Japan is white - can’t you tell white from Grey? Even your chum’s map has Italy in grey, and as I’ve said there are far too many yellow/tan/orange/red/brown colours on most maps. Me colour blind - me no like. Earth brown is too close to the UK colour which is too close to tan which is too close to the sand colour…
Why should China be Red? I though it WAS red, at least “Red” (Soviet controlled) China.
Don’t see what’s wrong with “Lybia”. At least I can SPELL it correctly.
On this scale R de O is irrelevant - a worthless strip of desert best absorbed into Mauretania.
That green does look bright, this must happen in the process of converting into a net file, so thank Elbowmaster for this, plus the rather fuzzy jpeg effect.
The lakes in dark blue was a mistake - I thought you might confuse them for sea zones since the SZs are not now named; but yes it looks terrible.
The idea of the large strip at the top was because I elongated the map to widen the oceans, and it seemed reasonable to cram this with keys etc. rather than have a thin strip of a board. This isn’t necessarilly how a productuion map would appear.
I hope you’ve told Jeff to remove those B/W photos of Yankee artillery from the middle of the Atlantic on his map. Thought not.
Still, to indulge you, I’ll try the IPCs in circles; though maybe keep the IC numbers in squares for clarity.
I also did a map with neutrals in white and Japan in vomit yellow for your benefit, surely you’ve seen it?