I feel like a Russia-Japan non aggression pact would make it too easy for Germany to be taken down. The real battle of the game is whether or not Japan gets to Russia before everyone else gets to Germany.
Aggressive America - how to stop it?
don’t forget either you have to purchase an AA or load a tranny for a turn brining an AA there. That’s another 5 ipc.
This is all assuming that the Allied didn’t go for the Kwang Bang. If Allied did go Kwang Bang with no Bid in Asia, then Japan is going to be hurting.
With a kwangbang it’s a moot issue, and they always go kwangbang! Common now. It’s such an over rated high risk maneuver too, but it’s done nearly 100% of the time in classic. Rather annoying actually. Cause the Allies cannot maintain the pressure without significant investments, and odds are, if it was done, Germany’s got 21-24 IPC worth of units to send after a stripped Russia now.
_>>Aggressive America - how to stop it?<< _
Sorry, it’s a monster, it can’t be stopped. :-P
_>>However, one of the people loves to play a REALLY aggressive America.<< _
replace the guy! :evil:
_>>Anyone have any suggestions?<<Â _
Try maybe some of that oldfashioned “PSYOP” - a good clean family activity. :roll:
Lol Jennifer, you might wanna figure out why you lose so many games… Maybe because your strats and tactics are wrong… But you keep playing them and lose again…
As comment on your pretty onesided lame comment, transport are not for arms only! First you funnel inf over and get inf from your islands to the mainland. Like I stated before you can start buying IC’s on turn 4-5, because your inf is flowing to the mainland and with your extra IPC’s you can get that IC to start pumping arms. I actually don’t know why I am still trying to prove my point, while it is proven over and over again…
And to comment on that hatred part, you are absolutely right!
A) I have a 90% win record on Classic, which is what we are discussing, and I almost never do the traditional infantry stack game until I’ve already won.
B) You did not read what I said. I said a transport can only carry 1 tank at a time. I did not say they can only carry tanks. I was pointing out that very significant and strong position of putting an IC in Manchuria for Japan allowing them to build 8 Infantry and 3 Armor (39 IPC, easily attained with Japan) per round. Otherwise, you would need 3 transports (24 IPC) to move those 3 armor instead of 1 IC (15 IPC) to move the same armor.
C) My AAR strategies are always off the wall. However, in games that matter, I have a strong win/loss record, as you would know if you did any kind of legitamite research.
LOL then you are not reading either “I was pointing out that very significant and strong position of putting an IC in Manchuria for Japan allowing them to build 8 Infantry and 3 Armor (39 IPC, easily attained with Japan) per round.” But the point is if you are proven wrong you always turn it so that you state something extra so your point should work…
That is in turn 4-5… exactly the turns I pointed out before…
Ow I didn’t do any research on your stats, but you lost badly vs the spacecrew, you lost against Jarmofoot and me and last but not least Avin pawned you twice! So that is 0-4 in your last games to back up your 90% win rate, you must have at least won 36 games and not losing one…
Bashir, you must have missed the point made elsewhere that you cannot argue facts and statistics with Jen. Her stats are always correct, her figures are always accurate, and she is the best player of both Classic and Revised on these boards… her strats always succeeding except when she has bad dice, or an opponent doing something strange (like trying to win) :mrgreen:
She makes good crumpets & tea at least. 8-)
LOL then you are not reading either “I was pointing out that very significant and strong position of putting an IC in Manchuria for Japan allowing them to build 8 Infantry and 3 Armor (39 IPC, easily attained with Japan) per round.” But the point is if you are proven wrong you always turn it so that you state something extra so your point should work…
That is in turn 4-5… exactly the turns I pointed out before…
Ow I didn’t do any research on your stats, but you lost badly vs the spacecrew, you lost against Jarmofoot and me and last but not least Avin pawned you twice! So that is 0-4 in your last games to back up your 90% win rate, you must have at least won 36 games and not losing one…
i think that DM and i beat her and DF once in classic, and she recently lost to Frood and i in revised. But i’m not a very good player myself - at least i’ve lost my share of games. (having said that, i do not argue against well established strategies based on my record)
Oh - and this statementI have a strong win/loss record, as you would know if you did any kind of legitamite research.
is amusing coming from someone who considers something that calls itself “The Canadian Free Press” a news source . . . . :mrgreen:
oh yeah,
and an aggressive America will happen. Its just that instead of Germany having to deal with it, Japan does instead. It’s not that unrealistic - It is pretty easy to clear Japan out of Pearl in the counter-attack if one so wishes. So Japan builds an extra ftr or two, and has to expand more slowly than she otherwise would like to - as was mentioned - Germany has much more to play with. An aware Germany should make use of this tactic to dominate Africa fairly easily, and shuttle more stuff to the front. Speaking of fronts - the UK’s navy will have to tread very carefully without US naval backing. Germany simply has to be aware. -
Great thread! Thanks for schooling me!!
In Classic, which I adore since '91, I always build ICs in Japan because I want armor (amor?) fast against Soviets.
IC on 1st purchase, even if it gets captured, or suffers a SBR.
I send everything possible to Pearl on the first round attack, with the sub and one TRN.
IMHO, Asia ICs negate American Aggression, in Pacific, because the appetite of Japan armor persists even if Japan must meet American naval advances.
While America is ‘aggressive’ in Pacific protecting her daughter, the Phillipines, her distant cousins, are left to flounder. Without American support, Luftwaffe eliminates Allied shipping.
Kindly Uncle Joe, is put to an early retirement while America plays in the Pacific.
Thanks to all!
OMFG at ‘thanks for schooling me’ I think it was clearly stated that an IC on Jap1 was very bad… You can’t go arms immediatly against the russians! You need an inf stack first and that is accomplished by buying trans and funnel over inf from Jap and/or other islands to the mainland.
I almost never do the traditional infantry stack game until I’ve already won.
What is the point in that? I guess it rarely happens then… Most of the times you already have your inf stack otherwise you were not winning…
Bashir, I gotta agree with you here.
There is only one place for Japanese cash, and that is manifest as Soldiers on the mainland, pressing Russia. An Aggressive America can be thwarted very easily, and with useful units (i.e. an extra fighter or two, and an extra transport or two. Japan should have at least 2 capital ships in its waters (1 bb, 1 cv) in the event of a US build up. A mainland IC is only useful in the mid-game (IMO), and is not at all useful in the event of an aggressive America - again, IMHO. There is nothing it can do that two trns can’t. It can not serve as cannon fodder, nor can it get units to the mainland any faster. It can not maneuver to block US feints towards the East Indies or Philipines, nor can it serve to land troops on Alaska if you are hoping to distract US interests from Europe.
In the mid-late game, the Japanese mainland IC is helpful in that it helps to spread about Jap purchases (i.e. in the event that Japan builds more units than its home income would allow), and it can help with the combined assault on Russia from 3 points (i.e. India, Kwang, and Man). -
im confused…wht does U.S. have to be aggresive with? at the gbeginning of the game that is. I guess they can invade algeria…
That is the whole point… They buy stuff to get aggressive with!!!
I have a strong win/loss record, as you would know if you did any kind of legitamite research.
That is why you inserted this into your description and autograph…
‘0 Wins, 0 Draws, 0 Losses in all Clubs’
‘W/D/L count starts for new games started on 4/2/2007 since I don’t intend any more overly radical concepts, just gunna play to win.’
That is the whole point… They buy stuff to get aggressive with!!!
maybe I dont understand. It seems like you are asking “how can I stop America from doing exactly waht its supposed to do?”
America is going to buy stuff, and get it online as fast as possible just like any other country. -
I kind of assumed this thread was about KJF (with America building a Pacific Navy). Maybe I assumed too much?