This is something I just made for fun. I scanned the set up chart from on of the boxes and edited it to look like a hypothetical one for Neutral Peices just because why not?
Anyways, thats just it, bye!

Best posts made by Playing Kid
What If There Was A Box For Neutral Peices?
Old Classic variant I found from 1997, "Solve your history problems!"
A while back I bought a used copy of A&A Classic. At first expecting just a normal old second edition copy, I discovered many happy surprises inside including two copies of Classic in one box, a copy of A&A Enhanced Realism Rules, and many notes of custom variants. This is variant stood out in particular as it appears to be a variant the original owner found online. I tried to find the original source without luck. So I painfully retyped it and decided to post it here. Without further ado, here is the variant!
Subj: Solve your history problems!
Date: 97-08-27 13:49:08 EDT
From: Josephg96Hello Folks.
I just discovered this folder and agree that A&A’s largest flaw lies in its failure to depict the Second World War historically accurate. Indeed, I find myself NOT playing the standard A&A simply because I cringe at the idea of wasting time “reliving” a war that never really happened or that never COULD have happened. Still, the A&A game “engine” is too ingenious to let go… and so I have taken on the task of creating a variant, using the standard A&A map board and all its rules (with 4 additional), that accurately depicts the military conflicts in WWII.To start with, this Variant puts you at the first days of the war, well before the Axis make their biggest mistakes (ie. Pearl Harbor, Barbarossa). Round 1 of the game represents the months March to May of 1940, after Hitlers successful conquest of Poland (each following round represents a season of three months). and at the time of his invasion of France (to be carried out by the player if desired). Meanwhile, in the Pacific, Japan is struggling to find the resources to maintain its grand fleet and newborn Industrialized island. Tensions are growing between the infant superpower and the United States. Navy Commanders debate amongst eachother on how to “handle” their diplomatic and natural resource crisis. 3 years into a very fruitful Sino-Japanese war, the rising sun has established a strong presence in Manchuria and occupied major coastal cities deep into Kwatung. Hopefully these conquests will prove enough to sustain a greater Japanese Empire.
All standard rules apply to variant accept where follows.- Nuetrality
Certain powers have signed Nuetrality Treaties which are violated when one member of the pact attacks or files over a territory OWNED by the nuetral power or attacks a SZ occupied by ONLY nuetral ships. Emphasize the word OWNED… if a player attacks nuetral units outside their home territories no violation has occured. For example suppose American soldiers move into the Soviet Far East as added protection against the Japanese (who have signed a nuetrality agreement with the US) and the Japanese proceed to attack that territory, no breach of terms has been made since the US does not OWN the invaded land. When ever a treaty is broken, the transgressor must pay a ONE TIME violation fee. Allies must pay 12 for breaking treaty, Axis powers must pay 3. The following treaties exist at the beginning of the game:
USA:JapanTreaties are never mended or made during the game. Once broken they are permanently VOID.
Industrial Complexes
The only Industrial Complexes which have infinite production capacity are those located in CAPITOLS… others can only produce per turn a number of units equal to the income of the home territory. -
Starting Treasury
All nations start with 24 treasury regardless of actual income. -
Total War Economy
The Axis powers have the advantage of a TOTAL WAR ECONOMY which means that in round 1, they both collect income at the end of their turns as usual while the Allies may only collect 24 IPC’s… this only lasts for one round.
Subj: Starting Positions
Date: 97-08-27 13:50:32 EDT
Germany: 5 inf, 5 arm, 3 ftrs, 2 bmbrs, 1 AA, 1 IC, 1 battleship, 2 trans, 1 sub
Southern Europe: 3 inf, 3 arm, 1 AA, 1 IC, 1 battleship, 2 trans
Libya: 2 inf
Eastern Africa: 1 marker, 1 inf
Western Canada: 1 sub
Spain: 1 subJAPAN
Japan: 5 inf, 1 arm, 2 ftrs, 1 bmbr, 1 AA, 1 IC, 2 Battleships, 2 trans
Manchuria: 3 inf, 1 arm, 1 ftrs, 1 IC
Kwatung: 4 inf
Okinawa: 1inf
Phillipines: 1 battleship
Solomon Islands: 1 sub
Sov Far East: 1 sub
Carolines: 1 ftr*, 1 ACUNITED KINGDOM
UK: 2 inf, 1 armor, 2 ftrs, 1 bmbr, 1 AA, 1 IC, 2 battleships, 2 trns, 1 sub
India: 2 inf, 1 IC
Finland: 1 marker
Western Europe: 1 marker, 4 inf, 1 armor
Algeria: 1 marker
Egypt: 1 inf, 1 armor
Algeria: 1 marker, 1 inf
Kenya: 1 inf
South Africa: 1 inf
Syria: 1 inf
Indochina: 2 inf
Indonesia: 1 marker
Borneo: 1 marker
New Guinea: 1 marker, 1 inf
Solomons: 1 marker
Carolines: 1 marker
Eastern Canada: 1 armor
Australia: 2 inf
Gibraltar: 1 battleship, 1 trn
Eastern Med: 1 subSOVIET UNION
Moscow: 5 inf, 1 arm, 1 AA, 1 IC
Karelia: 2 inf, 1 arm, 1 ftr, 1 IC
Caucusus: 2 inf
Kazack: 1 inf
Evenki: 1 inf
Yakut: 2 inf
Sov Far East: 1 inf, 1 arm
Persia: 1 marker
Ukraine: 1 inf
Eastern Europe: 2 infUnited States:
Eastern US: 2 inf, 1 arm, 1 AA, 1 IC, 1 trn
Western US: 2 inf, 1 ftr, 1 AA, 1 IC, 1 AC, 1 trn
Alaska: 1 inf
Wake Islanda: 1 marker
Hawii: 1 inf, 1 ftr, 2 battleship, 1 sub, 1 trn
Midway Island: 1 inf
China: 3 inf
Sikang: 1 inf
Phillipines: 1 marker, 1 infThat’s it… the conflict begins!
- Nuetrality
RE: What other board games do you play?
I play
Unconditional Surrender (another ww2 game)
Here I Stand (About the reformation)
Ticket To Ride
Kill Doctor Lucky
Civilization A New Dawn
and many more… -
Just Got Axis And Allies Nova
Hello, there isn’t a Nova page so I’ll put this here,
I recently purchased a copy of Axis And Allies Nova which is the original Axis and Allies made in 1981 which was before Milton Bradley (1984)
I’ve heard that many people don’t know there was an Axis And Allies before Milton Bradley, but I just wanted to post a photo of it all set up for anyone to enjoy.
(This game is also the only Axis And Allies to have an Atom Bomb that you can make) -
RE: Which edition is best?
@Dethstrok9 You should do Global 1940! You’ll need both Pacific and Europe 1940 to play it and it is 32 by 70 inches! It is one of the best Axis And Allies games ever made.
Axis And Allies Anniversary Now Out Of Print
(Don’t know if this belongs in News or Axis And Allies Anniversary, if so please move)
Got Anniversary last month and it had a damaged rulebook, box, and peice trays. It was still listed as a Supported Game for Production Replacement online so I asked for replacement peices.
I used the online chat to place my replacement request and when I gave the game to the worker he said that they don’t support that game anymore until he looked and said that they still do. This made me suspicious that they wouldn’t support it anymore…
My replacements still arrived, 2 days ago, but I just looked on their website again and guess what! Axis And Allies Anniversary is no longer supported as it is out of print. (Glad I put my request in time).
RE: 👋 Introduce or Re-Introduce Yourself (Current)
Hello, been on the forum for close to a year but I haven’t really introduced myself yet.
I live in Phoenix AZ and I’m always open to play with other players. I currently play about once a month, but I want to play way more.
Currently I own
Axis And Allies Europe 1940 (2nd)
Axis And Allies Pacific 1940 (2nd)
Axis And Allies Classic (2nd)
Axis And Allies D-Day (2nd)
Axis And Allies Nova
Axis And Allies & Zombies
Axis And Allies 1941But I do plan to get more and to soon get some games from HBG and I will play any game.
I’ve been playing Axis And Allies for two years when I looked up WWII Board Game online and I’ve been loving the game ever since
RE: Axis & Allies 1941 Trivia
@CWO-Marc Found the video you were talking about. Here’s the link,
Phoenix AZ, looking for players?
Hello, I don’t get to play as often as I wish so I’m posting this here.
Anyone in Phoenix? Saturday’s work best
I have 1940, Classic, D Day, Nova, Zombies, and 1941,
RE: Is there a set up to play 1942 on a global board?
Larry Harris, the creator of Axis And Allies himself, made a global 1942 Scenario.
RE: Just Got Axis And Allies Nova
@djensen forgot to hit reply to you
More news has been released about Larry’s new game. Nightingale Games have posted a video about it online which I have linked below.
It will be called “Imperial Borders” in which players will use both diplomacy and might to conquer Europe after the Napoleonic Wars have ended.
RE: Axis And Allies Wikipedia False Info
@barnee I think he is hopefully done now, its been back and forth adding and removing it. I think he just happened to make a game that was coincidentally similar to Axis And Allies. You can look at the edits log and find what it looked like.
This is what the wikipedia page looked like when I first saw it -
RE: Phoenix Area Global War 1936 Players Wanted
@SteelEagle11 I live in Phoenix, sent you a message
Is Larry Harris' website down again?
I’ve been trying to go onto the webpage, but each time I’m told the site can’t be reached. Hopefully this is only a temporary issue, since the website has some amazing stuff on it.
RE: Just Got Axis And Allies Nova
@imperious-leader The French and Chinese pieces were for an expansion that was never made.
RE: My First Custom Map
You can use Gimp as a great free software to make your maps
RE: 2020 Master Players List Version 3.0
Name: PlayingK
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Games: A&A, Avalon Hill, GMT Games
Notes: Truly own all version of A&A and countless of other titles -
RE: Just Got Axis And Allies Nova
@imperious-leader Yes the pieces were made, but the rules for the expansion where never made. Either way they were not part of the base game.