Yes, and when I first played this I was 13 and could sit on the floor for hours too. I’ve grown and matured. I prefer to sit at the table, pass the tablet around, eat chips and dip and drink beer. :P
When I was a child, I did the things of a child. Now I am an adult and do the things of a child in an adult way. :P
And sorry, but I’ve oft seen people try to add it all up only to forget to add in silly things like West Indies or miss the flag in Madagascar, etc. The flags are there, but they just don’t see it. You can add it up all you want, but if you keep missing a flag in a part of the board you do not look for it, you’ll always be wrong in your total.
Battlemap solves that problem. If you put the flag there, it tracks it for you. Just look at the total at the end of your turn, there’s your cash.
Not only DON’T you do what you are asked NOT to do
“No need to post Jen, we know you love Battlemap”
you are insulting me, calling how I play the game as childish. :x :x :x
So it’s ok to insult people if you put a little smiley with their tongue out?
When I was young and 13 I was impatient and would miss important little details like ALL The control markers on a board. I guess some of us have matured enough to be able to see the whole board when they want to. :-P
Oh yes, and Battlemap can cure cancer too….