it’s sort of anything goes.

    Ps. Anyone want to take a crack at describing the dice mods?
    Low Luck comes to mind, or perhaps D12 systems. I don’t really play with either, so I don’t have a go to reference, but for the sake of completion it would be nice to have those in the reference doc as well. I’m definitely familiar with LL, but I’m probably not the right person to introduce the concept. I’m a dice masochist, so it would be better to find a player who really enjoys that style of play to present that HR dice system on the merits.

  • '17 '16

    Der Kunstler’s thread on changing Aircraft cost and values to get more on board and a more historical depiction due to TcBomber intro.
    Rethinking Air Units
    October 04, 2014, 09:44:08 am to Reply #81 on: October 27, 2014, 06:23:43 am

    An Aequitas et veritas’ thread exploring various TcB combat values and discussing which kind of planes it figures and how it was use in WWII tactics. A must to learn more about comparison between Fighter and Tactical Bomber.
    Tactical Bombers and their use
    March 11, 2014, 10:58:20 am to Reply #120 on: May 16, 2014, 11:18:26 pm

    On Tactical Bomber, a debate around YG critics of TcB loophole in SBR.
    Re: The Cliffside Bunker House Rules
    Reply #16 on: April 28, 2016, 06:05:24 pm  to  Reply #28 on: July 31, 2016, 10:53:21 am

  • '17 '16

    On air to air combat HRs, firsts thread of many to find:

    Another simplified dogfight with 3 planes-Carrier and SBR House Rule for 1942.2
    April 07, 2015, 07:25:28 pm

    4 ways to play aircrafts dogfighting inside G40 or 1942.2 ?
    November 26, 2014, 09:17:43 pm

    Many ways of figurating air-to-air combat in general combat
    October 07, 2014, 07:08:58 pm to Reply #2 on: October 08, 2014, 03:32:38 pm

    Up-to-date best version developped a simple roll “1” and hit a plane system for 1942.2
    Last post introduces variant: 3 planes Carrier Fg A2 D2 M4 C7, hit planes first.
    The thread also included some Charts to judge the worthiness of different SBR HRs values:
    A simplified dogfight and SBR House Rule for 1942 2nd Edition
    September 04, 2014, 04:56:57 pm to Reply #10 on: April 07, 2015, 07:16:46 pm

    Baron’s work in progress:
    The first post contains links to other same topic threads.
    Alternate 3 planes Carrier, Air oriented for G40 or 1942.2 with TacBs
    October 28, 2014, 06:44:42 pm to Reply #31 on: January 19, 2015, 08:14:33 am

    Rethinking Air units simulating historical air-to-air combat: 2 planes carrier
    October 27, 2014, 06:04:56 am to Reply #8 on: March 10, 2015, 07:22:52 pm

    Alternate Air combat in OOB G40 with 2 planes Carrier, 1942.1 and 1942.2
    March 18, 2014, 04:14:56 pm to Reply #8 on: March 23, 2014, 04:36:37 pm

    Improved historicity of Fighters G40 SBR escort, interception & Night bombing
    March 15, 2014, 11:28:33 am to Reply #1 on: May 20, 2014, 11:13:06 pm

    Dogfighting in 1914 version of G40 & SBR escort and interception
    March 14, 2014, 02:29:19 pm to Reply #12 on: March 17, 2014, 07:01:27 pm

    Adapting A&A1914 rules for G40
    December 23, 2013, 07:46:00 am to Reply #72 on: March 15, 2014, 11:57:41 am

    An offspring from Uncrustable Enhanced Thread.
    Alternative way of integrating Air combat in regular combat- For Review
    November 08, 2013, 02:39:45 pm to Reply #46 on: November 20, 2013, 07:45:08 am

    And was grounded on these previous threads:
    Alternate 3 planes CV, more planes oriented A&A for G40 or 1942 HR with TacBs
    Alternate 3 planes CV, more Air oriented A&A for G40 or 1942 with TacBs

    Here are the principles I tried to put in this House Rule on Tactical Bombers and Fighters.

  • '17 '16

    A revision of warship cost, to increase Naval action and to tip balance toward Allies.

    Black Elk’s thread
    1942.2 All ships cost 2 ipcs less
    July 09, 2015, 04:32:03 pm to Reply #14 on: July 18, 2015, 03:58:04 am

    EnoughSaid’s thread.
    1940 Cheaper Boats
    October 30, 2014, 12:27:13 pm to Reply #35 on: November 09, 2014, 09:29:46 am

    Historical Carriers, ASW and other vessels : 1942.1/1942.2/1940
    March 06, 2013, 05:16:03 pm to Reply #34 on: May 17, 2013, 01:14:18 am

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    Oh good! I swear I was looking everywhere for that cheaper boats thread, but I kept searching ships rather than “boats” lol. Hang around this place long enough, and you’ll find a ton of solid HR proposals. They’ve just been buried under the avalanche of time hehe. I got about 20 pages deep into this section, and my eyes started glossing over. I probably missed an ace thread or two.

    I’m interested in the land bases, and proposals there like military outposts for just inf, or rail bases, and also the 3 tiered factory scheme in g40. Trying to locate the earliest discussions, or the most recent. But most of those systems require additional materials.

    Still just keeping with rules, another HR type worth mentioning is more about production restriction. I don’t know, maybe I just make one up as an example, to describe what I’m talking about haha.

    Factories only at VCs:

    Rule: All Victory Cities get a starting factory. Only VCs on the map get a starting factory. The factory unit is removed from the purchase roster.

    Purpose: to anchor the fighting around these territories and underscore the importance of the VC.

    This is another one I recall from AA50, or maybe Larry Boards, but which could potentially work in 1942.2. It would be a dramatic shift for the production spread (introducing France, Kiangsu, Philippines, and Hawaii into the mix), so probably needs to be attended by another rule or large bid for balance. But it would result in a major incentive for Germany to stay oriented towards the west, possibly with a strong naval game. Might work with an American Zero turn order (full turn?). Anyway the basic idea is that you have a set number of select factories in the game, and no more, then adjust the balance from there. Something similar might work for G40. I believe some of YGs rules call for factories that cannot be purchased, or restored to full capacity once captured. That recalls to mind another production restriction concept which I feel certain has been mentioned before. The idea of factories that can be permanently removed from the board, like auto-destroyed upon capture. This is a bit like scorched earth, but more extreme. Something basic would be along the lines of…

    Factory destruction:

    Rule: when an IC is taken by the enemy it is automatically destroyed.

    Purpose: prevents the quick turn-around of production from a captured enemy territory. Now the conqueror must build the factory anew if they want to exploit it. Slows down the Axis, since it means that territories like Karelia, Caucasus, and Moscow don’t provide an immediate production boon when conquered.

    Requires more money from the Axis if they want to hold the center. Similarly it opens up alternative territories as candidates for new production, with less fear that they will be used by the enemy. Rules like this one in a game such as 1942.2 would seem to recommend a cheaper factory unit at 12, but that could just be me. Again something like this might work in G40 as well. I’m sure its been discussed endlessly somewhere.

    Oh one more before I forget about it again.

    Standard Playing Cards (52 deck) income bonus:
    for 1942.2

    Rule: Players use a standard deck of cards, and draw during the collect income phase for a bonus in ipcs.

    Aces high =15, Jack =11, Queen=12, King=13
    All numbered cards (deuce-ten):  
    Diamond =7, Clubs = 8, Hearts = 9, Spades =10
    Joker =20

    Purpose: to introduce more cash, and randomize each game round by purchase. Every nation has more average income per round, but Allies have more draws over all, so their economic advantage is built in as the game proceeds (at least until Axis can destroy one of them).

    More units in play at the outset, potentially prolongs the endgame, or encourages early resolution, depending on the luck of the draw in a given turn. For a more wild swing you can assign the bonus to numbered cards by their printed value rather than by suit. But I like the way it works with the floor at 7 ipcs, just for overall economic parity. Cursed diamonds hehe! But even those are a whole lot better than nothing. Another method is to split the deck into Black and Red suits and give one pile to each side Axis or Allies with Joker. Facecards at the values above. For all numbered cards: minor suit (diamonds/clubs) =9 ipcs, major suit (hearts, aces) =10 ipcs. This is slightly higher income, but also ensures both sides have an equal chance at drawing the same number of facecards.

    IPCs here could be assigned different values for the cards too, depending on player preference. Deuces Wild, Crazy 8s, whatever. But the basic idea is that your group assigns an ipc value to the cards in a standard deck, and then draw against each other for a bonus each turn. Similarly you can use a scheme like the above to award bonus units rather than cash, if that seems more interesting.

    Those are a bit long winded. Still trying to summarize, since the og post is eluding me, but we can trim it down later with internal links.

  • '17 '16


    Oh good! I swear I was looking everywhere for that cheaper boats thread, but I kept searching ships rather than “boats” lol. Hang around this place long enough, and you’ll find a ton of solid HR proposals. They’ve just been buried under the avalanche of time hehe. I got about 20 pages deep into this section, and my eyes started glossing over. I probably missed an ace thread or two.

    Those are a bit long winded. Still trying to summarize, since the og post is eluding me, but we can trim it down later with internal links.

    :-D :-D :-D

    If you want to put friends together, quote my post and copy the link and comment within your own post.
    Then, I will erase mine. It will spare some room and keep things thematically together. If you wish.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    The best part is that it was right under my nose, in a link that I linked earlier, but I just blew right past it while searching around lol. Totally how I would opperate, wasting time with google, when I could have just followed the bread crumbs haha. For now I don’t mind some reduplication. Any links are good. This thread is helping me to necro some of the oldies, and get my head back in the game. One way or another, we’ll get this info to read at glance at some point.

  • '17 '16

    This post is about Defenseless Transport and ways to give some escorting defense value point.
    Some simply want to get back to Classic Transport (TP A0 D1 C8, 1 hit), or a weaker variant by keeping the taken last mechanic.

    EXECUTIVE ORDER: if you add 1 rule you have to remove 2 other rules
    January 30, 2017, 12:05:49 pm to still active…

    In this thread Black Elk and Baron had some input on TP as discussing 1942.2 ways to balance it.
    Game unbalanced?
    January 07, 2015, 09:15:18 pm to Reply #61 on: April 01, 2015, 09:26:09 am

    New Transport Defense
    September 13, 2017, 07:30:03 am to Reply #74 on: Today at 05:10:22 pm

    Der Kuenstler famous thread OP which contains many, many possible variants
    The aberration of the defenseless transport
    March 29, 2013, 10:24:39 am to Reply #433 on: July 16, 2016, 08:59:50 pm

    Let me start this off first with a quote:

    “All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward” - Glasgow

    For six editions and the first 24 years of AA history, the transport has cost 8 IPCs and defended @1. Starting with AA Guadalcanal, transports became defenseless (the unit pricing scheme was all different). In the 50th Ann edition, transports became defenseless and cheaper, costing 7 IPCs.

    I understand new rules create sales, so from a business standpoint, changing things is good. But IMO changing the transport rules hurt the overall game and here’s why:

    1. The “auto-destroy” rule violates the spirit of the game.

    Everything in this game involves decisions and risk, and has since the beginning. That’s what makes it so much fun. As Alexander Smith said “Everything is sweetened by risk.” Now we have a rule introduced where there is no risk - only auto-destruction. It is an exception to every other rule and every other unit in the game. All excitement in dice rolling to see what happens is removed. What happens is already decided with no variants at all - no anticipation. Lone transports just get swept off the board. yawn.

    2. The 7 IPC rule makes amphibious assaults easier and cheaper.

    Honestly, this rule seems to have been added only because transorts were made weaker by the first rule. To me this is going in the opposite direction of the way it should. It’s already too easy to take islands like Okinawa and such with bombardment. Amphibious assults ought to be hard and EXPENSIVE - that’s why it took the allies so long to achieve one in Europe.

    OBJECTION: Transports defending @1 is unrealistic!
    ANSWER: how often in WWII were transports left completely alone? To me this defense value reflects smaller DD escorts, PT boats, AA batteries and such that would normally be in the vicinity of transports. Plus some transport vessels were lightly armed.

    VERDICT: I say they should have left transports the way they were!

  • '17 '16

    This post contains link to threads aiming at simplify aircrafts, Submarines, Destroyer and Transport interactions. Mainly, no need to bring DD to allow aircraft to hit Subs.

    This one works with OOB cost and includes related OOB rules from rulebook with visible changes from original rules.
    Introductory steps to use TPs, Subs, Destroyers and planes: simpler interactions
    July 01, 2016, 04:14:43 pm to  Reply #4 on July 04, 2016, 09:26:14 pm

    Inside this thread there is also many try at different cost structures.
    Simplifying units interactions of Transports, Submarines, Destroyers & planes
    September 14, 2014, 11:38:21 am to Reply #156 on: March 31, 2015, 10:52:53 pm

    This Der Kuenstler’s thread is about a balance issue on Destroyer blocking abilty against Submarine.
    Reality wrecking destroyer rules need a revamp…
    August 28, 2014, 03:06:53 pm to Reply #91 on: February 05, 2015, 08:54:33 pm

    This thread explore which ratio should be better than 1 DD block all Subs.
    Also, contains a long list of all threads on Submarines in various forums.
    Alternative to OOB aircrafts, destroyers and submarine warfare in G40 and 1942
    March 31, 2014, 07:25:59 am to Reply #9 on: April 02, 2014, 06:03:21 pm

    Contains the many variations on Submarine’s rules. Main focus is on planes need DD or not to hit Sub.
    History of the introduction of the actual G40 OOB Subs rules
    March 24, 2014, 05:29:19 pm to  Reply #13 on: April 01, 2014, 09:18:58 am

    Earlier draft of Baron’s Submarine houserules to solve Sub padding fleet issue.
    Lasts posts contain many links to Youtube Documentaries on ATO DDs attacking Subs and Wolfpack.
    Sub vs planes w/w out DD: HR to limit subs-fodder and to keep equity
    January 16, 2014, 10:56:24 pm to Reply #36 on: July 08, 2014, 06:11:15 pm

    Basic principles of a new Sub Warfare House Rule (nSWHR), for review
    October 29, 2013, 09:23:32 pm to Reply #14 on: January 09, 2014, 12:29:47 pm

  • '17 '16

    I found this one, not exclusively on Cruiser.
    Maybe you were looking for it?
    You can place it with corresponding posts theme.
    Not enough time to seek into it but don’t want to loose either.

    Blitz units, Can Openers, and Turn Order

    I’d like to start a general thread discussing this relationship in Axis and Allies: how blitz units can be used to exploit the turn order.

    Having explored various concepts on the G40 map, such as a variable turn order, and a totally collapsed turn order by side, and “same time” G40 where all nations move at once… it has become abundantly clear to me that the only way to come up with a workable system to vary turn order, or collapse the turn order, is to first come up with a way for players to make their own can-openers, rather than relying on their Allies to do so. What do you think about the way can openers are used in A&A?  And what do you think about how it effects the aesthetics, creating that checkerboard map? You know, where say Italy moves into a territory, then Germany moves to hold this space with infantry and fighters, while blitzing on through to the next space with their armor and mech… Gray, Brown, Gray, Brown etc. It seems to me that this is a huge part of Axis and Allies. Basically the rules about landing aircraft in newly conquered territories (prohibiting it), and the rules that describe the abilities of blitz units, combine to create this feature of the game. I think this is a metagame exploit that the turn order and the blitz rules encourage, but which is so foundational to the game going back to Classic, that everyone accepts it as just built in.

    What if the blitz rules were changed? So that turn order didn’t matter for game balance?
    Then you could actually explore different ways to approach turn order generally, like variable turn, or collapsed turn, or same time. Think about how Italian ground units can-open for Germany OOB. Or how German air can-open for Japan on the water. Or how America or China can-open for the UK. The turn order exploit is all over the place right now, and is built into the overall balance. To ever get beyond this, step one would be to eliminate the “ally can-opener”, and replace it with a “self can-opener” that you can run on your own combat turn, using your own armor. So for example, right now OOB, Italy takes Baltic States and then Germany blitzes through to take Leningrad, but what we need is for a way for Germany to blitz both by itself. Basically there is enough special stuff going on in G40, that I think you could justify having an entire phase or battle phase round called “Special Combat.” Then put Blitzing into that, in something similar to “sub surprise strike, or scramble, or sbr/intercept” some way for tanks and mech to “advance” out of the combat, and into an adjacent territory.

    The Blitz move would then feel more like a true blitz, and it would better capture the blitz concept, of rushing units forward in a kind of double combat, rather than having the action separated by a round of gameplay, and interjecting an ally into the equation. What do you think of the idea of allowing for “self can-openers” with Tanks? Also if you like the idea of the self can-opening Tank, what do you think about adding additional Blitz units?

    For example, it might be possible to allow such a blitz play with 1 unit type from each category: Land, Air, and Sea…

    Land: Armor = Land Blitz
    Air: Tactical Bomber = Air Blitz
    Sea: Cruiser = Naval Blitz

    In this final case with the cruiser, the naval blitz ability could make up for its cost relative to the destroyer, and would give it more of a reason to exist in the unit roster. The self can-opening blitz unit. If this could be done, then A&A could function under other turn order conditions, such as variable sequence of nations, or collapsed turn order by side, or same time play for all nations. These are all possible if new ways can be thought of to handle the Blitz/can opener. Right now I am curious to hear any general thoughts about how the can opener effects your G40 game/experience.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    Now there’s a blast from the past, I hadn’t thought of in a while! Haha nice one.

    Guess I should put this link in here as well, since the blitz topic above mentions it.
    This idea was a total conversion of A&A to create “Same Time” combat conditions.


    In it we discussed the differences between Same Time, and a similar type of total conversion which has been proposed at various times (by Imperius Leader and others) for 2 turn game, All Axis vs All Allies. Same Time is rather more involved than All Axis vs All Alies, but some may find the idea worth exploring.

    At some point when I have a bit more time, I will organize all the turn order HRs into a single section. Right now I can think of 4 broad categories, based on how extreme the proposed HR change is to the concept of the normal game “turn.”

    1. Adjusted standard Turn order sequence, with otherwise OOB rules. Example: China First for G40, or American Zero Turn for 1942.2.

    2. Randomized start to the standard Turn order sequence. This would be all those HRs I’ve mentioned at various times, where the turn order for a given game is unique and determined by an initial roll. Not sure how much time I’d want to dedicate on this one, since so far the only one interested in the concept seems to be me haha.

    3. Collapsed turn order by sides, All Axis vs All Allies. This has been proposed a few times, so probably worth formalizing.

    4. And finally Same Time, ie no turn order, players conduct each phase simultaneously.

    I’ll edit in links when I find them, and try to summarize those rules for anyone who might be interested. Other Total Conversion ideas, not totally unrelated to the first idea of an adjusted turn order would include things like YG’s UK Pacific economy or Halifax ruleset.  Or any mods which take a ground up approach to redesign, introducing changes to both the rules and the proposed unit set up for a given board. Some of these have introduced a new standard turn order in the process. But I think the category there should probably be broader, like HRs for “creating new player nations” on a given board. Commonwealth or Vichy or Minor Axis etc could come under that umbrella

  • '17 '16


    Factory destruction:

    Rule: when an IC is taken by the enemy it is automatically destroyed.

    Purpose: prevents the quick turn-around of production from a captured enemy territory. Now the conqueror must build the factory anew if they want to exploit it. Slows down the Axis, since it means that territories like Karelia, Caucasus, and Moscow don’t provide an immediate production boon when conquered.

    Requires more money from the Axis if they want to hold the center. Similarly it opens up alternative territories as candidates for new production, with less fear that they will be used by the enemy. Rules like this one in a game such as 1942.2 would seem to recommend a cheaper factory unit at 12, but that could just be me. Again something like this might work in G40 as well. I’m sure its been discussed endlessly somewhere.

    Those are a bit long winded. Still trying to summarize, since the og post is eluding me, but we can trim it down later with internal links.


    What about…

    When a territory with a major industrial complex is captured, it is redused to a minor IC, and if a territory with a minor IC is captured, it is removed from the board.

    This was in Redesign thread.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    Nice! All this re-reading of HRs lately just makes me want to play more.

    I’m trying to think of a more general way to state the zero turn idea. The way it works, a nation is jumped to the head of the turn sequence and given a restricted opening. Non Combat, Purchase/Placement to kick off the game (skips combat phase.) From there the match proceeds as usual, otherwise following the standard sequence for the rest of the nations.

    I like an American Zero turn A0 for 1942.2

    For 1940, I think it would be more interesting and balanced with a minor Nation getting the zero turn. I like China, although an Anzac zero turn might be kind of cool there as well. An American Zero turn is not inconceivable for G40, though you’d have to make a close read on the DoW (I think in that case it would make sense that the zero turn not count towards US entry, so still 4 full rounds.) In both games 1942.2 or G40 the zero turn would act as a bid alternative for Allies, one which puts more of a spotlight on the Pacific side of the board. The nation that receives the zero turn has fewer units to move overall, so the non com itself is quick, but it gives a major leg up to the chosen nation, especially with an extra round of purchase/placement.

    This method can be used either to bring the game into a rough balance by sides, or to invert the balance, without altering the starting units. Still leaves open the option of a bid on top if desired.

    Here is another HR regarding China…

    No movement between Chinese and Russian starting territories.
    for 1942.2

    Rule: The border separating Chinese and Soviet starting territories is now considered impassable for all units.

    Szechwan no longer connects to Kazakh.
    Sinkiang no longer connects to Kazakh, Novosibirsk, and Evenki.

    Purpose: to represent the vast distances and unforgiving terrain of Western China, by preventing gamey movements across this border as Japan or the Allies. Closes off the central route of the Axis center crush, and gives the Japanese campaign in China a more singular focus.

    This rule is much like the option to close sz 16, except here it applies to land territories and restricts movement for all units (including aircraft.) Likely requires a bid, additional Chinese starting units, or other HRs to keep China in play.


  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    Here are a few more one-off rules proposed at various points.

    War Bonds for All:
    for Global

    Rule: Each player nation is granted the War Bonds tech advance for free.

    Purpose: to increase the overall cash and purchasing variety. Potential substitute for the Allied bid.

    It is possible to put a similar rule in place for 1942.2. Basically each nation rolls 1d6 to determine their bonds for that turn.

    Island Movement Bonus:
    for 1942.2

    Rule: If an island is completely contained by a single sea zone, and under friendly control, then aircraft movement into or out of that sea zone from the island is not counted towards the total.

    In other words, the owner treats the island like a stationary or permanent aircraft carrier inside the sea zone, for the purposes of movement. On defense however (if attacked by the enemy), the island aircraft is still considered to be parked “on the island,” so not hovering in the sea zone at all times, only when moving on the player’s own turn.

    purpose: to simulate the air base idea, but in 1942.2, and make otherwise zero ipc island territories more valuable for staging.

    I’m struggling to find that one, if anyone comes across it, link me up.

    Another rule very similar to the above, but with a different application…

    Island Scrambling
    for 1942.2

    Rule: If an island is completely contained by a single sea zone, and under friendly control, then aircraft stationed on this island may scramble to defend the sea zone.

    purpose: again to give zero ipc islands some gameplay interest.

    I believe the idea was for a nerfed scramble (compared to G40) with a limit of 1 or 2 fighters. Fairly sure both these were discussed in the same thread, though I can’t seem to hunt it down at the moment. Will update with discussion links when I find them.

    Oh also, this idea of a house rule master thread, it was first proposed here…

    That was a while back. Clearly taken me some time to muster up the motivation haha. Consider this the draft thread. Its mainly trying to pair things down and put them in a list format. For a proper list, once I have enough material in one place. I will use the locked thread idea that YG suggested. But to do that first need to get the list and the links.

    Still hoping some others will help me bang it out here. Even if you can’t recall exactly where the rule first arose, or point to a discussion, if you can describe the HR in a few words, hit me with it. Because that stuff is helpful too.

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    I think this is definitely worth including in the list…

    Income & Progress Credit
    for all games

    Concept: the acronym “IPC” is now understood to stand for “Income & Progress Credit,” rather than Industrial Production Certificate or Industrial Production Capacity.

    Purpose: to make this basic element of the game’s internal economy more abstract and flexible. Grants players the ability to adjust IPC values in their HRs with greater freedom and conceptual consistency.

    This is not exactly a rule in and of itself, but rather a way to support or justify house rules that make adjustments to the boxed IPC values. These could be anything really, from starting cash, to objective or territory bonuses, to direct adjustment of values on the game map. It separates the IPC from any strict connection to industrial development or resources, so it can function more like a more generic game point and gameplay driver/reward.


  • @Black_Elk:

    Income & Production Credit
    for all games

    Concept: the acronym “IPC” is now understood to stand for “Income & Production Credit,”

    Shouldn’t that be “Income and Progress Credit”, which was the formulation (and the underlying concept) in the other thread?

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