Rumors say, it will not be radical chances, like attacking neutrals, terrain, combat systems from BotB/Guad and so on. Its just a bigger map and a new italian player. But I still have a wish-list to Santa, on subjects I want in this game.
Convoy-zones subject to raids by subs or surface warships like in A&A Europe and Pacific.
Each player got 12 IPC-worth of units he can place anywhere before turn 1, and this rule is from A&A Europe.
3)The first time a player is attacked, all his units (inf, tanks, ships, aircrafts) defend on a 1 only, because they are surprised. This rule is from A&A Pacific, and there it apply to the US and Brits units only, because the Cinese are already at war. Now if this game start in 1941, and I guess that UK is already at war, then Germany must attack Russia in turn 1, and all Russian units can only defend on 1 because of surprise, and then Japan later must attack US/UK in J1, and now this units can only defend on 1.
Of course this opens the possibility that if Germany choose not to attack Russia in G1, then Russia may attack Germany and now the German units are surprised and only defend on 1
- National tokens with symbol on both sides so I dont have to do the job myself with gluing together two tokens. The tokens from Guad are a torch in this subject.
5)Larry, please let me attack and conquer neutrals. Now you must attack and occupie Turky if you want to move a fleet through the Bospourus channel.
- Combat order from Guad, all units have combat factors to air/sea/land combat. First attack air units, then attack naval units, then attack land units.
7)Units have different fire-power like in BotB and Guad. Inf roll one die, tanks roll two dice, artillery roll 3 dice, destroyer roll one die, cruiser roll two dice, battleship roll 3 dice, fighter roll one die, bomber roll 4 dice and so on……
Every 1 and 2 are a hit. On 1 the attacker/diceroller choose the casualty, and on 2 the defender choose a casualty
8)Aircrafts move like in Guad. Fighter move 2 and Bombers move 3 spaces during combat move, and fighters move 2 and Bombers move 3 during regroup move.
- HIDDEN SEA MOVE from Guad is a must. All players write down the move on a pad like in AH Diplomacy, or Battle Cry.
10)Supply tokens for attack and building factories. Need trucks to transport on land. A truck/transport ship cargo two units in any combination of land and supply.