If Russia attacked 3 territories, let’s say Belo, WR and Ukraine, and managed to take all three with a few units remaining, would you as the German player look on that with a big smile or thoughtful frown? Because Russia is not stacked too heavily in any one area, would that work out for the German player advantage-wise in the long-run, since Russia has to slowly continually build while Germany can in one or two quick turns build up the Ukraine with a fair amount of guys and threaten both WR and the Cauc. Any thoughts on this?
Well, seeing the Russian player attack 3 territories would plaster a big confident grin on my face, because I’d think he’d very probably fail somewhere and take heavy casualties.
If the Russian player WON all three, I’d call in the cat. (Yeah, that’s right, jump up on the table! Haahahahahaha!). LOSING all three battles is not cool for Germany at all.
Russia doesn’t need to slowly build if it makes that hypothetical three territory grab. Initial territory advantage translates into funds for tanks. Russia can always fall back, and Germany still has to deal with the loss of its units on Germany’s eastern front.