The only time an aircraft is EVER going to get “trapped” on a carrier, is if you use a carrier on your own turn that has a multinational fighter on it and you have attacked with that carrier, and taken a hit on it.
So basically, this “can’t” happen to you, unless you go out of your way to make it happen, during an attack. It may make sense to do this, is some certain bizare scenario’s. But Don’t be worrying yourself about it.
Now that said, once the carrier is tipped, the aircraft trapped on it cannot be used at all, until that carrier is repaired.
The more real likely hood, is, that if you are not careful, you may, wish to take fgt’s as hits as oppossed to tip your carrier, in attacks or defense, so that your aircraft will have a friendly place to land, if the carrier is totally at sea, with no island or territories in or adjacent to the sea zone, and no other possible carriers in range, to pick up the aircraft.