World war III if i can say something
wont happen. at least not in the form as the World war is clasified
in this century, IMPO we will have dozens of wars, in which indirectly will be involved major world powers( China, Russian Federation, USA, India…) but they will not fought directly
even if they provide military assistance to one side and clash with other sides soldiers of one superpower it will be a war there, if one side loosses it wont trigger Nuclear war , the other side will silently (or not) have to take the defeat
we had something similar in Vietnam, Etiopian conflicts issues of last century…
and i agree with Jermofoot at least partialy,
Religion is very important, especially when looking at ˝Muslim countries˝ in those countries, ˝Islam, not nationalis˝ becomes key ideology, a way of living and thinking
Islam as a religious movement, and political parties which lean on Islam, will become more and more basics of political and cultural stucture in those countries
and for resources, well the battles are being fought already, so lets say we`re in silent( if it can be said so) time of struggling for world supremacy( domination ) and the creation of a new world moral( religous ), political, social and cultural order( status )
i think its inevitable that there will be a lot domestic turmoil in many countries( not just in poor ones like Kenya, but countries like France too-we had that famous case of ˝Burning cars˝ a few years ago. A lot of domestic turmoils-low salaries, fast global changes, both cultural, economical, climate …
then repression of govenments, bloodspilt…
wars, border disputes, conventional wars, Civilan crisis, unsolved ANTARKTIKA AND ARKTIK issues…
and then finally the clash of civilizations which is from this point inevitable, as i said earlier, it wont be nuclear war, or somethin like that, but series of political, geostrategic, economical ˝games˝ + some conventional wars, and enormous media propaganda on many sides
i personally think that question and issues like Religion, Nationalism, Social Justice, Cultural and Historical identity, Language will be much more important considering ˝the East countries˝ then it will be issues of resources, altough issue of resources will be very important, since without them any country can hardly ˝raise itself˝ to greater level
as from that key ˝world spots˝ will be
Asia Minor-Kurdistani issue
Western Asia-Armenia-Azerbeaijan issue, Armenian genocide, Armenian-Turkish relations, Azerbaijani issue( vast number of Azeri live in Iran )
Middle East-Iran, Izrael, Libanon, Suez Canal-Egypt, Hormuz Strait-between Iran and Saudi Arabian Peninsula( dozens % of world oil exports pass thorugh this strait)
South Asia-India-muslim relations, Pakistan, Balochistan issue-(stretches into 3 countries; Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan)
Central Asia-Afghanistan, Rus.Fed, China, India, USA military bases
Eastern Europe-pro European, pro Russian clash
Southeastern Europe-similar as Eastern European but Kosovo complicates the problem,
along with muslim issue
Southeastern Asia-muslim issue, South Tailand, South Fillippini, Malacca strait issue
Eastern Afica-Etiopian issue-doesnt have free access to sea, Somalia-muslim issue, Bab al Mandeb strait( between Djibouti-Jemen)
please note that the straits are of key geostrategical importance, since them if are controlled, or denied of control can lead foreign relations to Ardent
so, more or less cultural and civilization clash since one ˝Culture˝-and i dont mean purely on USA here-so you dont get me wrong or think i want to ˝sotonize˝ any country… not country, but one culture is implemented as ˝the right one˝ and since other cultures simply cant accept this ˝silent cultural genocide˝ it will lead to inevitable clashes
the major world players
-Russian Federation and ˝pro Russian countries˝
-Lationoamerican countries( if they act together)
-Germany( EU)
-Muslim countries( Arab league )
and about Korean issue
the Koreas will unite, in 5 years, 10 ,15-20. They will unite, thats what i think and believe will be so…
i wrote much, maybe too much of my thoughts, but ok, its an interesting topic for me,
in the end
i ll pray for not having any WWIII of any kind if its possible :-)