I want to like the Kaitens, I really do.
Last night in a FTF session my opponent (as part of a major fleet-to-fleet combat) declared of his subs as Kaitens in an attack. He designated 3 each to hit 2 battleships, then promptly rolled 6-4-4 and 2-5-4.
Kaitens hit on 3.
6 subs wasted, one battleship dinged. If he had saved the subs as normal subs, he would have still scored just one hit with them, which still would have resulted in one battleship dinged, BUT he would have had the subs to use as fodder against my return fire. I’m sure Kaitens can be useful in their place and that was certainly an unlikely roll, but I doubt he’ll select the Kaitens NA any time soon again!
PS - I would not have aimed those Kaitens at Battleships anyway… I would have sent 2 apiece after 2 Aircraft Carriers and my single Destroyer - take out the Destroyer and the rest of the (non-kaiten) subs get a sudden boost in power.