Hello to all.
New to this site.
Long time AA player (I play my own kids who are teenagers now with the original MB version I bouight 20 years ago). Pleased to see this game is going strong.
Anyway I would like to hear of anyones opinion on balancing the game as follows.
Russia Restricted.
Russia-Japanese Non-Aggression Pact (As outlined in Max’s Advanced Rules for Axis and Allies)
We have mixed in two hit BB’s for good measure.
This seems to allow the Germany a fair shot at keeping Russia off balance and a skilled Japanese player can focus on non-Russian Asia and the US in Pacific. At the same time Russia is not totally beaten in three turns or less because they are not fighting a two front war, initially anyway.
Anyway let me hear from ya.
Veni, Vidi, Mittere Arcus et Saggitam, now I am ready for my nap.