2 per SZ mountainous landing
I have no better rule yet.
But what do you think my suggestion to change the 2 per SZ limit from “ALL you can use” to “all you can use in the FIRST cycle”?
++++++So you land 2 infantry during the first cycle out of 14 land units and you lose 2 infantry… whats the difference? 12 new land units attack in the second round and clean up. The only time you should be able to land more than 2 is when you actually control the territory. I could think that 2 units per cycle for every cycle would be good…
North Africa
So what is it going to be now?
You can go through Sahara Desert but pay money?
And I don’t fully understand the dotted line yet.
++++++ No only by use the the NA can you move thru, but if you do you still pay desert upkeep cost. otherwise you cannot move into. I suspect a rule allowing for ONE unit per turn ( not enough resources available to support large armies)
Ok if its based on WWII uniform then lets stick to it.
See if any other forces need revising.
After than, we could see if neutral can use a different colour. Preferrably something distinct from powers just not a bright colour.
+++++ i will look into it.
You are confusing between Hainan and Taiwan.
You’ve recoloured Hainan thats good. But fixing the China/FIC border would make it look not as awkward.
Drawning Taiwan is just for detailing. Since similar size islands like Hainan, Sri Lanka and Falklands are drawn.
I guess whether Tibet should be moved south depends whether we like Tibet/Novosibirsk crossing.
Tibet IC is also a hack. Maybe China shouldn’t have an IC.
++++The idea is to allow some flexibility in Chinese purchases. Its boring if you can only build infantry
You’ve yet to expand Pacific.
Its all very weird considering we’ll artifically inflatened the Bering Strait.
+++++++ Expand?? how i stretched it 6 inches. more islands would make it like every sea zone has one… too many.
North America
I think its not as bad as OOB. With AARHE dynamics and neutrality attacking US is unlikely but not impossible.
SZ 10 is huge and could be split. Wondering is Western US should still have access to SZ 54.
++++++++Splitting sea zones is much better than splitting up US