Imperious Leader, kindly cite your sources. Also, you are citing 1941 data, which means that the US is severely undervalued at the start of the game, thereby biasing it towards the Axis. My 124 is based on US production in late 1943/early 1944. The US economy was still mobilizing in 1941, and to be more historically accurate, should be increasing steadily in military production throughout the game.
Variant, my data reflects all of the German conquests. The British data does not reflect production in Canada, Australia, or India, especially Canada which was producing a fair number of ASW escorts by 1943. Britain was producing 4-engine heavy bombers when Germany had basicallty stopped producing any bombers, and Britain was adding to its surface fleet, ASW forces, and amphibious forces throught the war. How many surface ships did Germany complete after 1941? How many 4-engine bombers did Germany build after 1941? How large an amphibious force did Germany build after 1941? For part of its production, the UK was dependent upon US steel imports. I fail to see why that is a factor in your complaints. By 1943, the US was building merchant ships faster than the U-boats could have sunk them, even it the U-boats had not been defeated in May of 1943.
Based on the US Strategic Bombing Survey, Pacific Division, analysis of the Japanese wartime economy, the Japanese economy was about one-tenth that of the United States. In Kogun, written by a Japanese Army IGHQ staff oficer, “Just before the commencement of the Pacific War [i.e. December, 1941], Japan had developed a productivie capacity which enabled her to manufacture about 3,500 military aircraft and 1,200 tanks per year.”
Based on what has been said elsewhere, Japanese production is nearly half that of the US.
How much more bias in favor of the Axis do you want?