Everyone has made good points so far on this topic. A couple questions for all who’ve responded:
Even if the US/UK is able to amass this large force by turn 4 or 5, Japan should be taking out Russia by then anyways right?
What is the Axis strategy then? If Germany is essentially doomed from the get go should they just take a shot at Karelia?
Would a plausible strategy be to have Germany continually build airforce and/or ships to keep the seas clear? As was said in an earlier posting of mine you can take out all the seaforce in the area without losing any planes (one fighter should be the worst that happens really). Turn 1 you could buy 2 fighters and 2 inf, and save 2 ipc’s. Now you should have 7 fighters and a bomber. Second turn you should have 38 (you definitely gain 2 in Africa, usually 4) and you could buy 2 more fighters, 4 inf and save 2. If you go with the plan of buying a carrier in the UK and placing the American fighters on it they will be taken out easily. If you go with the plan of waiting for the UK’s 2nd turn to buy and then stocking the sea with 2 carriers and 4 planes, Germany gets another turn to buy. So they go with 2 fighters and 4 inf again. Germany will be able to attack the UK and US ships with 9 fighters and a bomber; certainly enough to take them down. So let’s say with 2 trns, 2 carriers, 4 planes that the allies shoot down 6 fighters (that’s fair right)? We’ll even say 7. At the end of Germany’s turn they have 4 fighters (counting the two they purchased that turn) and a bomber and the UK and US have no ships. If you land the fighters in Eastern Europe and stack most of your troops there Russia will still not be able to advance towrads Germany and will have to deal with Japan coming in the back door. At this point the Axis are well in control of the game.