• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    The tragic spate of shootings at our nation’s colleges and universities have rightly prompted school administrations to plan responses.  One such measure gaining popularity is a “training program that teaches professors and students not to take campus threats lying down but to fight back,” reports AP.  Tips include turning a laptop or a backpack into an “improvised weapon” and not “cowering in a corner or huddling together in fear.”  What a sad commentary: our bastions of higher education are so devoid of common sense they have to pay people to tell them to fight back when attacked!

    Couple of things:

    1. I’d sooner throw a student at the gunman as a meat shield then risk damage to my laptop!  Biological progeny of other carbon based life forms, aka “bags of saltwater and protein”, can be replaced.  The photos of MY children being born cannot!  (The important part being the PHOTOS, not necessarily the children.)

    2. Isn’t this exact same scenario how we got into world war II?  France lost all common sense and it took England and America to teach them to fight back when attacked?

    3. Can we stop calling these guys shooters and gunmen and spending months trying to figure out their motivation for the killings and just start calling them sicko-twisted apes who should be sexually molested before being horribly and gruesomely slaughtered on pay-per-view?  Betcha if that happened it would be the LAST shooter/gunman on a college campus!

  • The laptop comment made me laugh so loud I scared my girlfriend. +1 Karma to ya.

    I can’t comment on the original issue as I know I would get political and probably hurt somebodies feelings.  :roll:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Nah, I don’t see anything political here.  Just the p*ssification of America through the academic system resulting in a class that needs to be taught to reteach American boys how to defend American women from aggressive use of force.

    Honestly, I really, REALLY think I would have been better off born in the late 17th Century and living in Chicago than I am today…at least if a gunman showed up my best friend wouldn’t dive under the table and urinate on himself. (My husband would dispatch him, but it’s not easy, you can’t carry a weapon in this state…how I long for the days you could wrap bullets around your waste and bounce a colt six shooter on your hip!)

  • Sadly I agree with the first paragraph as I consider myself born '69 to be some of the last generation of Americans to have a “pair”. Gah, one of my constant comments in real life is that if Hitler came along today we would all be sprechen deutsch.

    As far as the 2nd paragraph. MOVE. From what I understand Arizona is an “open carry” state and it is quite common to see people walking about with pistols on their hips. Not real sure on the hand gun laws here in the south as I don’t do pistols (I prefer Assault Rifles) but I know a handgun permit in Alabama is easy to get and I don’t think CCW permits are all that hard to get either. Seriously I cannot think of one household that I know of here that does not have at least one firearm of some flavor.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I seem to remember that the French basically did to their children in the 1930s what America has done to its children in the 1990s.  Worked out wonderfully for France, eh?  They survived how long before the Nazis rolled into Paris?  Wonder how long America will last before the Canucks roll into Washington?

    Sorry, it’s not political!  It’s WWII and thus related to the game!  Dang it!  hehe

  • hadn’t heard that about the French. Even if they did that generation would probably have been too young for the fall of France in '40. Actually all the German accounts I have read have given pretty high marks to the bravery and individual fighting ability of the French soldiers. The French Army however as whole and especially the leadership was quite a mess.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Bearing in mind everything I know about France 1930s is from Russian history books and I don’t have confirmation off hand in American history books - as far as THOSE can be trusted - this is what I know about French history at that time.

    1)  France having survived World War I, barely, strove to drive out all forms of violence and competition from their lives and their children.  Guns were rounded up and destroyed.  Competitive sports no longer had winners and losers, everyone was a winner who participated.  School fights were severely disciplined and all forms of martial training were eliminated.

    2)  France, having barely survived World War I, and having no imagination what-so-ever, built the Imaginary Line (Magino Line, or however you spell it) thinking if they were attacked, it would be similar to World War I.

    Compare that to what Hitler had the Germans doing in the 1930s. (note, this really covers from 1917 until 1939, so a 22 Year Period, I am just using the 30’s to reference the entire period.)  He had youth groups doing martial training, he had nationalistic pride instilled in children as young as 5 years old, he built up civil and military war machines, etc.

    Just interesting.  I know Germany eventually lost, but could the entire affair have been negated if France had allowed their children testicles and England had Winston as Prime Minister in the 1930s instead of Neville?

  • @Cmdr:

    Just interesting.  I know Germany eventually lost, but could the entire affair have been negated if France had allowed their children testicles and England had Winston as Prime Minister in the 1930s instead of Neville?

    In reference to that posed question you might find this interesting. It is a bit long but still probably worth reading.


  • '19 Moderator

    Arizona is an open carry state as well as a ccw state.

    You can hang a peacemaker on you hip if you’d like in my home town.  Most people would think that a bit odd, but an auto in a paddle holster is pretty common. ;)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    50 Cal Desert Eagle, nickle plated with gold trim, okay to hang on my hip when I go to the Piggly Wiggly for a gallon of milk?

  • '19 Moderator

    First, we don’t have Piggly Wiggly here.

    second private buisnesses can post “fire arms prohibited” signs.  so to the bank, probably not to the circle K sure, unless it is posted otherwise.  Walmart no problem…

    finaly, if you carry a desert eagle, you might as well carry a club.  I carry a Colt Compact .45, Desert Eagle .50 is fun to shoot, but not made for self defence, but I’m sure you already knew that ;)

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Hence the reason I had it plated.  You don’t want to fire a plated weapon, you’ll just damage it.  Though, it is built to knock low flying planes out of the sky. :P

    Anyway, I have an M1911A if I want self defense.  That or my darrenger would be okay too (built to sting, not kill).

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