• 2024 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '10

    They will proably do a “collectors” box that has addition pieces and able to hold both sets of boards and the nations boxes.

    Perhaps like Power Grids recent collectors box.

    I have of course said this before so sorry if it seems like I am repeating my self.  Because I am.  :mrgreen:


  • 2024 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13 '10

    Oh and perhaps German IPC’s will get bonuses as well for controlling certain things to help with their income.

    Perhaps the same for UK.  Not so much direct control of territories but bonuses in IPCS when US enters or convoy routes stay unobstructed….etc.

  • A collectors box would be great, with no typos of course.

  • 12 mech infantry should be great. I am somewhat unsure for the tac bombers. I think Germany doesn’t need that many -.-

    All I can say is that there won’t be enough room in Germany for all those troops!

  • @Omega:

    All I can say is that there won’t be enough room in Germany for all those troops!

    oh yeah, they call that Lebensraum baby!  :evil:

  • @Omega:

    All I can say is that there won’t be enough room in Germany for all those troops!

    That’s why Hitler started the war, remember?  :wink:

  • @Brain:

    If Germany only starts in the mid 20’s for IPC’s, then they will start with so many pieces that WOTC won’t give you enough even including the chips.

    That is the funniest thing I have ever read from you.  :lol:

    Funny that folks keep talking about the room needed for the troops.  I see the same problem developing in Pacific40.  We get a bigger map, which is cool.  They add more territories and sea zones, which is cool.  We get way more strategic and tactical flavor.  I love how the Solomon Islands are a key feature in Pac40 for example.  But when we get a bigger map with more territories and sea zones, will still have the problem of placing the stacks on the map.  Even with chips, for example, I have trouble getting all my units into Burma, where I have Infantry, Fighters, Artillery, Tac Bomber, AA gun, and then add Tanks.  I suspect we will have the same problem in Europe on the Russian Front.  I can’t wait.  Well, I can wait some 'cause I’m having a great time playing Pac40 too.

  • WOTC, just give me more plastic pieces then I can use.

  • I’m sorry, but how is the Solomons a key location in Pacific 40.

  • seriously

  • @democratic:

    I’m sorry, but how is the Solomons a key location in Pacific 40.

    Read this and then comment:


  • No, I know half the real war was fought there, I meant that why would you even bother lading there IN THE GAME.

  • In most games I’ve seen Jap take Sol early, but at some point the Anz/US will take it back and build up there. Its even worth putting an AB there to help protect your fleet. It will give the allies some mobility. If Jap strikes at Aus from Car you can either attempt an invasion of a weakened Car, or counter attack the Japs on the Aussie coast. If the Japs attack you at the Sol, you might be able to deliver a knock out punch from Hawaii, with a clean up crew from Aus.

    Its all about having options with the allies, and counter attacks. You might sacrifice one lamb to draw in the wolf, then the hunter becomes the hunted.

  • thats a good analogy.

  • Japan should focus its energy on the mainland as ships cost too much.

  • I think the US will start with a bit less money in the atlantic theater.  Maybe have 10/50 on the Pac side for WUS and 10/40 for the EUS.

  • @souL:

    I think the US will start with a bit less money in the atlantic theater.  Maybe have 10/50 on the Pac side for WUS and 10/40 for the EUS.

    Is this a guess? or do you have some inside info?

  • I agree with “I rock.” Why would the EUS have less money than the west?

    I’m thinking a 70-80 IPC Eastern United States for a 130-140 IPC total for the States.

    That’d be pretty accurate as well.

  • mabe in the globle game the us will be like 20/50 for main land us so 20 at peace and 50 at war.
    or 20/65

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