Tnx for answers and opinions.

Best posts made by HMS Serapis
Latest posts made by HMS Serapis
The benefits of strategic bombing - opinions?
How often do you use strategic bombing, at what stage of the war (early, mid, late) and where? How profitable is it for you? You probably need to have long range aircraft, and fighters as an escort …
I am interested in your experiences. -
RE: Italian campaign in Abyssinia clarification
Thank you. That’s what I thought, but I needed confirmation.
RE: Italian campaign in Abyssinia clarification
Can I have a little help? So can Italian planes from Cyrenaica and Tripolitania fly over the Suez Canal for the war in Abyssinia? I must mention that Italy and Britain were neutral towards each other at that time. And the rule says that air units are allowed to fly over neutral straits but not neutral canal. In other words; does the Italian player have planes from North Africa available for the Abyssinian campaign or not? And can an Italian pass with ships to the Red Sea through Suez when he is not at war with Britain?
Carriers vs Islands in Pacific?
I’m interested in this … For what purpose do you build and use aircraft carriers? Especially with the US in Pacific? Why do I ask? Because in my opinion they are quite useless, because we have many islands in the Pacific that can serve the same purpose, moreover they can receive more planes, because they take them by so-called “frog jumps” from island to island. I understand that the number of capital ships is only valuable reason for production if we compete with Japan. . I am interested in your opinions. Maybe you see something I haven’t recognized so far. So it’s not a question of rules, I’m just interested in your experiences with aircraft carriers. Give me a reason to produce because they are economically unprofitable. ;)
German victory objective - Eliminate Communism; which Soviet cities...?
In the rules of V3 they mention that the German victory objective: Eliminate Communism - Score 1 victory objective
if at end of game Germany Possesses Moscow or two others Soviet Cities.
Which cities are meant precisely? Any two Soviet cities (Kiev, Murmansk, Baku, Sevastopol, Smolensk …) or Leningrad and Stalingrad? And does that only apply to the cities in the circle, because Murmansk, for example, is not in the circle …? -
RE: A Few Clarification Questions
Yes, I meant V3 rules where it says:
7.6 Technology Research: Major Factories are the source of your Technology
Research capacity. For every undamaged possessed Major Factory, you get 1
Technology die roll per turn. You can only roll for a technology once per turn.
A damaged factory yields no rolls.
Note: If you repair a damaged factory you get the Technology die roll in the same turn.
You cannot research beyond stage II before July 1939. -
RE: A Few Clarification Questions
- We agreed. Also ANZAC is a nation of its own, only politically under the Commonwealth umbrella (I was wrong in the first post).
- I confirm
- Um, as far as I understand, until July 1939 there is no research beyond the second stage. We get research dice from the start of the game (?) for each undamaged major factory … however we cannot research technology beyond stage II.
On stage III. we are only going after July 1939. Correct me if i’m wrong.
RE: A Few Clarification Questions
- The UK, FEC and ANZAC are one nation - the Commonwealth, and different economies. Everything about the UK is about both the FEC and ANZAC, only the UK is the boss and everything is up to it.
- A city that is not surrounded, ie units within it are defending +1. If it is surrounded it does not return to the regular 4 but goes to 3. Imagine it as a lack of supply in a real war situation.
- Technologies have only begun to develop since 1939. We follow the historical course as much.
Hope it helps.
RE: New Special Unit Ideas?
@GeneralHandGrenade Great news to hear about Alaska and Vanguard.
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