• http://home.exetel.com.au/cometo/20071123_AARHE_standard_with_setup.png


    i FIXED THE OTHER LINK, but this still does not work.

  • Siberian army
    Just further details.
    When activated by Japanese attack, are the units are placed in the territory under attack?
    What do you want to call this rule? (You know how we already have “Soivet Siberian army”.)

    Ah yeah France is 15 IPC. I trust FIC is reasonable at 2 IPC.
    I see UK player has +4 IPC. Is this for balance?

    Sorry, fixed now.

  • Siberian army
    Just further details.
    When activated by Japanese attack, are the units are placed in the territory under attack?
    What do you want to call this rule? (You know how we already have “Soviet Siberian army”.)

    === Yes placed immediately as the Soviet player chooses in any Territory in the event of a Japanese attack.
    Call it “Stalins Far Eastern Reserves” or Stalins Siberian Reinforcements is what it was called.

    **  Siberian Army** balance sheet as of October 1941:

    Infantry ……  31 Divs. (540,000 men).

    Cavalry …  10 Divs. ( 75,000 men).

    Tanks …  10 Brigs. ( 1,600 tanks).

    Air Corps … 10 Divs. ( 1,677 planes).

    Army Troops and overhead … 25,000 men.

    Total Man Power… 682,000 men.


    this site has some interesting things.

    Ah yeah France is 15 IPC. I trust FIC is reasonable at 2 IPC.
    I see UK player has +4 IPC. Is this for balance?

    ==== yes exactly, they lose about this much by 1941 so its not a big deal

    Sorry, fixed now.


  • noted

  • ===== all the files together is one large folder of 1) maps 2) rules w/ set ups for 1942/1939, 3) all player aids

    Um…is that one large folder or three large folder?
    What do you think of separating map info from the rules file?

    Map info would then be released with the map.

    Stalin’s Siberian Reinforcements (optional)
    USSR receives Siberian reinforcement once a game triggered by one of two conditions. On the first time Japan attacks an original USSR territory, a roll is made and the units are placed immediately in Buryatia S.S.R., Soviet Far East, or Yakut S.S.R. The first time Germany or Italy attacks an original USSR territory, a roll is made and the units are placed in Moscow on the second USSR turn following the attack.
    1  4 x inf, 3 x tank, 3 x arty, 1 x fighter
    2  4 x inf, 3 x tank, 2 x arty, 1 x fighter
    3  3 x inf, 2 x tank, 1 x arty, 1 x fighter
    4  3 x inf, 2 x tank, 1 x arty
    5  2 x inf, 1 x tank, 1 x arty
    6  2 x inf, 1 x tank, 1 x arty

  • yea all that is fine. map and rules/player aids could be separate.

    Lets get a file for the rules with setups done soon.

    also, the setups have now different info from the recent map changes.

    Income totals are off slightly and new territories were created. check them for inconsistencies

    can you fix them or i need to do this?

  • OK its now separate.
    Rules file will now only mention existence of scenarios.
    I am building a quick-start or mini-AARHE now. The next upload of the rules file won’t have the map info.

    You can do the editing.
    I prefer you handle all of 1939 scenario.


    And heres the Italy map one.

    http://home.exetel.com.au/20071129_AARHE_1942 Italy.doc

  • Both of those link don’t work. Can you stick with mediafire?

  • Oh sorry. I should have tested the links first.

    Anyway I tested these…

    _Appendix: Scenario Maps

    AARHE Standard Map

    This is the standard map of AARHE. It is the same as the original revised map except for a small of border changes. The most notable being Baltic Sea (sea zone 5) is no longer adjacent to Western Europe. Income and unit setup remains the same as original map. Setup icons and AARHE information such as Victory Cities and terrain has been added for your convenience.

    AARHE 1939 Map

    Game starts in 1939 with France, Italy, and China as separate players. Game opening is an Axis turn. The map contains a large number of changes from the original map adding important sites such as Malta, Tunsia, and Iwo Jima. Territories are also a bit more divided.

    AARHE 1942 Italy Map

    This map allows for the entry of Italy into the game. It performs its turn functions independently along with the German player. This map contains a small number of changes from original map adding Italy as a third Axis player. A small number of territories are created to facilitate more historical realism._

  • _Quick Start:

    This short guide allows you to play a game with a few of the most important ideas to get a taste of AARHE. Otherwise you are encouraged to use the actual rules starting on the next page.

    Round Sequence
    Game starts with a USSR turn. Thereafter all Axis players go together followed by all Allies players. Players do turn phases at their own speed but Conduct Combat must be done together.

    Turn Sequence“Collect Income” phase is at the end of the turn. Collect your starting level of income during game setup.

    “Collect Income” phase
    Economic damage is applied to income during your next collect income phase. Damage is limited to territory value per game round.

    “Purchase Units and Developments” phase
    Infantry is built at victories cities. You may build infantry at Capital victory cities for 3 IPC each and at non-Capital victory cities for 4 IPC each.

    “Combat Move” phase
    Air units may use up to 50% of movement points to reach combat zone and up to 50% to retreat in non-combat. Naval units may remain in, but not move into, hostile sea zones without entering combat. UK and US player may not move units into or over original USSR territories.

    “Conduct Combat” phase
    Land units’ hits cannot be allocated on air units. Submarine hits cannot be allocated on submarine or air units. Anti-aircraft fires selectively in of all cycles of combat but rolls one die only. Attacker and defender may retreat at end of combat cycle regardless of the other side’s retreat decision. Attacker declares before defender. Defender may only retreat to adjacent friendly territory or sea zone. You must retreat if you only have air units remaining at the end of combat cycle.

    “Non-combat Move” phase
    Air units that didn’t move in combat move may use up to 50% of movement points to reach a friendly territory or sea zone and then up to 50% to reach the destination. These units gains +2 movement points. Bomber may transport 1 infantry, without the +2 movement points.

    “Mobilize New Units” phase
    Battleship and aircraft carrier are deployed on next turn after purchase._

  • Quick Start:
    This short guide allows you to play a game with a few of the most important ideas to get a taste of AARHE. Otherwise you are encouraged to use the actual rules starting on the next page.

    Round Sequence
    Game starts with a USSR turn. Thereafter all Axis players go together followed by all Allies players. Players do turn phases at their own speed but Conduct Combat must be done together.

    Turn Sequence“Collect Income” phase is at the end of the turn. Collect your starting level of income during game setup.

    “Collect Income” phase
    Economic damage is applied to income during your next collect income phase. Damage is limited to territory value per game round.

    “Purchase Units and Developments” phase
    Infantry are built in victories cities. You may build infantry at Capital victory cities for 3 IPC each and at non-Capital victory cities for 4 IPC each.

    ==== what about the 2 IPC infantry?

    “Combat Move” phase
    Air units may use up to 50% of movement points to reach combat zone and up to 50% to retreat in non-combat. Naval units may remain in, but not move into, hostile sea zones without entering combat. UK and US player may not move units into or over original USSR territories.

    “Conduct Combat” phase
    Land units’ hits cannot be allocated on air units. Submarine hits cannot be allocated on submarine or air units. Anti-aircraft fires selectively in of all cycles of combat but rolls one die only. Attacker and defender may retreat at end of combat cycle regardless of the other side’s retreat decision. Attacker declares before defender. Defender may only retreat to adjacent friendly territory or sea zone. You must retreat if you only have air units remaining at the end of combat cycle.

    “Non-combat Move” phase
    Air units that didn’t move in combat move may use up to 50% of movement points to reach a friendly territory or sea zone and then up to 50% to reach the destination. These units gain 2 additional movement points. Bomber may transport 1 infantry, without the extra movement points.

    “Mobilize New Units” phase
    Battleship and aircraft carrier are deployed on next turn after purchase.

    i think the bold changes fair better. This quickstart is too “quick” it needs to be like 3-5 pages and explain combat better and ID rolls, and such… too many thing are left out IMO> and it wont help anybody play it correctly.

  • This is a just a 1 page guide for people play a game with only some of the ideas.
    Issues like infantry is simplified to 3 and 4 IPC. Hence I tried to note that this is not the actual rules.

    I guess that means it shouldn’t be called a “quick start”.
    Duno if its possible to do a quick start. I am guessing it’ll end up so long that you might as well read the rules. The core part is down to just pages 4 to 18.

    We have a few options we could try.
    I’ll try this next: compress the rules into outline mode and without tables.

  • yes use outline mode and index each section where applicable by reference to page number in the larger rules so they can get the full explanation.

    Each outline will have the page number in ( xxx) after the basic explanation. and a suspect you can use Art, INF, BB, CA…etc instead of the full word. this is after all abbreviated.

  • also since this is for the long form use Infantry, Artillery… it look better than arty and INf

    1  4 x inf, 3 x tank, 3 x arty, 1 x fighter
    2  4 x inf, 3 x tank, 2 x arty, 1 x fighter
    3  3 x inf, 2 x tank, 1 x arty, 1 x fighter
    4  3 x inf, 2 x tank, 1 x arty
    5  2 x inf, 1 x tank, 1 x arty
    6  2 x inf, 1 x tank, 1 x arty

    also, the watermark is slightly off. its cut too low on the top and its too faded. the opacity it had last time was really good. ( now its too ghost)

  • I can’t find an opacity setting for watermark in MSWORD.

    Compared to pdf versions you posted, the watermark is very light.
    Compared to doc versions you posted, its the same.

    The image looks much darker. (You can extract the image it by saving to htm format.)

    The scale is 65% at the moment. I can increase it to 68% before it cuts off. But then it doesn’t matter if it cuts off, it just gives you full screen borderless feel right?

  • the options give you a choice which is to keep the opacity at 100% (no change from original) … I think i know what happened…. its a process of making a ghost from a ghost already… thats why its lighter. I will post the original file if i can find it.

  • i printed out both my file and yours. they are the same, except the top of your file has this unsightly line on top…so its actually perfect, except for this line…its very slight however.

    also the 1942 rules scenario is really short. perhaps theirs something left out? perhaps we need to redo the set ups so they are similar to the 1939 scenario and add them?

  • Hello all!

    I have downloaded the maps for this…but none of them seem to show the IPC values of the territories. The VP locations are there, but no IPC.

    Does anyone have a list of the values?

    Thanks in advance,


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