I can change the original 47 pages, but the 10 or so pages of setups will have 1.3 on it.
You have to upload those PDFs cos I don’t know what you mean.
I think they are some sort of player aids?
====Thats what i mean… they have 1.3. Find the file or a way where you can take off the 1.3. Otherwise forget it.
no its better to change the map, because then I have to make one list for maps 1-2 and another for 3. I try not to take our improvements and leave them to rot when it comes to maps 1-2. I plan on improving those 2 maps soon…
ah yeah I guess honolulu and tobruk can be added to map1/OOB
map2/italy would be nice if work was done on it, it was all a bit of a joke to just lump 10 IPC onto Germany territory to have a 6th player
===yes yes
======= On the way to the target territory they are not subject to issues. They are flying much higher and flak cannot reach them. When they come into battle they drop their altitude to conduct attacks. This allows flak battery to engage and DAS intercepts, Also on round 2 ( if this is land combat) DAS from other territories can assist.
Yeah so we should remove the "Defensive Air Support (DAS) against overflown enemy air units " bit.
Overflown enemy air units are always unharmed.
============= ok well do
“Phase 3: combat move” section should only talk about standard map.
Special rules for Italy and 1939 map is displayed in the map section.
======== not sure what you mean. cut/copy/paste exactly what you mean
Lend-lease rules for for italy map shall be in Italy map section.
Lend-lease rules for 1939 map shall be in 1939 map section.
+++++++++ well i guess this can be done.
Now, lend-lease rules for OOB map is in main section. But if its changed from OOB/LHTR there doesn’t even need to be a lend-lease heading in the main rules.
Are we using OOB lend-lease rules? Like US can teleport IPC to Russia?
++++ yes basically its too much to account for all sorts of interception… thats why we have the ENR attacks and -1 ipc for all enemy ships in adjacent sea zones thing.
Now you can’t build VC but you can build IC.
Germany would have to build IC in Western Europe just to shoot all 3 of London,Moscow,Stralingrad.
Which is a bit funny. Having to expose itself to more rocket fire in attempt to perform more rocket fire on others.
Just subtle things.
========= how should it read???
Well in the past people buy AA gun and move it in position to fire rockets at enemy IC.
I would make the ID piece purchaseble again at 3 IPC.
+++++++Ok just write the rules so its easy.
write what and where it goes.
======== this is interesting ( Atlantic wall)…i would like to see something to resemble fortifications using the blockhouse unit from d-day… the ID only effects air space, while the Atlantic wall was to prevent invasion by land. So you see i naturally don’t see ID and fortifications as LINKED, but something should be done to be able to construct fortified positions…
Actually we renamed “anti-aircraft” to “infrastructure defence” for this reason. It is not supposed to be just an AA gun. I think you’ve just forgotten.
ID gets to fire at enemy ships in amphibious assault.
Otherwise we have yet to give it effect on land combat.
+++++++++ ok fine we will add it.
========== in both cases the naval battle still lasts 1-2 days at most. Ships from Japan have no time to sail to say the Marshall islands and fight…however planes can still fly over (under DAS) … this is reasonable.
Ok so you pick no.1 . Naval reinforcements do not fight this round.
So if nothing else wrong move reinforcements to my sugguested new location.
land reinforcement to “phase 3: combat move”
naval reinforcement to “phase 5: non-combat move”
+++++please script the naval reinforcements for NCM
WE will make a quickstart: AARHE for Dummies no more than 4-5 pages. Everything is in outline mode and people can refer to the long rules for reference.
I think it’ll be probably be shorter than that. Just a few outlines. Basically a bullet list of heading names in each game phase towards the front of the rules.
===========please get started on this