Yep - that Yunnan stack can be a pain.
What are some clever bids for the Pacific board?
It seems like the Allies use their bid for the Europe board 99.99% of the time, and those are also 99.99% UK placements.
If you were going to be forced to try and be clever on the Pacific board, what would you do? The best thing I’ve seen so far is the ANZAC Infantry for New Guinea. Are there any other clever moves? You could try stacking Chinese Infantry in Yunnan, but I’m not sure how helpful that is (compared with other things). I’ve had games where the Japanese failed to take Yunnan J1 and it didn’t really matter that much.
I think this illustrates how far off the Pacific board is in terms of balance- if the Allies had more of a chance on that board, you might see people using their bid there more often since they would get more out of it. As it is that extra 9 - 12 IPCs is just going to be swept away by Japan.
mech for uk pacific is solid as well.
How does that help in the fist 1 -3 rounds, especially if you don’t get a DoW from Japan? Or would you be bold and do a UK1 DoW in order to send them into Yunnan or possibly Siam?
if you can put everything in one place, then 4 inf in yunan might make it difficult to take (about 80%), but probably only 1 inf getting there, making the counterattack much cheaper, and if it holds, then japan might be in trouble already
if you can put everything in one place, then 4 inf in yunan might make it difficult to take (about 80%), but probably only 1 inf getting there, making the counterattack much cheaper, and if it holds, then japan might be in trouble already
You could fly in the Russian planes with the whole bid placed in Yunnan. $9 bid would give Japan a %40 chance of taking it with 1 units remaining on average, so they are losing fighter, tac and 2 bombers. 60% chance they fail and at least 1 Russian plane escapes. Allows China to build 3 artillery and pull out.
Assuming you have an $8 bid and are not allowed to place all in 1 territory, then how about artillerys in Kweichow and Szechwan?
well alot of people bid an inf to new guinea which makes sense.
Inf/art bids to China definitely have potential.
The problem with naval bids in the Pacific is Japan has the initiative so they can react to your bid. And there doesn’t seem to be any obvious strong defensive naval bid. It’s not like the UK Europe side when you know you will be able to attack stuff UK1 since Japan doesn’t have to declare J2.
How about 2 artillery in Amur?
How about 2 artillery in Amur?
One of the problems I have with a Russian bid is that you are probably just going to lose it anyway to little effect once you allow Japan to attack the stack in Amur. Unless a $9 - 12 bid gives the Russians enough that they have a decent chance at victory vs. either Manchuria or Korea R1 but I don’t think it does.
I think what Omega was getting at is the Russians all go to Buryatia R1, then back to Amur R2, then Manchuria R3 if the Japanese don’t stop them. Stopping them will put them out of position to hit India.
Yes, I would pullback in the first turn…
The 20 so troops can be instrumental in slowing down a J1…
Korea attack bid is solid. That has always screwed with Japan.
Well imo the Russian bid makes the most sense if you intend to attack Korea on R1. If you intend to wait, and just keep the 2 art with the 18 inf, then I suspect the bid is better spent in a place where it will have more impact early on. The catch to the Korea attack is that means forfeiting the Mongolians. Still, it could be useful to put some hurt on the Russians early, especially if it makes a difference in the battle for China.
Well imo the Russian bid makes the most sense if you intend to attack Korea on R1. If you intend to wait, and just keep the 2 art with the 18 inf, then I suspect the bid is better spent in a place where it will have more impact early on. The catch to the Korea attack is that means forfeiting the Mongolians. Still, it could be useful to put some hurt on the Russians early, especially if it makes a difference in the battle for China.
Usually, the Japanese player engages the troops in Manchuria / Korea if you pull back the troops. When you move them back there, they usually can’t be attacked on I2 without disrupting existing Japanese plans and killing a good stack of troops (and maybe a plane). Japan can’t defend as easily if there are 2 artillery in the mix since the stack becomes are more potent offensive force. If Japan responds by shifting plans, then you can always pull the troops back again…
Can china use bid for another fighter? Or seeing as they can’t build it, does it take away the possibility?
Can china use bid for another fighter? Or seeing as they can’t build it, does it take away the possibility?
That would be up to the players involved.
I just checked the league rules, and I don’t see anything there that would prohibit it- meaning in theory you could bid a Chinese bomber or Tanks if you wanted.
Can china use bid for another fighter? Or seeing as they can’t build it, does it take away the possibility?
That would be up to the players involved.
I just checked the league rules, and I don’t see anything there that would prohibit it- meaning in theory you could bid a Chinese bomber or Tanks if you wanted.
Would make things interesting having 2 fighters for China, whether it would be worth it is hard to evaluate.
A bomber for Russia would be nice to pick up on transports (can declare war from the get go)
Ill just spit out the genius bid then, since you guys dont see it.
Thought I keep my moves to myself forever, but I recon now that the norwegian league is done everyone there knows it after all. I did win after all, took me 17 hours in last game though. Hehe.
Two possibilities:
Bid 3inf yunnan and fly in russian air. Strange think league doesent prohibit this move, there should be a restriction of 1 unit per place. Well any other bid will come out short. It is much the same as to be allowed bid 3inf in ukraine in revised.
If restriction 1unit per place then bid yunnan inf and Moscow fgt. Always a big sucsess, I rarly use it as its so OP that some players will get angry. Save china then fly back and kill half a german unit every turn with airstrike.
Here bid 13 or higher died, R.I.P.
- Bid 3inf yunnan and fly in russian air. Strange think league doesent prohibit this move, there should be a restriction of 1 unit per place. Well any other bid will come out short. It is much the same as to be allowed bid 3inf in ukraine in revised.
I saw Cow mention something like that somewhere, and yeah its a good one. Chances are the Russians escape and China gets 3 artillery up front and the NO. But couldn’t you do almost as good with 2 artillerys in Kweichow & Szechwan? Liberate Yunnan with infantry and the fighter as usual, and move both artillery and the rest of the infantry and fighter up to Shensi?
I like the 1 unit per territory rule because it would kill exploits like that Yunnan move but still allow a UK player with an $8 bid to add 1 infantry to Scotland and London, with $2 in the bank to build 10 infantry.
And yeah that kills a bid >$12
Bid 3inf Yunnan and fly in Russian air. Strange think league doesn’t prohibit this move, there should be a restriction of 1 unit per place. Well any other bid will come out short. It is much the same as to be allowed bid 3inf in Ukraine in revised.
If restriction 1unit per place then bid Yunnan inf and Moscow fgt. Always a big success, I rarely use it as its so OP that some players will get angry. Save china then fly back and kill half a German unit every turn with airstrike.
Seems interesting, I’m not sure if it qualifies as
. I mentioned before that I’ve seen Japan wipe out most of the Chinese forces that mattered on J2 even when they were failed to take Yunnan J1 due to bad dice. Once the stack of planes arrives at Kwangsi you would think you would still be wiped out anyway unless your plan is to abandon all the rest of China in order to make a big stack that can keep the Burma road open for a few extra turns.EDIT: I should also ask if this is a scenario you would still employ in the face of a German attack on Russia G1. Is a pure Infantry bid for Yunnan still worth it without the Russian planes backing them up?