My map isn’t heavily distorted to fit too many kind of units. I am favour to add new units if only absolutely needed. But Italy and China have units with similar Mech stats to diversify their options.
here is the new file.
forget the last file.
This is much improved.
to lzy cannot look also convoy’s how do they work exactly like do u need to buy stuff for it and put it there?
you need to protect them. each convoy zone can sap up to 3 IPC from the player that owns it. So your fleet will need to be in squadrons around the map and not sitting in one sea zone doing nothing the entire game.
Well this results into less north pacific stand offs until 1 makes the 1st move (lets hope japan does because japan only has an advantage until usa’s economy shows the stuff and pours down!!!)
Anyways these things may make the japanese split there navy when they have an opposing force against them that may threat convoys or japan territories/ipc’s
The idea was also to get away from big stacks and force squadrons of ships patrolling convoy zones all over the map. I hate the one stack vs. other stack thing. worst thing about aa.
OK here is the batch of files for my house rules. This includes maps, score sheet, new tokens,technology cards, and rules. Soon the phase 3 map will be available and i will add event cards but im not sure on this.
Rule set:
Phase 1 map:
Phase 2 map:
Tech Cards- sheet 1:
Sheet 2:
Sheet 3:
Score sheet:
this is the AA50 map with 1941 setup, so just print and you wont need setup sheets anymore.
If you think i should ghost the icons, i certainly can if they bother your eyes
IL - where’s Okinawa and the Caroline Islands? If you are going to include Midway you should include these too. Also I’d like to see a version without the roundels, they seem to clutter up the map and are redundant as the controling nation is the same color.
As for the Phase 2 map - why not include some kind of text as to the value of a convoy route. You could use a roundel here to denote the origional control possibly in a dashed lined box of some other feature to set it off from the seazone?
-Keep up the good work.
where’s Okinawa and the Caroline Islands?
They would be added to phase 2 map. Phase one is only the actual map.
I like the roundels because when you print it out, the roundel on the map is exactly the same size as your token, so when changes occur you just put your token over it. I think its easier to count income the way its set up.
I intend to add the territory thats attached to the convoy zone underneath, so when it changes hands people will know its time to change ownership of the convoy zone.
I am awaiting input on the sea zones from people, but this will come after more games. I dont want to have too many zones or too little. Also, remember they can only be tapped out for 3 IPC max each.
source file for Phase 1:
Phase 1 map with 1942 set up included in PDF
basic map with some fixes for missing line for sea zone near UK and SZ 6 and 7. most current version for the OOB map.
Due to Axis domination in 1941 and 42 the following new rules apply:
Moscow can place 8 Units, even if it says 6 it can place 8
The Soviet player can move 1 factory each turn once per game
The Soviets get 1 fighter 1 bomber in 1941
they Get 2 fighters 1 bomber in 1942
Starting on turn 2 They get 2 tanks, 2 artillery, 2 Infantry but lose 3 infantry from eastern Russian forces. This represents the Siberian troops.
Infantry in factories in 1941 scenario defend at 3 in the first cycle of combat.
brilliant what about a special thing saying like round 6 that germany gets like 5 free tanks since thats when they really made tanks super good. (while this happens usa or gb gets 1 free fighter and russia gets 2 inf and 2 artillery. 30-28 mmm i like this
The rules already have something like this, but its more toned down. DL the rules and see for yourself
current rules updated
did you forget to update the time stamp in the filename?
the link still says 110908…
Also I’d like to see a version without the roundels, they seem to clutter up the map and are redundant as the controling nation is the same color.
I hope IL has learnt from his AARHE map project, and remembered to use layers this time in his Illustrator source file
in which case he can turn features (like setup icons, income icons, terrain etc) on/turn in 5 seconds
I cant use Layers, but i do group them together and add them to the Icon tray.