Actual AA pacific 1940 map pictures

  • @WILD:


    it makes ports strategic locations and reprsenents that when a ship has a dedicated base for fueling, idleling, and security that it has greater operational range.

    Thats how I look at ports. Its also why I think a port should offer protection to your fleet. I didn’t see any Jap surface ships in “Port Harbour” Those big guns at any port (or straight for that mater) deterred surface ships or they would pay the price! If your port is land based and the enemy takes control of that tt then your ships should become dislodged. Maybe you don’t get any protection (or very little) against an air & sub attack that I would agree with.

    I dare say that a large part of the reason there were no surface ships attacking “Pearl Harbor” was that they were too busy covering the rest of our Jap landings at Tarawa, Makin, Guam, Luzon, Camiguin, Wake, Philippines, Sarawak, Brunei, and other places in Borneo within 10 days of Pearl, and didn’t need to send surface ships to sink American surface ships, just needed that third wave to finish things off a bit more.  Japan cemented air-power as the key to naval power that day.  That, and woke up a really big giant with a really big hammer…
    Though to the thought in general of attacking ships in port with other ships, I think no, don’t allow it.  The logistics of moving ships around in port and firing is just too messy.  Something sinks and it throws off your whole movement, and being that the point is to sink things, the odds of something going sideways is better than fair. 
      But if the territory the port is in is taken, your ships in port are dislodged into the SZ. I don’t think that you should have to take the port in order to get the territory and think of ports as a blockhouse.  Cherbourg was taken after DDay, not as the starting point.

  • Blockhouse: attack 0, defend on 4 or less, move 0, cost 6 IPC

    Hey didn’t I say that somewhere?

    Blockhouses need their own topic.

  • Customizer


    Can repair damaged ships.
    Can refuel ships and give down time to crew, giving ships +1 movement for a turn.
    Can protect ships by having an AA gun.
    Can protect ships by not allowing enemy ships inside.

    Ships can not evade enemy fire, bombs, or torpedoes. 
    Ships are in a state of Unreadiness, meaning they are not prepared for battle; things like water locks and seals were open, ammunition was on the decks being moved, armored doors were not shut. 
    Crew and Aircraft may not be present on board ships, and are not fueled nor ready to go into battle.
    This should be represented in one or more of the following ways: (and they can only be attacked by aircraft while in port)
    All ships and aircraft in port can not fire in the first round.
    All ships and aircraft in port fight at -1 in combat rolls.
    All aircraft attacking the port fight at +1 in combat rolls.
    All battleship and carriers in port have only 1 hitpoint.

    Personally, I would have it as:
    All ships and aircraft in port can not fire in the first round of combat
    Only aircraft may attack ships in port

    I think that would be historical and good gameplay.

  • Are Victoria and Tasmania seperate territories on the Austrailian continent?  I can’t tell.

  • yea we need a separate thread here. its disjointed.

  • Official Q&A


    Are Victoria and Tasmania seperate territories on the Austrailian continent?  I can’t tell.

    Victoria is a separate space.  Tasmania is on the map, but it’s not a game space.

  • I was just reading some of Larry’s comments and ran across this air strips  defending sea zones thing.
    Any CAP rules (I hope not)???. Sort of… An island can launch aircraft (fighters and Tac bombers to its surrounding sea zone and attack or defend in a battle if the island has an airbase.

    This is big. I don’t Know why someone didn’t bring it to light earlier. Your ships will get (land based) air support if their attacked. Sounds like you don’t even need a port to protect your fleet just an air base. I wonder if a port would even give more protection(like naval guns). Will the (land based) air units launched to the sea be like an interceptor (get reduced values), or get their full def values?
    Buy the way what are CAP rules?

  • In another post Larry also said that an island w/air base could also launch air units and not count the surrounding sz (only on departure just like a port) giving it +1 in movement. These island bases are going to be a really nice addition to the game. I wonder how many islands will have both AB/PT (air base/port) at set-up. Malta,Hawaii etc.
    I also wonder if these rules will also be extended to any coastal AB for the +1 movement and ability to patrol adjacent sz? If not will it be extended to straights like Gilb,Turkey and NW Europe/Norway.

  • Official Q&A


    Will the (land based) air units launched to the sea be like an interceptor (get reduced values), or get their full def values?

    Full values.


    Buy the way what are CAP rules?

    See Axis & Allies Pacific.


    I also wonder if these rules will also be extended to any coastal AB for the +1 movement and ability to patrol adjacent sz?

    Plus one movement, yes.  Defend the adjacent sea zone, no.

  • Thanks Krieg, that was quick and helps allot.

    If those island based fighters go into the sea battle , will they be able to retreat back to the island before the sz is cleared to def against the ensuing amp assault or are they at sea till the death.

    Also will ports offer any def bonus to your shore line or fleet. I read a port/airbase only gives AA to the land not to the sea. Will a port come with some kind of land based guns that fire only at ships attacking or invading.

    Finally will straights have a role in this game. I saw where Larry started a tread for canals/straights on his sight just collecting thoughts. I Was wondering if anything came of it. Will tt like Gilb w/port & air base be impassible (until taken) or able to do air patrols (like islands).  Or is that still up in the air.

  • Official Q&A


    If those island based fighters go into the sea battle , will they be able to retreat back to the island before the sz is cleared to def against the ensuing amp assault or are they at sea till the death.

    No.  You must choose which battle to use them in.


    Also will ports offer any def bonus to your shore line or fleet. I read a port/airbase only gives AA to the land not to the sea. Will a port come with some kind of land based guns that fire only at ships attacking or invading.

    Maybe.  Maybe not.


    Finally will straights have a role in this game. I saw where Larry started a tread for canals/straights on his sight just collecting thoughts. I Was wondering if anything came of it.


  • Thanks again Krieg for keeping us in the loop.

  • Ya thanks Krieg, now get us some pictures of the new pieces.

  • Yea Krieg, and while your at it get me a seat at a AA40 testing table (I’m in Rochester Mich). lol  :wink:

  • One thing I noticed about the AA40P map. Japan is one tt in one sz (an island). This means its land based fighters will be able to def the sea and get +1 on take off. Australia would not be considered an island nor would UK for that matter (multiple tt & sz) and won’t get these bonuses. I wonder if they left Japan this way just to get this advantage. I kinda expected to see Japan split or at least 2 sz. Interesting.

  • WTF? How did Australia lose its status as an island? I must have missed the memo.

  • Sponsor '17 '13 '11 '10

    Australia is one of 7 Continents!
    Japan is an island part of the Asian continent.

  • @Krieghund:


    Are Victoria and Tasmania seperate territories on the Austrailian continent?  I can’t tell.

    Victoria is a separate space.  Tasmania is on the map, but it’s not a game space.


  • @coachofmany:

    Australia is one of 7 Continents!
    Japan is an island part of the Asian continent.


    WTF? How did Australia lose its status as an island? I must have missed the memo.

    technically speaking, every continent is an island, but not every island is a continent…

    It seems logical that the defense of Japan would have been considered with the one sea zone and fighter defense.

  • @coachofmany:

    Australia is one of 7 Continents!
    Japan is an island part of the Asian continent.

    Technically speaking an island is a body odf land which is completely surrounded by water, it makes no difference if it is also a continent.

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