• 2007 AAR League

    Im not sure how the road bonus works. do you have to spend all the movement on road?, or does it just mean you get +1 if you start on the road? or you get +1 when you start on the road and that has to be used on the road.

    What exactly do the fuel depot, Ammo depot, and headquarter do? I can see the abilities, but not what they do.

    Also, does a commander mounted on a transport have its abilities effects? like pinpointer, intimidiation, improved accuracy? Seems like they shouldnt, but who knows.

  • 2007 AAR League

    my thought on the commanders is that it shouldnt work, because you cant target the commander directly.

    If you can see the commander enough to shoot at them, then how could they possibly be intimidating? or pointing troops out or assisting nearby soldiers in any way?  But curious what everyone thinks

  • I agree with you about the comaner abilities when mounted on a tank.

    Fuel Depot, Ammo Depot and HQ have some nice special abilities but they also have some attack value.  They should be in AH database.

  • 2007 AAR League


    ok, let me rephrase the question

    what do the special abilities
    plentiful ammo
    extra fuel
    organization do?

  • @mateooo:

    Im not sure how the road bonus works. do you have to spend all the movement on road?, or does it just mean you get +1 if you start on the road? or you get +1 when you start on the road and that has to be used on the road.

    What exactly do the fuel depot, Ammo depot, and headquarter do? I can see the abilities, but not what they do.

    Also, does a commander mounted on a transport have its abilities effects? like pinpointer, intimidiation, improved accuracy? Seems like they shouldnt, but who knows.

    1.  Road Bonus grants that the first hex moved ALONG a road by a vehicle is free.  You don’t have to start on a road for the Road Bonus (unlike High-Gear).

    2.  I actually don’t know their wording off the top of my head…perhaps look in Hordlings?

    3.  Absolutely, the abilities work while you are in a Jeep or other transport.  Think of a Capt pulling up in a Jeep and barking orders, etc.  Jut like the movies ;)

  • 2007 AAR League

    and if someone could tell me what fuel depot, ammo dump and headquarters do, that would be great. I couldnt find the description on Hill 107 OR hordelings.

    a link would be fine. THANKS!

  • 2007 AAR League


    Absolutely, the abilities work while you are in a Jeep or other transport.  Think of a Capt pulling up in a Jeep and barking orders, etc.  Jut like the movies ;)

    Sure I can imaging a General barking orders from the back of a jeep, standing up and pointing out targets for the rest of the troops… just like Patton.

    I can also imagine a sniper shooting that dude in the head, and him flipping backwards out of the jeep, dead. You cant have it both ways. If a unit can’t be targetted while in a vehicle (cowering inside a tank?, on the back of a jeep?), then how can it be using its abilities like pointing out targets or shaking his fist in an intimidating manner? Im allright with allowing a unit to have its ability, as long as it can also get targetted. Im also allright with a unit being nontargettable inside a vehicle, as long as its suitably cowering, and not doing anything else, like enforcing bravery, or improving accuracy.

    Isnt that sort of what happened to that former prime minister from Pakistan? She was all sorts of protected inside her bomb proof car, but when she stood up out of the sunroof to “inspire” her supporters, suddenly she was targettable.


    whats the official ruling?

  • '19 Moderator

    Ammo Dump
    Support Units; 1939; 10 points; Reserves 43/45 (Uncommon); Soldier (Support)
    Speed: 0, Defense: 3/3, Attacks (Soldiers): 5/-/-, Attacks (Vehicles): 2/-/-

    Dug In—This unit can’t move and can’t be carried by a unit with the transport ability.
    Plentiful Ammo—After each friendly Soldier or Vehicle attacks, you may reroll any 1s from its attack dice roll. (You may only reroll an attack die once with this ability.)
    Flammable—Whenever this unit is attacked, roll a die. On a 5 or higher, destroy it immediately.

    Fuel Depot
    Support Units; 1939; 6 points; Reserves 44/45 (Uncommon); Soldier (Support)
    Speed: 0, Defense: 3/3, Attacks (Soldiers): 5/-/-, Attacks (Vehicles): 2/-/-

    Dug In—This unit can’t move and can’t be carried by a unit with the transport ability.
    Extra Fuel—Friendly Vehicles with a base speed of 3 or higher get +1 speed. (Multiple abilities of the same name aren’t cumulative.)
    Flammable—Whenever this unit is attacked, roll a die. On a 5 or higher, destroy it immediately.

    Support Units; 1939; 7 points; Reserves 45/45 (Uncommon); Soldier (Support)
    Speed: 0, Defense: 3/3, Attacks (Soldiers): 6/-/-, Attacks (Vehicles): 2/-/-

    Dug In—This unit can’t move and can’t be carried by a unit with the transport ability.
    Organization—Once per turn, after both players roll initiative dice during the initiative phase, you may reroll both of your initiative dice.

  • @mateooo:

    and if someone could tell me what fuel depot, ammo dump and headquarters do, that would be great. I couldnt find the description on Hill 107 OR hordelings.

    a link would be fine. THANKS!

    Go here, and then click on the Headquraters or whichever.  It has the stats you need:


  • @mateooo:


    Absolutely, the abilities work while you are in a Jeep or other transport.  Think of a Capt pulling up in a Jeep and barking orders, etc.  Jut like the movies ;)

    Sure I can imaging a General barking orders from the back of a jeep, standing up and pointing out targets for the rest of the troops… just like Patton.

    I can also imagine a sniper shooting that dude in the head, and him flipping backwards out of the jeep, dead. You cant have it both ways. If a unit can’t be targetted while in a vehicle (cowering inside a tank?, on the back of a jeep?), then how can it be using its abilities like pointing out targets or shaking his fist in an intimidating manner? Im allright with allowing a unit to have its ability, as long as it can also get targetted. Im also allright with a unit being nontargettable inside a vehicle, as long as its suitably cowering, and not doing anything else, like enforcing bravery, or improving accuracy.

    Isnt that sort of what happened to that former prime minister from Pakistan? She was all sorts of protected inside her bomb proof car, but when she stood up out of the sunroof to “inspire” her supporters, suddenly she was targettable.


    whats the official ruling?

    It’s just a game.  Don’t try to take it too literally!

    By the rules, the effect works whether the Commander is in or not in a Jeep, etc.

  • '19 Moderator



    Absolutely, the abilities work while you are in a Jeep or other transport.  Think of a Capt pulling up in a Jeep and barking orders, etc.  Jut like the movies ;)

    Sure I can imaging a General barking orders from the back of a jeep, standing up and pointing out targets for the rest of the troops… just like Patton.

    I can also imagine a sniper shooting that dude in the head, and him flipping backwards out of the jeep, dead. You cant have it both ways. If a unit can’t be targetted while in a vehicle (cowering inside a tank?, on the back of a jeep?), then how can it be using its abilities like pointing out targets or shaking his fist in an intimidating manner? Im allright with allowing a unit to have its ability, as long as it can also get targetted. Im also allright with a unit being nontargettable inside a vehicle, as long as its suitably cowering, and not doing anything else, like enforcing bravery, or improving accuracy.

    Isnt that sort of what happened to that former prime minister from Pakistan? She was all sorts of protected inside her bomb proof car, but when she stood up out of the sunroof to “inspire” her supporters, suddenly she was targettable.


    whats the official ruling?

    You do realize the defence rating of a jeep is a 1 and it’s easier to kill a jeep with its rider than it is to kill the rider… right…

  • 2007 AAR League


    You do realize the defence rating of a jeep is a 1 and it’s easier to kill a jeep with its rider than it is to kill the rider… right…

    oh absolutely, but if you put that commander in a king tiger or a crocodile instead of a jeep, it becomes a completely different scenario. I just used the jeep as an example.

    Im also guessing that other issues can come up too

    for example, if one says that special abilities, like improved accuracy, pinpointer, or intimidation work while a UNIT is transported,
    then how about an ability like

    demolition (not that anyone uses obstacles, but if they did…!)
    headshot (the wording says "instead of attacking a vehicle, roll 6 dice instead… is it an attack or an ability? probably an attack but it says “instead of an attack…”)

    indirect or improved indirect fire and spotter (carry around a spotter in a jeep?)

    chatting on the radio (is the soldier considered moving if the transport he is in moves, but he is just carried?)

    Bravery reinforcement (can a unit attack its OWN soldiers from inside a tank?)

    you can make a logical arguement for all these to work in the real world, but it is a straight rule that ALL abilities work while transported, or NO abilities work while being transported? or are there exceptions?  All I see in the rules is that the initiative bonus does work while transported… or awaiting paradrop. I also see that units being transported can’t attack. But I see nothing about abilities.

  • '19 Moderator


    oh absolutely, but if you put that commander in a king tiger or a crocodile instead of a jeep, it becomes a completely different scenario. I just used the jeep as an example.

    That would be unusual, because King Tigers and Crocodiles can’t transport…

    you can make a logical arguement for all these to work in the real world, but it is a straight rule that ALL abilities work while transported, or NO abilities work while being transported? or are there exceptions?  All I see in the rules is that the initiative bonus does work while transported… or awaiting paradrop. I also see that units being transported can’t attack. But I see nothing about abilities.

    The key here is you can’t directly atack a unit that is being transported.  You have to attack the vehicle the unit is in.  In most cases that’s easier than attacking the unit it’s self.

    And the simple answer is yes, abilities work while being transported.

  • I’m trying to figure out if you are questioning how realistic the commander affect working while transported is, or if you are questioning if it is legal in the rules.

    If it is the later, it is most definately legal.

    First off, take the rules literally.  If it say “All adjacent friendly units get X bonus”, then they all adjacent units get X bonus.  Period, end of sentence.

    Only if there is another rule that explicitly limts that first rule does it get negated.

    If the rules (all rules, everywhere, for evey game) didn’t work this way then all rule books would be 1000 pages long trying to cover every possible permutation.  Rules should be taken as literally as possible.

    Secondly, here’s the official answer to your question:



  • 2007 AAR League



    oh absolutely, but if you put that commander in a king tiger or a crocodile instead of a jeep, it becomes a completely different scenario. I just used the jeep as an example.

    That would be unusual, because King Tigers and Crocodiles can’t transport…

    oops, I meant like a KV 1 or Easy Eight

  • 2007 AAR League


    I’m trying to figure out if you are questioning how realistic the commander affect working while transported is, or if you are questioning if it is legal in the rules.

    well, most importantly was what is the “legal” ruling. Im playing games and want to know what to expect. I know its just a game, and not all rules can be absolutely realistic.  I just want to know the correct way to play, and to not be surprised later on by a ruling.

    how bout the other situations? do they work while transported?

    demolition (I would assume yes)

    indirect or improved indirect fire and spotter (carry around a spotter in a jeep?) I would assume yes

    chatting on the radio (is the soldier considered moving if the transport he is in moves, but he is just carried?) I assume he CANT be transported during assault

    Bravery reinforcement (can a unit attack its OWN soldiers from inside a tank?)  I have NO IDEA!

    Headshot (I would assume no)

  • @mateooo:

    how bout the other situations? do they work while transported?

    In the absence of any explicit rule to the contrary (and I know of none and I’m pretty a-nal about these things), the answer to all is Yes.

  • 2007 AAR League

    head shot???

    also thought of a GREAT idea for mapview

    how bout a 1 hex long FLAME!
    you know, FOR FLAMETHROWERS!
    how cool would that be?

    and for the love of god, BARB WIRE! and other such traps.
    I totally want to barbwire everything!

  • '19 Moderator




    oh absolutely, but if you put that commander in a king tiger or a crocodile instead of a jeep, it becomes a completely different scenario. I just used the jeep as an example.

    That would be unusual, because King Tigers and Crocodiles can’t transport…

    oops, I meant like a KV 1 or Easy Eight

    LOL what kind of crazy would put a Cossack Commander… ah… I mean a leader… in a KV1 :evil: :evil: :evil:

  • @mateooo:

    and for the love of god, BARB WIRE! and other such traps.
    I totally want to barbwire everything!

    Yes, I think the obstacles would be a great addition.

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