Axis & Allies: Europe and Pacific 1940 Fact sheet ( AAE40 and AAP40)

  • LH 4/1/10

    Here’s the specifics for Improved Shipyards:
    Improved Shipyards, Your sea units are now cheaper to build. Use these revised cost:
    Battleship 17
    Aircraft Carrier 13
    Cruiser 10
    Destroyer 7
    Transport 8
    Submarine 5

    Although I was wondering about jet fighters since it would obsolete tac bombers if it cause fighter to attack on a 4. Does jet fighters increase fighter defence or what would be even better is if it imporved interceptors in SB.

    Yep… The world was not ready for Jet propelled dive bombers yet. Jet fighter defense is not increased. I like the improve “interceptors” (they don’t now). This could become one of those Designer Endorsed House Rules I’ve been talking about starting up. I think I should call it Larry’s Endorsed House Rules … Yeah! That’s the ticket… LH’s Endorsed House Rules.

    But its your game so why dont you make tech rules you like.

    It’s long past my doing just what I want. At this point in time there exist a very firm and well established set of rules that absolutely dictate what can and cannot be permitted from a design point of view. Kreighund is my Constitutional lawyer (among other things) and he keeps me in line. … maybe “Rules Supreme Court” would be a better analogy.

    Have you ever thaught of designing a tech expansion for A&A, with tech rules everyone will enjoy?

    I have been thinking of writing a manual or book (what ever) and including things like that. Speaking of an A&A book Do you think you’d buy one (or 6 copies to keep up with IL)?
    What would you like to see included in such a book?

    Hey man… keep your researchers if you like… No big deal. If you like we could make it a LH’s Endorsed House Rule. I mean everyone would be playing the same system and that levels out the success or failure ratio for all. But to answer your question… yes we have no research dice today.

    The Mediteranian….and Middle east…the likes of which weve never seen before (larry you might need a new catch phrase)

    Got one in mind? How about… they’re the bees knees.

    So by your rules, straits are controled by 1 land territory (a assume), unlike canals that need two…so does that make it the Panama Strait? becuase its one territory? or is the Suez canal now controled by one territory? Just a territory named Suez or Siannai? Also are the territorys containing a strait surroned by one seazone, and deny movement PAST that zone, or are they touched by multiple zones, but deny movement across a certan line? Help me larry, I am confuse

    You’re giving me a headache. You figure it out.

    What brought about the +4 for france? Historical Freedom fighters? Balance Issue?
    a reason for germany to protect it so france doesnt get free guys?

    First of all that should be France (with a Capital F). I would recommend Reading a thing or two about Leclair’s 2eme DB. It and other material that cover this period and place are very interesting. From a design prospective I must admit that I was guided more by Historical implications than any thing else. I felt that France needed a NO like all the other powers represented in the game as well. Balance… Come on… if the Allies liberate France it’s about time to start winding down the game. Other than symbolism and providing the Allies with a few more defensive units, 4 more French units are not going to make all that difference one way or the other.

    Larry Harris Community Outreach Program

    Ha hahhhahah. I don’t feel like it right now. Oh ok… here’s one:
    Italy- 5 IPCs if there are no Allied surface warships in the Med.

  • '10

    Per LH 4/1/10

    I am assuming the UK is the power w/split income in the global game, and India is where part of its income will be spent. Please correct me if I’m wrong. You are exactly correct.

    1. In the global game does India keep its major IC, or is it reduced to a minor. It remains a Major IC
    2. In global does India get all income earned on the Pacific side of the map, It does or is it limited to certain tt (if so what tt). Simply stated … India’s IPC are derived from the Pacific side of the map. Also is there an NO for the UK/India (E Indies), and is it awarded to UK or India? DEI’s goes to the British Pacific command (in other words India)… Only Europe UK gets NOs.3) In the Europe only game does UK have a minor IC on what I guess would be West India, or maybe in Egypt? There is a South African minor IC. Egypt has naval base, however.4) In either Euro only or global is UK given an IC (minor) any where in Africa (S. Africa)? Yep… SA. They also have a minor IC in Quebec.5) In Euro only, is there a minor IC in Eastern Canada w/air base & naval base. If so does it still have them in the global game. They do and yes they are.6) Will there be an exception allowing ftrs to scramble from an air base on England. It has always been considered an Island Nation (about the same size as Japan)? Yeah, yeah yeah… This became a design “struggle” believe me. I’d love to see those Spitfires and 109s going at it over the Channel, but the game mechanics, for the sake of consistency, cannot allow this in the official rules. I’m considering the creation of a section at this site called “Designer Endorsed House Rules”. Things/issues like this, and others of course, could be incorporated there.
      I 100% agree Canada being a separate power in either game would make things most difficult for the UK. I am rather intrigued w/Canada continuing the fight for the UK if England falls. A contingency plan based on Canadian income, maybe with some start up capital ($) if/when it happens. Of course returning power back to UK would also have to be worked out. I will look forward to this and other semi official rules that you come up with, or endorse. We come up with would be a better way of putting this. And yes, this is another example of such rules.
      Thanks again WB – Thank you Wild Bill

  • France will be split into 3 territories. Indeed you cannot attack the same territory from the Med and the Atlantic. There is a central territory called France (it contains Paris). It has an IC. It does not touch coast. Coastal territories of the country (France) are worth far less than central France. No buffer between Paris territory and German border. France has two major ICs (This might change to one major and one minor). France will have a major or minor IC on the Atlantic coast. French fleet will have its own turn sequence… It will be controlled probably by the British player, however. Like any power, if the capital falls it cannot produce new units until it is liberated. France will fall! How many axis units it takes with it is what is in question. France can be liberated… In which case it will receive and activate its own economy. It will also receive a certain amount of infantry units (free) that are immediately placed in the game. Viva le France!

  • '10

    Per LH 4/4/10

    The political rules will make things interesting. I think so and frankly they were necessary. To not have included them in a 1940 start date game would have not been fulfilling and realistic at all. Unfortunately, they have caused some issues. Russia should start out as neutral vs the Euro axis, It does… but does it start out neutral vs Jap, sounds like they will. I have left this to the Japanese and Russian player to figure out between themselves. I think it’s kind of fun to have a bit of unpredictability on that front. I once conducted a big Japanese, basically an air attack, against a consolidated Russian position of some 18 infantry and never recovered as Japan. No surprise for sure, but it drove home that Russia is no pushover on that front and Japan is rather motivated to keep the peace. Also sounds like Russia/Jap can declare war on each other at any time, or not at all. That’s pretty much the case. However, it is important to point out that Russia cannot attack a Euro Axis until its turn 4. This is not to say that it can’t be at war with the Euro Axis before that moment. That depends on whether or not they are attacked by them.… Just because Russia is at war w/Germany, doesn’t necessarily mean it will be at war w/Japan. And like wise, just because Russia is at war with German and/or Italy doesn’t mean that its a war with Japan. They both (Japan and Russia) have good reasons to not mess with each other – at least not until their other pressing problems are resolved one way or the other. I would think that if Russian units move into UK/Chinese tt they would first have to declare war on Japan (like UK moving into China). In addition to normal restrictions, the Soviet Union may not move units into China (until at war with Japan of course). I also would think that if UK/Jap go to war (regardless who starts it) Russia will still have the option to stay out. It does…

  • '10

    Per LH 4/5/10

    There is a Russian NO that is negatively affected by Allied presence on original Soviet territories

  • '10

    Per LH 4/10/10

    In the Global game the US gets a war time bonus income of 30IPCs. That means she’s pulling down around 80+ IPCs. The US can, as you suggest, throw their entire global income in one direction if it likes. Fact is, it can purchase and place as it sees fit. This may concern some of you… but rest assured… the US is going to be dealing (in a real way) with both the European and Pacific theaters. As per the design, it cannot neglect either theater except at great peril. I really don’t think a KGF, and throwing ALL, will work very well. Those Japanese forces are some mean sons of &^Ts.

    No Spain will not be pro-axis neutral.
    There are no “Pro-Axis" neutrals in South America.
    There is no western corridor around the Sahara.

  • Customizer

    Per LH 4/9/10

    5 IPCs if the Soviet Union is at war, the convoy in sea zone 125 is free of Axis warships, archangel is controlled by the soviet Union, and there are no units belong to other Allied powers present in any territories originally controlled by the Soviet Union.

  • '10

    Per LH 4/11/10

    Paratroopers. Up to to 2 of your infantry units in each territory with an air base can be moved to an enemy conrolled territory 3 or fewer spaces away that is being attacked by your land units from adjacent territories and/or by amphibious assault. If the territory being attacked has an antitiaircraft gun, the paratrooper infantry units are subject to antiaircraft fire int he same way as air units. If attacking along with land units from adjacent terriotries, paratroopers may retreat as normal.

  • LH  4/13

    The following is the list of victory cities. But first let me prefix the list with the following: In the Global game the Allies win the game by controlling the territories of Germany (Berlin), southern Italy (Rome), and Japan (Toyko) for a complete round of play, as long as they control an Allied capital (Washington, London, Paris, or Moscow).

    The Axis wins by controlling any 14 victory cities for a complete round of play, as long as they control an Axis Capital (Berlin, Rome, or Tokyo).

    The victory cities are:
    (in alphabetical order)
    Hong Kong
    San Francisco

  • '10

    Per Krieghund 4/14/10

    Manila was left off the list. There are 19 Victory Cities.

  • LH 5/3/10

    I’ve been told that the release date for A&A Europe 1940 is… drum rolls…

    August 24th.

  • LH 5/5

    Three questions:

    Is that the definate release date? Yes, well that’s what I’ve been told by the publisher.

    does that date apply worldwide or just for the US? That’s usually the case.

    and can we expect any previews / screenshots before release? if so how much longer will we have to wait? Not sure about this. Out of my hands… I know the game will be at Gencon, however.

  • '10


    Spring 1940
    With the invasion of the Low Countries and the allied evacuation from Dunkirk, the German army is poised to march on Paris. Axis & Allies Europe 1940, designed and developed by Larry Harris, builds on the success of the acclaimed A&A Anniversary Edition. France appears for the first time in Axis & Allies and will represent a new playable ally! Italy will be included as a second Axis power along with Germany. The UK, USSR and the US find themselves vulnerable at this early and uncertain point of the war. Two new combat units that debuted in Axis & Allies Pacific 1940, Tactical Bombers and Mechanized Infantry, will also appear in this game.

    Axis & Allies Europe 1940 will feature an oversized board that measures 35” wide by 32” high. With over 550 combat units, deluxe game components and local storage boxes, this game will raise the standard established by A&A Anniversary Edition. All new rules for neutral nations, naval & air bases, and convoy disruption will add even more depth and historical accuracy to this giant game.
    Finally, this deluxe theater-level game is designed to play together with Axis & Allies Pacific 1940. Together these two games will create the greatest Axis & Allies experience to date, with a combined board measuring 5’ wide by 32” high and over a thousand sculptured combat units. Both games are designed to play alone or together to offer the 2-6 player global 1940 scenario, complete with weapons development, and national objectives.
    Releasing August 24

  • Box art and gameboard :mrgreen:


  • '10

    Per LH 7/16/10

    Is France a speed bump ….? Well if it is it’s got to be the biggest speed bump I’ve ever seen in Axis & Allies. Does 2 destroyers, 2 cruisers, 12 infantry, 2 artillery, a fighter and a tank, along with elements of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) sound like a speed bump to you? Remember, this is the force that France begins the game with, and the game begins after Dunkirk. As we begin the game most of the French army has already been chewed up on the flat fields of Belgium and Northern France.

    I know the French navy is probably under represented in the game. For balance and playability it had to have a smaller foot print. As for Vichy France, I consider that to have been a Nazi ploy forced on France. As such it has more political implications than military and to have it in the game would cause more confusion than it was worth. That’s exactly what the Nazis designed it to do - confuse. I decided that the game did not have to have this event represented in the game. The game was going to be confusing enough as is. Cheesy Furthermore, the implementation of the Vichy government occurred after the game’s starting date.

    If you are controlling France, and if you are so inclined – go ahead and sign an armistice and install a poppet French government in Vichy and do exactly what your Nazi poppet master tells you to do. Be sure to add to you house rule, however, that France can’t build new armies… The vast majority of the French would have nothing to do with it.

    France will fall… Paris will be captured unless something goes very wrong with the dice or the German player fails to invest enough units into the capture of the territory. The war does go on, however. The Free French units will play an important role in the allies effort to win this game. AND…. If and when Paris is liberated, France will not only once again have its own economy re-established but will benefit from a surge of 4 new French infantry units that suddenly appear on the territory containing the city of lights.

    Hey Oztea … Sorry man. France and Western Germany do touch each other…

  • '10

    Per LH 7/27/10

    Global United Kingdom Rules
    The player controlling the United Kingdom tracks income generated and spent in the European and Pacific theaters separately. UK units purchased and placed on the Pacific map can only be bought with IPCs generated on the Pacific map. Likewise, UK units purchased and placed on the Europe map can only be bought with IPCs generated on the Europe map.

    Calcutta is considered to be a regional capital. If India is captured by an Axis power, that power will receive the UK player’s unspent Pacific IPCs only.

    If the United Kingdom is captured by an Axis power, that power will received the UK player’s unspent Europe IPCs only. If one of its capitals is captured, the UK player may still continue to collect and spend IPCs in the other capital.


    I’m assuming that the West India territory that’s on the Europe map is worth at least 2 IPCs, couldn’t it be possible for the UK player to build a minor IC there and funnel European troops into India/Pacific? Or it may not be worth 2 IPCs and I may be worrying over nothing. Thanks!

    West India is worth 2 IPCs. What exactly are you worried about?

  • '10

    Per LH 7/28/10

    Germany’s starting income is 30 IPCs and Russia’s is 37

  • Larry Harris 7/28

    The idea of the UK Pacific’s income suddenly being combined with UK Europe income and all being place in London was my main reason for splitting the UK income into two different accounts.

    Great Britain’s proximity to Germany would make for an impossible, potentially game breaking, situation in Europe. Imagine the UK being able to purchase 45 IPCs worth of units and placing them on Germany’s doorstep each round

    Total UK income = 45
    Pacific UK income = 16
    Europe UK income = 29

  • @johnnymarr:

    Per LH 7/28/10

    Germany’s starting income is 30 IPCs and Russia’s is 37

    Can you link thj\is? I searched Larry’s posts and couldn’t find it on July 28

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