Just another pay-to-win browsergame, not comparable with A&A.
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Oh hells yeah. They just released an addon for the original, but I haven’t checked it out yet.
Oh hells yeah. They just released an addon for the original, but I haven’t checked it out yet.
Kicks self for selling L4D to get GH5
Nice, I might have to get a Xbox.
If you watch the movie Zombieland then play L4D for 4 hours… it becomes a zombie day! The movie is just like the game except no cars that move.
Oh hells yeah. They just released an addon for the original, but I haven’t checked it out yet.
Kicks self for selling L4D to get GH5
It just made it to Platinum Hits so you can get for around $25 new. The add on I believe is $7 through Xbox live (560 points).
And I have to share this L4D video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKu60YKqsvs
I played with some idiot who kept doing #7. Needless to say i killed him and we never let him out of the closet till he decided to leave the game. Muhahahah!!!
I played with some idiot who kept doing #7. Needless to say i killed him and we never let him out of the closet till he decided to leave the game. Muhahahah!!!
I almost prefer bots to most random people in a Coop game. But I’ve rarely played it lately in favor of Vs.
The one thing that pissed me off were people (usually working in pairs) that would just take off running for the exit ASAP as survivors. Had two guys do that when they were playing with me and a friend. They got killed and we survived. :lol:
I like to search all these little rooms for Molotov’s and pipe bombs or even pills.
I hate leaving stuff behind that isn’t dead. Sometimes i just walk around with a gas can just so i can set up a firewall when that crazy music starts. But yes sometimes i think they want to bypass zombies just to avoid fighting.
BTW the best place to be on the boathouse map is that far island rock in the corner, because the two tanks always come from the opposite end, but you need to load up the gas cans and cocktails to make plenty of firewalls to kill the hordes. Then at the last minute you sprint to the dock and wait for boat.
I like to search all these little rooms for Molotov’s and pipe bombs or even pills.
I like to gear up too, but in VS. any time wasted is more time for the other team to get you. That’s why a rush is a good strategy, just everyone needs to be on the same page.
I hate leaving stuff behind that isn’t dead. Sometimes i just walk around with a gas can just so i can set up a firewall when that crazy music starts. But yes sometimes i think they want to bypass zombies just to avoid fighting.
Oh yeah, I try to kill everything, especially when trying to get the 55k zombie kills.
BTW the best place to be on the boathouse map is that far island rock in the corner, because the two tanks always come from the opposite end, but you need to load up the gas cans and cocktails to make plenty of firewalls to kill the hordes. Then at the last minute you sprint to the dock and wait for boat.
Didn’t they patch the Jesus Rock? The only thing that can get you are the smoker (which you can see/hear coming), a hunter if he gets past the firearm gauntlet, and Tank lobbing boulders.
Didn’t they patch the Jesus Rock?
Huh? They even have a name for it?
Didn’t they patch the Jesus Rock?
Huh? They even have a name for it?
Yeah, you hop up there and the regular zombies, Boomers (unless you are on the edge when it explodes/vomits), and Tank (if not lobbing boulders) can’t reach you. Bot survivors will just stand around it, though.
this guy has it down pat.
Hoping the ending to assassins creed two isnt such a mindtrip this time…
Hoping the ending to assassins creed two isnt such a mindtrip this time…
Rumor is the story will be a Trilogy so I’d expect a more fully fleshed out conspiracy that you pursue to conclusion as Desmond if there is an ACIII.
The first story was a bit convuluted but I’m getting it more because I really enjoyed the gameplay. I do hope the story is tighter this time around but as long as they maintain the technical acheivments of the first, increase the side mission variety and give me a chance to actually stealthly carry out an assassination or two I’ll likely be happy.
Anyone catch the latest Modern Warfare 2 trailer? It’s got some very interesting things to show, especially at the end:
Ok i got another trick for L4D.
The one with the skyscraper. If you get on the back corner where the large searchlights and crouch on the edge of the building nothing will harm you. Everyone will have to carry a Molotov because the breakout will have to travel exactly diagonally to the chopper pad . The trouble is worth it if your playing on advanced or expert level
Anyone catch the latest Modern Warfare 2 trailer? It’s got some very interesting things to show, especially at the end:
Can’t watch at work but if that is the one with what looked like
Washington DC yes it did seem interesting.
Ok i got another trick for L4D.
The one with the skyscraper. If you get on the back corner where the large searchlights and crouch on the edge of the building nothing will harm you. Everyone will have to carry a Molotov because the breakout will have to travel exactly diagonally to the chopper pad . The trouble is worth it if your playing on advanced or expert level
Haha, well there is a “Jesus Room” on that level too. None of the zombies will come in to attack you, but I forget how to do it.
I do know if a metal room but i think its a different level its got a special type of door where the tank cant get in. I could never get anybody to try it, but i know it works.
If you know of where this other room might be try to describe it so i can pass it on.
This game is really addicting.
this has it outlined. I will try it next time