No problem at all. Providing the tanks didn’t move in the combat phase they can move anywhere that is friendly during non-combat.
The recently captured territory would count as friendly in this scenario
No problem at all. Providing the tanks didn’t move in the combat phase they can move anywhere that is friendly during non-combat.
The recently captured territory would count as friendly in this scenario
I guess you could potentially spend money on units you couldn’t place right before you know your capital is going to be taken meaning less money for the person sacking it. I don’t think this would be significant enough to be considered the aforementioned “terrible loophole”
I wouldn’t say the rules are incorrect. All other sequences are voluntary, however Purchase is directly linked to Mobilize. So if you elect to purchase you are also electing to mobilize. A little misleading but I wouldn’t say the rules are incorrect.
Take the DEI, subdue China and deny Calcutta resources via taking their islands and convoying them.
Ok, this sounds interesting. So a couple Q’s here–-
1) in taking the DEI, you’ve now awaken the “sleeping Giant” & are now @ war w/all the Allies. who will probably start steaming towards that position–so how many rounds does it take to
Taking the DEI (and attacking UK/ANZAC) does not result in war with the USA. Only attacking USA will result in bringing them into the war
I really should of built an IC in egypt… that was a big mistake. Arghh… so many mistakes and I had so many opportunities… Anyone have a time machine?
I used most the atlantic fleet to kill all the subs on first turn, so was at least another turn off getting the remainders into the Med. Would you leave the subs in the atlantic?
I should clarify, UK was never under threat and Germany did not concentrate much at all in the Atlantic/Western Europe until Russia had begun to crumble. I still was unable to save Cairo being taken I4. I am not the best player, especially playing UK so there would be a lot of things I need to improve on my UK game
Can china use bid for another fighter? Or seeing as they can’t build it, does it take away the possibility?
That would be up to the players involved.
I just checked the league rules, and I don’t see anything there that would prohibit it- meaning in theory you could bid a Chinese bomber or Tanks if you wanted.
Would make things interesting having 2 fighters for China, whether it would be worth it is hard to evaluate.
Just thought I would post a shot of a set-up game a couple of games ago.
Interesting idea, but I don’t see how this would be that useful to our groups AA games. I could certainly use it in Zombies or Last night on earth - I am notorious for knocking stuff over with dice in those games.
At the ends of my table, instead of dice towers, is an entire area for dice rolling. I found most our group like rolling the dice in the traditional craps style dice rolling as opposed to dice towers and space wasn’t really an issue. The removable battle-board I created can sit anywhere within the dice rolling region (or sit outside) giving ample space on each side to roll, and having all the units that are fighting visible.
The downside of the acrylic shield is if, like our group, you like to line up the units on a battle-board for mid to large battles, you are still going to need a space to set up these units.
Can china use bid for another fighter? Or seeing as they can’t build it, does it take away the possibility?
Be aggressive be be aggressive. Be aggressive.
If you are smart and agressive as Axis you can win before any Allied advantage comes to fruition, hence the bid. Also worth noting that cheerleading references will always win.
Sink sz 97 and that lone dd of Italys. I’d put the air on malta, consider buying a bomber. Consider keeping your fleet in the atlantic or put just 1 battleship in the med (then Italy has to do 3 naval battles to make his 5).
Get some destroyers maybe because you still have plenty of subs to worry about. Keep french cruiser around.
If Germany cannot sink your naval, the french cruiser can block Germany from doing some sort of invasion since it goes after Italy and before germany.
So you would just keep playing as if you had lost the atlantic fleet? Continue with Med operations and leave mainland Europe for the USA when they join the war (which occurred J4)
…I think the Russians should trade their fighter in Moscow for a S. Bomber, the Americans should trade their destroyer in Hawaii for a Battleship, and the UK should trade their Mech Infantry in London for a Tank.
I think we will give this a try on our next table top game. We are needing a balance issue now we are all at a level where we can swing the axis club hard enough to get the win without some assistance (or bad rolls)
So I think I completely butchered an amazing opportunity to wreak some damage on the Germans while playing UK on the weekend.
The German player arrived late and we got underway fairly quickly. He did a G1 on Russia, and all your fairly standard land operations for Germany however completely forgot to move ANY of his navy, nor did he attack or sink any of the UK’s navy.
My original plan was to go to the med and wreak up Italy and hold Cairo but having a full Atlantic fleet split my mind and in the end was probably my downfall. I can see in hindsight the mistakes I have made, but I was also wondering what people would do as the UK if they had their full Atlantic fleet on their first turn. What would your buy be, and what course of action would you take?
I wish I had just solidified my fleet and position in sz110 and started landing ASAP in Western Germany as Russia got steamrolled before UK and USA were able to make any significant in roads on ze Germans.
When you strafe you will only roll 1 or maybe 2 rounds of dice rolls before retreating to safety. You DON’T want to actually take the territory. The trick to strafing is the concept of “Punch”. On average, the number of hits you inflict will be equal to the hit value of all your attacking or defending units divided by 6. For example an attacking infantry has 1 punch, a defending infantry has 2, a tank has 3, etc. An attacking bomber has 4 but a defending bomber has 1.
So let’s say you are Germany and you want to strafe yugoslavia on the first turn with 1 infantry from Romania and the 6 inf and 2 art from Southern Germany. Yugoslavia has 5 infantry so the number of units you an expect to lose on average will be 5x2 / 6 = 1.7 or 2 units give or take. You can expect them to lose (4x2 + 5x1) / 6 = 2.2, or 2 units give or take. Now why not do a second round of dice rolls and actually take Yugo? Because after you attack a territory from more than 1 direction you can retreat all your surviving units to any one of the places they came from. In this case you probably want to retreat your survivors (2 art and 5 inf on average) to Romania. You also got to soften up Yugoslavia a bit so it will be easier for the Italians to actually take it.
Some people have strafing down to an art on the Eastern front for mobility and to nibble down the enemy’s infantry while not leaving your own stuff exposed. It’s nice when you can strafe and then retreat into a territory where a new bunch of infantry move into at noncombat movement, so then your enemy will have to attack all that with his infantry already gone because you strafed him. Russian players are often good at doing that. Some people also do strafes with navy units but that kind of thing can be hard on the high blood pressure.
You also mentioned using planes to strafe. Two things: 1) be careful of AA guns, and 2) make sure you have more infantry than the enemy’s units so even in the unlikely event that all his units hit all you will lose is infantry and there is no risk to your valuable planes (except those AA guns!). Planes bring a lot of punch too so be careful you don’t actually take the territory you want to strafe.
Great explanation. This information can now be found on one of my FAQ sheets for our group :) Thanks Variance.
I only think the bid is applicable when someone experienced is playing the Axis powers. The group I play with have only just started to get to a level where the Axis are winning games (most of the guys will be hitting their 4th game this weekend, a couple of us played a dozen or so). I think most of it comes from the Allies are stronger long term, so if Axis are quick and decisive early game it becomes difficult to find strategies against it, hence the bid for Allies.
Haven’t played with them. The idea sounds pretty good, but the application could (in my experience with magnetics) become a bit tricky to manage.
How strong are the magnets? If the strength of the magnets is very weak (force only strong enough to keep a plane on the carrier but without resistance when picking it off) it could be good.
I voted middle ground as I have not seen or used them, the idea is promising.
Attacking Russia as Japan always seemed to me as an operation that looked sweeter then it tasted. I struggled for a long time to find a useful application of the Japan attacking Russia operation but in most cases I couldn’t see a possibility where the resources dedicated to it was the best possible outcome for the situation.
I certainly think there are options I didn’t think of, but if Germany needs the assistance from Japan to pressure Russia into submission I think there is a good sign that Japan could be dominating in the Pacific. This is a discussion thread all on it’s own so I won’t continue…
And Allied units that enter original USSR territories should be “interned” - removed from the board with infantry (and infantry only) showing up back in their home capitals a couple rounds later in equal numbers to the units interned :wink:
In the original Europe game, they had a rule if UK or US planes landed in a Soviet territory with an IC, on the Russian Mobilize Units phase, they could be turned into Russian planes.
I always wondered about something like this. Considering the equipment lend lease that USA had with USSR I would of thought “gifting” units to Russia should be acheived in someway. Of course who knows what that would do to balance. I guess the the Archangel NO is their to represent the Lend-lease activities.
G1 is the only way to roll. J1 I am yet to warm up to but give it time.