Once we realized Canada had snow 24/7/365 we basically stopped fighting thinking… “We can only make so many snowmen and Tundra is of no value…”
That makes alot of sense.
Its called CD-Burner and 2 week return policy.
Long Live EB lol ;)
psssttt… EB sucks :-?
naw EB rules :P
heh… overcharging beggers… :o
well yea as far as prices go EB sucks, but the Services and deals, and the Employees there are awsome :)
heh… money laundering pirates…
yea :)
DoD sucks! :P (sorry, just wanted to say that to piss off Ewoks :roll:)
it didnt piss me off at all. and i mean its not like i cae what comes from some Oriental Subhuman :P
DoD is old… does anybody even still play it anymore? hears crickets chirp
i play it quite often once a week i play in a match do For Waffen-SS, :) were in 2nd for STA we could have bin first but we lost the match last Tues :(
You play on Waffen-SS?? I play on their server all the time!
um not that waffen-SS there are 3 waffen-ss clans actully, we dont have a server ne more cus the guy who payed for it quit, but well be getting it soon though :)
we should be getting a server up soon ;) when it gets up ill post de IP here ;)
we should be getting a server up soon ;) when it gets up ill post de IP here ;)
gracias senor.
ne time mate :wink: