It can be done, but not in one turn. The UK units must load on one turn then unload on the next. The transport must act on the US’s turn, even if it just moves within the sea zone.
Thanks! That is what I believed, but just to be sure…
It can be done, but not in one turn. The UK units must load on one turn then unload on the next. The transport must act on the US’s turn, even if it just moves within the sea zone.
Thanks! That is what I believed, but just to be sure…
Sorry if this has been asked before, but may England use USA trannies as a bridge? If the trannie does not move, can the British load and unload on the same turn?
Thanks, JC
Rolls: 4@1 2@2 5@3; Total Hits: 44@1: (1, 3, 4, 3)2@2: (5, 5)5@3: (2, 3, 6, 2, 4)
Rolls: 2@1 4@2 1@3; Total Hits: 12@1: (4, 1)4@2: (4, 4, 6, 3)1@3: (6)
Rolls: 2@2 1@3 1@4; Total Hits: 12@2: (3, 2)1@3: (5)1@4: (6)
Rolls: 1@1 1@2 1@4; Total Hits: 31@1: (1)1@2: (1)1@4: (3)
Rolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 12@3: (1, 6)
Rolls: 1@2 1@3; Total Hits: 01@2: (6)1@3: (6)
Looking for a game of AA50 42, No N.O.'s or Tech. Bid for sides.
I will take you up on that. I bid 10 for the Allies.
Great, thanks, I PM’ed my counter.
Looking for a game of AA50 42, No N.O.'s or Tech. Bid for sides.
Looking for a league 42. Tech is up to you. Bid (roll for 1st bid) for allies. Slower pace preferred. PM me if interested.
Does it really matter….P40 takes so long to play by forum. Making moves is like giving birth…I’m attacking sz41…are you scrambling…if so, with what…order of loss please…oh, you want to declare it rd by rd…ok declare them then roll your losses… your internet was down for a millenium, no problem…what side am I again…okay I’ll post after I run out and buy more Depends because I’ve soiled myself because I’m an octagenarian now…
Who has the balls to play global
It is pretty tough. My forum opponent has been AWOL for almost 3 weeks. It would be nice if we could play FtoF at GENCON, however…
1. DarthMaximus
2. BigRedOne
3. cts17
4. hobo
5. Battlingmaxo
6. U-505
7. Amon Sûl
8. Bigbadgoo
9. souL
10. SpiralArchitect
11. axis_roll
12. Bardoly
13. Funcioneta
14. Yoshi
15. Pin
16. Zhukov4
17. Mistergreen
18. DY
19. Chunksoul
20. Joe Cold
I’ll start the thread. Let me know about the tech thingy.
Looking for a league game of 42. The pace would be slow. Less then a post a day, maybe 4-5 a week. I’ll be whatever side you don’t want, I don’t require a bid. Any takers?
sounds fine with me JC I already have 4 going including our multi. Last time I was allies. Let me know what side you want as wellas tech +/-
Okay Maxo, here’s for sides. Odds=I’m axis
Rolling 1d2:
Looking for a league game of 42. The pace would be slow. Less then a post a day, maybe 4-5 a week. I’ll be whatever side you don’t want, I don’t require a bid. Any takers?
Saturday, January 23rd, a face to face league will kick off at a coffee house in Cedar Grove, WI. Its about 30miles north of Milwaukee on I43. It will start 10:00 am, Axis and Allies Anniversary Addition. We’ve planned it for 2on2. Bring your partner and your own board. Please pm me if you are interested and would like more details.
Any interest?
Wow, what a tough call this year. All the early tough teams seem to be losing their edge, and the team playing the best football right now (Carolina imho) isn’t even in.
I’ll go with the Packers :-D since I’m a fan.
Got mine from Cool Games, I don’t know, around $65, exactly on the 15th. Awesome.
Scrambling fighters. Can they scramble to sink a loaded transport moving in to attack their island, if that is the only ship coming?
Can mech inf be supported by artillery?
I have a partner but neither of us has AA50 :cry:
But if you have a 46" x 95" play space, and are able to keep playing late. One never Knows
My partner and I each have a board. I’m sure we could spare one, if that’s all that is needed. I’d love to try your game at some point, it looks like it would take quite a while. (I’ve downloaded it on abattlemap a while ago.) Are you using revised rules for that? I’ve never played revised. Let me know if you want in, we’d love to have you there.
Saturday, January 23rd, a face to face league will kick off at a coffee house in Cedar Grove, WI. Its about 30miles north of Milwaukee on I43. It will start 10:00 am, Axis and Allies Anniversary Addition. We’ve planned it for 2on2. Bring your partner and your own board. Please pm me if you are interested and would like more details.
George RR Martin’s Ice and Fire series, starting with A Game of Thrones is a must read imho, I stumbled upon him in a book store, and was thrilled by my incredible luck at just happeing to find such a great story.
He’s a great writer of sci-fi and fantasy short stories as well.
Thank you sir, for the quick response, and the clarification!