Right. Just to clarify, your destroyers and combined fleet can happily sail right past enemy subs and transports. You need to spend 8 IPC on a destroyer to use it as a speed bump. Even then, you can destroy the blocking destroyer with air and a sub maybe, then non-combat move past that contested sea-zone leaving behind only the sub and the attacking air units non-combat move to where the fleet will end up. It gets even harder to slow down a multi-national fleet, your ally clears the blocker then you can move 2 spaces and do combat before a new blocker can be placed, unless the defender was also multi-national….
Looking for Triple A PBEM Game
Hi all, I don’t have a whole lot of free time to sit down and play an entire game of A&A but would like to play this version of A&A with someone. Default rules, no tech, no bids, etc. I can play either side. Claim 9 cities to win. Let me know if you are interested. If you want to play Allies just start the game and email it to me. If you want to play the Axis just give me your email and I will take Russia’s turn.
Someone sent me all the rolls but no file. If you would like to play could you send me the saved game file? Also, I prefer to use tdice.appspot.com/web for my games so I don’t get a zillion emails. But, if you prefer the emails I can do that too.
Thanks in advance for the game(s).
Sorry, I sent you the game and my server stopped at that time. Please let me know if you received it by yahoo mail. Not familiar with how to change dice….
Someone sent me all the rolls but no file. If you would like to play could you send me the saved game file? Also, I prefer to use tdice.appspot.com/web for my games so I don’t get a zillion emails. But, if you prefer the emails I can do that too.
How does that site work? I couldn’t seem to get just the dice part, I’m a bit lost.
Hi guys.
There is a section in the forums for looking for opponents (the Find Players thread).
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?board=52.0For more on TripleA PBEM, see
It’s extraordinarily easy…all you have to do is register your emails with the dice server and then select “PBEM” game and input the email addresses while choosing the correct server for your PBEM game.
I prefer to use tdice.appspot.com/web for my games so I don’t get a zillion emails.
What is the difference between tdice.appspot.com/web and tdice.appspot.com/email ?
I don’t really know what to choose there. Has it something to do with the number of emails the server sends ? -
I know the web one hasn’t sent me an email yet, I think you have to access the rolls online but I haven’t checked… We’ll have to play again!
Just to confirm my earlier post, when you use tdice.appspot.com/web, the results are saved for 60 days on the web which can be accessed by your game UUID number which can be accessed from the View menu in TripleA. I would assume the email one would send you emails.
Derek77, are you the one I played against and unfortunately had to stop ?
( city of Saarlouis, remember ? ) -
I believe so, you were allies, right?
Yes, I played the Allies. It was around the end of the year.
Maybe when you’ve finished the game with jcbbjjttt we can start a pbem game as well ? -
email sent, c64.