Evening Herr KaLeun. I too have always been surprised that this charge was the last large scale one, but it is how I remember it.
Just to be sure, I did google last British cavalry charge and found and read of the one you mention about an hour ago!
Presidential Election (as a current event- watch the tone or it's gone)
Truth be told…
With a choice of Barrack, Hillary, and John…
I am voting LIBERTARIAN this year, no matter who they put forward as their candidate.
I am DONE voting for the “Evil of two Lessers” Neither Republican nor Democrat gets my vote unless and until they put forward a candidate that is strong national defense (including border security), strong personal liberty, and anti-big government. None of the 3 current options meet ANY of those, let alone all 3.
It will not be until their convention in late May until the Libertarian candidate is announced. Right now Wayne Allyn Root is leading in funds raised and probably has the best name recognition of the potential candidates.
I’da thought Ron Paul would have the libertarian party nomination synched, to be honest.
Anyway, I don’t feel like throwing my vote away on a third party that has no chance at victory. I’d rather dream McCain picks an ultra conservative for his Veep and then has to retire mid term due to age related health problems, hopefully BEFORE he can pass the democrat legislation he’s been trying to get through for 8+ years now.
Otherwise, it looks like my vote’s going to Hillary. If I have to vote for someone who’s going to F-up this country, I may as well put it in the hands of the democrats so our side has a better chance next time (assuming next time we figure out we need a conservative.)
If Barry gets the nomination, all bets are off. I kinda like having the privilege of owning property and sitting where ever I bloody well want too on the bus. I don’t need a racist in the White House telling me different, or plundering my country to give reparations to his buddies.
Truth be told…
With a choice of Barrack, Hillary, and John…
I am voting LIBERTARIAN this year, no matter who they put forward as their candidate.
I am DONE voting for the “Evil of two Lessers” Neither Republican nor Democrat gets my vote unless and until they put forward a candidate that is strong national defense (including border security), strong personal liberty, and anti-big government. None of the 3 current options meet ANY of those, let alone all 3.
You are just like my ol’ man, Switch. So stop it… you’re scaring me.
Stuka would you rather Die standing or Live on your knees? Yes that is an extreme and probably not what we are dealing with, but it is a point of ideals…
Gary Hart was not brought down by attack ads. He was brought down when he DARED the press to follow him to try to find something, and they did… his little tryst on a boat that happened to be called “The Monkey Business”
This song has been stuck in my head since I read this.
Balad of Gary Hart
Who’s that running down the alley
In the dark of Friday night
As he zippers up his trousers
In the inky slinky light
Why, of course, it’s good old Gary
Leaping over someone’s fence
Yes, it’s good old Gary Hart
I wouldn’t keep you in suspense
He likes going out to parties
He likes being a rolling stone
And he ran things for McGovern
So I guess we should have known
He likes warm and willing women
He likes being where they are
He couldn’t sing, he couldn’t dance
But he just had to be a starSo he went into the Politics Game
Yes, he went into the politics game
Warren Beatty told him “looky”
You can get a lot of nookie
If you get into the politics game
When he made it to the Senate
Gary started making hay
Gary started making nearly
Everything that came his way
He liked taking a position
But when all is said and done
Gary’s favorite position
Was the missionary one
Jimmy Dean was Gary’s hero
And he studied him with care
How he stood and how he walked
And even how he wore his hair
But the thing that moved him most
And made him swear he’d never fail
If he made it to the White House
Think of all the chicks he’d nailSo he went into the Politics Game
Yes, he went into the politics game
Warren Beatty told him “looky”
You can get a lot of nookie
If you get into the politics game
Well, he met her at a party
And her name was Donna Rice
She was Gary’s kind of woman
She was pure “Miami Vice”
She thought he was Gary Collins
And could get her on TV
She suggested monkey business
And the rest is history
When they caught him makin’ whooppee
And the campaign had to cease
Gary went into seclusion
He just had to find some peace
He’s been out in Colorado
Since, I can’t remember when
But he must be gettin’ horny
‘Cause he’s runnin’ once againSo he’s running into the Politics Game
Yes, he’s running into the politics game
Warren Beatty told him “looky”
You can get a lot of nookie
If you get into the politics game -
Stuka would you rather Die standing or Live on your knees? Yes that is an extreme and probably not what we are dealing with, but it is a point of ideals…
True… and if it were that cut and dry, my answer would be what everyone else’s would be.
I still would rather vote for Kinky Friedman… Yet, I am pulling for McCain. In other words, I will do what is necessary and adjust.
It’s way easier to adjust to the world than have the world adjust to you. Having said that though makes me want to do the opposite. And I will do the opposite in my personal life… as will you and everyone else here on this board.
Basically, we all have our own personal values that we guard so selfishly and with our constant bickerings and worldly ambitions, those values lose their potency. Sorry if that’s vague… but I don’t know how else to explain it, GG. -
Something interesting I heard this morning on the Don and Roma show on WLS AM *890 (A CBS station)
Senator John McCain was asked to be Senator John F. Kerry’s Vice Presidential Candidate in 2004. What was REALLY surprising, is that he considered it as a serious offer. That would mean he felt so strongly against Conservatives and Republicans that he was willing to consider switching parties to the Democrats and joining the Liberals.
Now I hear a lot of complaining about Republicans jumping ship to vote for Hillary (because honestly, I think she’s a better candidate then McCain) after the Democrats did the same dang thing to GIVE US MCCAIN! The only difference is, some of us are legitimately voting for Clinton, but many of the people who gave us McCain did so to sabotage republicans.
Senator John McCain was asked to be Senator John F. Kerry’s Vice Presidential Candidate in 2004. What was REALLY surprising, is that he considered it as a serious offer.
Actually, that is not true. Yes, McCain was offered the VP spot and yes, it WAS a serious offer. But no, he never openly stated he was going to accept. In fact, the only thing at the time he did say was, “Senator Kerry and I are friends but I have no intention of being his running mate. I wish to be the President, not the Vice President.” It was all over the news during the 2004 elections. Nowhere did he say he was going to consider running with Kerry.
Now to the second part of your statement:
That would mean he felt so strongly against Conservatives and Republicans that he was willing to consider switching parties to the Democrats and joining the Liberals.
Let’s say he would have accepted the offer. Are you saying why he (or anybody) would do so? To screw over the party he is affiliated with? If you do, it reflects how narrow minded a conservative like yourself can be. If he would’ve accepted the offer, it may have closed the gap between left and right (if only a little)…. but no faith, huh? If a Republican would ask a Democrat to join him as a V.P. to form a bipartisan role in the executive branch, I would find that to be reaching across to one party… not sabotaging another.
It’s sad to see how determinental some can be about a group or a belief. I myself am guilty of it. Yet, by reading many views of others, I am nowhere near alone.
Senator John McCain was asked to be Senator John F. Kerry’s Vice Presidential Candidate in 2004. What was REALLY surprising, is that he considered it as a serious offer.
Actually, that is not true. Yes, McCain was offered the VP spot and yes, it WAS a serious offer. But no, he never openly stated he was going to accept. In fact, the only thing at the time he did say was, “Senator Kerry and I are friends but I have no intention of being his running mate. I wish to be the President, not the Vice President.” It was all over the news during the 2004 elections. Nowhere did he say he was going to consider running with Kerry.
How can you say that is not true, and turn around and say it was true?
I just said that Senator McCain was asked to be Senator Kerry’s vice president. And that he considered it a SERIOUS offer.
You just said that it was actually offered to him and that it WAS a serious offer.
He considered it a serious offer, but he hidn’t seriously consider it. If that makes sense. I remember it at the time too. Kerry had indicated he would offer McCain the VP and he said he wasn’t interested.
Just because it was seriously offered doesn’t mean he considered accepting.
Have some consideration….
Senator John McCain was asked to be Senator John F. Kerry’s Vice Presidential Candidate in 2004. What was REALLY surprising, is that he considered it as a serious offer.
Actually, that is not true. Yes, McCain was offered the VP spot and yes, it WAS a serious offer. But no, he never openly stated he was going to accept. In fact, the only thing at the time he did say was, “Senator Kerry and I are friends but I have no intention of being his running mate. I wish to be the President, not the Vice President.” It was all over the news during the 2004 elections. Nowhere did he say he was going to consider running with Kerry.
How can you say that is not true, and turn around and say it was true?
I just said that Senator McCain was asked to be Senator Kerry’s vice president. And that he considered it a SERIOUS offer.
You just said that it was actually offered to him and that it WAS a serious offer.
:roll: OMG
If you honestly believe he NEVER CONSIDERED it you are a fool. Of course he CONSIDERED it. Hell, if Obama offered me the VP spot I’D CONSIDER IT. Doesn’t mean I’ll take it. But you ALWAYS consider an offer. If you do not, then you cannot accept nor can you decline it.
well, he may of still been pissed at bush’s “john McCain has an illegitimate black baby” campaign style. what others were there, that he was gay, that he cheated on his wife, that his wife was a drug addict, that in prison camp he helped the enemy, that he was turned insane by the pow ordeal, and more.
yeah maybe he would do that as a big personal f you to bush. i’d understand it.
There’s a lot of things Bush has done that has made me pissed enough to spit in his general direction. But your level of interest in the current president is not the same as being liberal enough to get the man running against the Republican to ask you to be his Vice President.
Think about it. It doesn’t matter that he did not take the offer. What matters is the guy is SO liberal that the Democrats want him for their Vice President! (Not just switching sides and being a Democrat Senator, they wanted him to be the deputy leader of their party!)
If you honestly believe he NEVER CONSIDERED it you are a fool. Of course he CONSIDERED it. Hell, if Obama offered me the VP spot I’D CONSIDER IT. Doesn’t mean I’ll take it. But you ALWAYS consider an offer. If you do not, then you cannot accept nor can you decline it.
Oh… okay, so since he was ASKED by Kerry, that makes McCain a sabauteur of the Republican Party?
According to you anybody would consider it… so if Kerry had asked ANY Republican, they are going to consider it… otherwise they are a fool, right Jen??
Here’s a better one… if all it takes to give somebody of another party a black eye is to offer them a VP spot: All Hillary should do is offer Mitt Romney a VP position and automatically he sabotauged his party for considering it… you know, since everyone automatically CONSIDERS IT. :roll:
Hillary cannot, she already offered it to Obama. :P
And from all reports, McCain actually considered taking the offer. Reports have it he thought twice of jumping ship to lead the other party, once when McCain offered him the Veep and once before when he lost to Bush Jr.
Honestly, McCain is obviously not conservative enough to lead the Republicans, if he had been conservative enough to lead them, then the Democrats would never have dreamed of offering him the Veep position. It doesn’t take a genius to know that if your guy buys the farm then the VP moves up, so why would you even RISK having a real conservative as VP if you are standing for big government and socialism, ere I am sorry, I mean liberalism.
So will McCain return the favor and take Lieberman as his VP?
Honestly, McCain is obviously not conservative enough to lead the Republicans, if he had been conservative enough to lead them, then the Democrats would never have dreamed of offering him the Veep position. It doesn’t take a genius to know that if your guy buys the farm then the VP moves up, so why would you even RISK having a real conservative as VP if you are standing for big government and socialism, ere I am sorry, I mean liberalism.
If that’s the way you feel about it, then you have noone to blame but your own party for voting him as the Republican nominee. You scream bloody murder about McCain, yet according to the primary results the Reps want him as their front runner. Done deal. So quit crying about it. Your party has spoken.
It also shows that your neo-con-nazi beliefs are highly unpopular. You can’t even get past the primaries!
socialism, ere I am sorry, I mean liberalism.
:-D Right-wing party lost last March, 9th elections in Spain for saying things like that. Funny.