• Hey all,

    So I’ve been board gaming for as long as I’ve been nerding it up.  As long as I’ve been studying history, I have always been a WWII buff.  Why then, you may ask, have I been avoiding A&A since forever?  A couple things factored in to it, but finally I submitted and joined a group that did monthly five player games.  New to the mechanics, I was allowed to start off the first couple of games playing Russia so I could get a hang of how things worked.  Just the other night though I stepped up and was allowed to play the UK and was doing great (I think), before the Axis took Hawaii and crushed Moscow.

    Anyway, that all aside, I decided to go out and purchase a copy of the game for myself, and while I really want the deluxe anniversary addition (which is way out of print and out of my price range), I settled for Spring 1942.  My question is, what set of rules is this edition under?  Which strategy section should I be looking at?  Revised?  Anniversary?  I’m looking to find the basic strategies and any errata for this edition, but not sure where to start.

    Thank ya much.


  • @JasperJones:

    My question is, what set of rules is this edition under?  Which strategy section should I be looking at?  Revised?  Anniversary?  I’m looking to find the basic strategies and any errata for this edition, but not sure where to start.

    Welcome to the forum.

    I think 1942 is the replacement for the Revised edition but with the developments introduced with the Anniversary edition (rules, new units….).
    So take all of the rules, errata and FAQ you find for the Anniversary edition, ignore everything you find in there concerning Italy, China, Technology and National Objectives. The result is the ruleset for 1942.

    This is why you will not find an errata for 1942 - everything developped out of the Anniversary edition.

    So 1942 is a modified “Revised” with “Anniversary” rules.


  • @P@nther:


    My question is, what set of rules is this edition under?  Which strategy section should I be looking at?  Revised?  Anniversary?  I’m looking to find the basic strategies and any errata for this edition, but not sure where to start.

    This is why you will not find an errata for 1942 - everything developped out of the Anniversary edition.

    I remember reading somewhere that an Errata is being worked on AA42.

  • @skinny1:



    My question is, what set of rules is this edition under?  Which strategy section should I be looking at?  Revised?  Anniversary?  I’m looking to find the basic strategies and any errata for this edition, but not sure where to start.

    This is why you will not find an errata for 1942 - everything developped out of the Anniversary edition.

    I remember reading somewhere that an Errata is being worked on AA42.

    I read this (weeks ago), too. But as far as I remember it is only about very small issues/clarifications that are not necessary for understanding the concept of the game.

  • @P@nther:




    My question is, what set of rules is this edition under?  Which strategy section should I be looking at?  Revised?  Anniversary?  I’m looking to find the basic strategies and any errata for this edition, but not sure where to start.

    This is why you will not find an errata for 1942 - everything developped out of the Anniversary edition.

    I remember reading somewhere that an Errata is being worked on AA42.

    I read this (weeks ago), too. But as far as I remember it is only about very small issues/clarifications that are not necessary for understanding the concept of the game.

    I think that I saw it in regards to some submarine questions but can’t seem to find it anywhere now. I think you are right about the reasons for the Errata. Maybe Krieghund could shed some light on what will be in the Errata for AA42.

  • Official Q&A

    There are two minor rules corrections, half a dozen questions about the map, and many of the same clarifications about transports and submarines that were in the AA50 FAQ.

  • @Krieghund:

    There are two minor rules corrections, half a dozen questions about the map, and many of the same clarifications about transports and submarines that were in the AA50 FAQ.

    If I remember right, the errata should be posted within the next month or so? Is that right Krieghund?

  • Official Q&A

    That was the plan.  However, dealing with the problems with AAP40 may delay it a bit.  The AA42 and AAP40 FAQs, along with some updates to the AA50 FAQ, were all supposed to happen at the same time.

  • @Krieghund:

    That was the plan.  However, dealing with the problems with AAP40 may delay it a bit.  The AA42 and AAP40 FAQs, along with some updates to the AA50 FAQ, were all supposed to happen at the same time.

    Ok. Thanks Krieghund.

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