Given this is the second request, I will do it very soon. Almost certainly this evening.
What is…
…and why does every page on the forum suddenly seem to hang trying to connect to it??? :-(
Are you running IE6? If so, the stop it!
Soon it will be 2 revisions old and website having to support IE6, IE7, IE8, FF2, FF3, Safari, Opera, is just too much. The worse thing is that IE6 works significantly different than all the other browsers. is s site to encourage people to upgrade their browsers.
Yea that thing bogs down the whole site. The site should DL first and save the whatever, should be something that kicks in latter if needed.
I use Mozilla since day one, but i get penalyzed for having it just like the guy who has IE.
I think the choice of whether you get a virus for being stupid should be left for the membership at large to decide.
downloading something to do with "save the whatever… " is a cure worse than the sickness itself IMO
I moved the include for the java script at the end of the template. Did it improve things?
I cannot tell because it loads very fast for me.
It seems to be doing much better. Thanks! (FWIW, I’m on Firefox 2.somthing. I don’t use the _I_ncredibly Evil browser unless i absolutely have to.)
I guess its better, but will check over the next few weeks.